El Preterite Flashcards
I practiced the speech for one hour
Practiqué el discurso por una hora
I arrived at two o’clock for the appointment
Llegué a las dos por la cita (o hora)
I organized this party
Organicé esta fiesta
I began to run
Empecé a correr
I played the guitar for two hours at the reception
Toqué la guitarra por dos horas en la recepción
I played golf with a professional
Jugué al Golf con el jugador profesional
I took 20 photos of the sea
Saqué veinte fotos del mar
I authorized the purchase a week ago
Autoricé la compra hace una semana
I swallowed the medicine without thinking
Tragué la medicina sin pensar
I paid the gas bill
Pagué la cuenta del gas
I prayed for a giant eraser to get rid lof everything
Recé por un borrador gigante para deshacerse de todo
After that, I did my homework
Después de eso, hice mis deberes
We walked
I was
He had
El tuvo
I came, I saw, I conquered
Yo vine, vi, conquisté
They (f. esp.) wanted to come with us
Ellas quisisteis venir con nosotros
I couldn’t sleep last night
No pude dormir anoche
I did nothing yesterday
No hice nada ayer
I walked to the beach this morning
Anduve a la playa esta mañana
Last weekend, somebody came to my house
El fin de semana pasado, alguien vino a mi casa
I used to study a lot
Estudiaba mucho
I was cooking dinner
Yo cocinaba la cena
He was walking and I was running
El andaba y yo corría
Nobody was listening while the politician was speaking
Nadie escuchaba mientras el político hablaba
They were listening to the radio while they were studying
Ellos escuchaban a la radio mientras estudiaban
We were trying to sleep, but the baby was crying
Intentábamos dormir, pero el bebé lloraba
The children were playing in the garden
Los niños jugaban en la jardín
We were living in a glass house
Vivíamos en una casa de cristal
You all were selling t shirts on the corner
Vendíais camisetas en la esquina
I was suffering from a cold
Sufría de un resfriado
The frogs were jumping near the lake
Las ranas saltaban cerca del lago
I was taking a shower while they were eating breakfast
Me duchaba mientras ellos desayunaban
We were thinking about you a lot
Pensábamos mucho en ti
While she was explaining her theory, everybody was leaving
Mientras ella explicaba su teoría, todos se iban
They used to write notes to their friends en class
Ellos escribían notas a sus amigos en clase
We used to live there
Vivíamos allí
Where did you all [formal] used to live?
¿Donde vivían ustedes?
He used to swim in our pool
El nadaba en nuestra piscina
Mark used to be president of our club
Mark era presidente de nuestro club
I used to go to Italy every summer
Yo iba a Italia cada verano
We used to invite the whole neighborhood to our parties
Invitábamos a todo el vecindario a nuestras fiestas
Our house used to be next to the market where there were a lot of people
Nuestra casa estaba al lado del mercado donde había mucha gente
With my friends we used to go to the movies if we had money
Con mis amigos íbamos al cine si teníamos dinero
Now I do not smoke, but before I used to smoke a lot
Ahora no fumo, pero antes fumaba mucho
Pepe used to have an aggressive dog that he would call Rufo
Pepe tenía un perro agresivo que se llamaba Rufo