El Narrador Flashcards
Who is the narrator of the story?
The narrator is Gabriel García Márquez, the author of the book, who invents a fictional character based on himself.
What event does the narrator reconstruct?
The narrator reconstructs the story of the assassination of his friend Cayetano Gentile in 1951.
How does the narrator approach the reconstruction of the story?
He interviews surviving witnesses, describes his own role, scrutinizes the magistrate’s report, and makes deductions about characters’ behavior.
What does the narrator admit about the truth of the events?
He admits that it is impossible to find out the truth about some aspects, such as the weather on the morning of the killing.
What key question does the narrator fail to clarify?
He fails to clarify who was responsible for Angela Vicario losing her virginity.
What is the narrator’s personal view regarding Santiago?
His view tends to favor Santiago’s innocence, suggesting Angela might have been protecting another man.
What does the examining magistrate conclude about Santiago?
The examining magistrate’s view aligns with the narrator’s, suggesting that Santiago was innocent.
What is a key quotation from the narrator?
‘Yo conservaba un recuerdo muy confuso de la fiesta antes de que hubiera decidido rescatarla a pedazos de la memoria ajena.’