El perdedor Flashcards
Hay un dicho
There’s a saying
Que no se sabe lo que se tiene
That you do not know what you have
Hasta que se pierde… es verdad.
Until it’s lost … it’s true.
Te vi llorar
I saw you cry
Viviste la monotonía
You lived the monotony
Y te escuchaba hablar
And I heard you talk
Pero era el que te entendía
But he was the one who understood you
Y me robó ese tesoro de duende
And he stole that goblin treasure
Y ahora comprendo el valor
And now I understand the value
Que no se tapan los defectos con pretextos
That defects are not covered with pretexts
Y en cambio siento rencor.
And instead I feel resentment.
Ay ve! y dile que lo odio y lo detesto
Oh, see! and tell him I hate him and I hate him
Por tener lo que fue mío
For having what was mine
Aunque el culpable he sido yo
Although the culprit was me
Que hoy lo considero un enemigo
That today I consider him an enemy
Lamentando mi perdida
Regretting my loss
En la batalla por tu amor
In the battle for your love
Recálcale que no duermo de noche
Remind him that I do not sleep at night
Imaginando que en el sexo
Imagining that in sex
El te devora con pasión.
He devours you with passion.
Me falta madurez para admitirle
I lack the maturity to admit
Que a tu lado fui un chiquillo y su hombría superó,
That at your side I was a boy and his manhood exceeded,
Agrégale que hoy yo me revelo
Add to it that today I reveal myself
Envidioso, egoista, impulsivo sin control
Envious, selfish, impulsive without control
Por creer que yo era el único
For believing that I was the only
Que tu amarías, que estúpido
What would you love, how stupid
Fulano con el premio y yo el perdedor
So-and-so with the prize and I the loser