Eksamensforberedelse (Mellem Bismarck og Hindenburg) Flashcards
Kunne rigspræsidenten nægte at underskrive en lov?
Nej, ikke hvis loven var blevet vedtaget efter de korrekte procedure, men han havde mulighed for at sende loven til folkeafstemning. (Promulgation of the law: The president was responsible for signing bills into law. The president was constitutionally obliged to sign every law passed in accordance with the correct procedure but could insist that a bill first be submitted to the electorate in a referendum. Such a referendum could, however, only override the decision of the Reichstag if a majority of eligible voters participated.)
På hvilke to måder kunne Reichtag intervenere vis-a-vis rigspræsidenten?
- Sende hans embede til folkeafstemning. Krævede 2/3 og RT ville blive opløst hvis han blev genvalgt
- Kunne slæbe ham til Staatsgerichtshof (men kun hvis han vitterligt havde brudt gældende tysk lov). Krævede også at 2/3 af RT’s medlemmer stemte for.
The Weimar constitution provided that the president could be removed from office prematurely by a referendum initiated by the Reichstag. To require such a referendum the Reichstag had to pass a motion supported by at least two-thirds of votes cast in the chamber. If such a proposal to depose the president was rejected by voters the president would be deemed to have been re-elected and the Reichstag would be automatically dissolved.
The Reichstag also had authority to impeach the president before the Staatsgerichtshof, a court exclusively concerned with disputes between state organs. However it could only do this on a charge of willfully violating German law; furthermore the move had to be supported by a two-thirds majority of votes cast, at a meeting with a quorum of two-thirds of the total number of members.
I hvilke to måneder var der valg til Reichtag i 1932? Og hvorfor opløste Hindenburg Reichtag de to gange?
Juli og november. NSDAP går frem til 37 pct. i juli, men går nogle få procent tilbage i november. Hindenburg opløste Reichtag for at få arbejdsro til at kunne regere på dekretbasis. In June he replaced Brüning as chancellor with Franz von Papen and again dissolved the Reichstag, before it could adopt a vote of no confidence. After reconvening it was again dissolved in September.
Spillede retspositivismen en fremherskende stilling i forbindelse med rigsgrundlæggelsen i 1871?
Afgjort ja. Mere info: Retspositivismen kom frem ved revolutionen i 1848 og fik sit endelige gennembrud med det tyske riges grundlæggelse i 1871. “For this reason it is not deemed necessary to engage in derailed historical research before the failed revolution of 1848-the date of conception for legal positivism and the Allgemeine Staatsl.ehre. Legal positivism marked its ‘hour of birth’ with the founding of the German Empire in 1871”
Vil en forfatning altid have samme betydning uanset hvilket politisk årti man læser den i?
Nej! Husk: forfatningsret er ikke noget statisk begreb. Det er også (altid) udtryk for den herskende magtpolitiske holdning.
o However, it also needs to be appreciated that constitutional law cannot fully be postulated in abstract and general terms, but is also characterized by irs close nexus to national politics: constitutional law is constitutive of, and constituted by, political power. Constitutional law does not operate with concepts that are objective, neutral, or desCflptive, and any meaningful analysis has to embrace the official legal texts (law) as well as the interpretacion of constitutional law (scholarship), which is always controversial, contested, and contingent upon meta-constitutional values
Hvad er hovedpointen i Crosby’s: bog: “The Making of a German Constitution: A Slow Revolution”?
The author argues that the German idea of sovereignty grew out of a dual conception of law not only as the product of socio-political transformation, but also as a means to it.
In the short term, a modern social and political system in Germany was attained through non-violent means and the domestic authority of the Kaiser was severely limited by law. However, the exclusive bourgeois socio-political arrangements that were installed in this era led to considerable discontent in German society, particularly with regard to gender and class tensions. The “slow Bürgerliche Revolution” thus contributed to the traumatic ruptures that mark German history in the first third of the twentieth
Fra konklusion:
This book has sought to argue that the gradual consolidation of law, especially civil law, in Germany during the last quarter of the nineteenth century was the chosen means to a fundamental constitutional transformation, and that by liberal design, this process was both slow and nonviolent. The Constitution of 1871, in fact, was changeable, and it left many matters to be settled through the legislative process, a process that for a while Bismarck himself used adeptly.
Fra konklusion:
Fra review:
“Reconnecting the socio-political history of modern Germany with legal history, Crosby offers an extraordinarily perceptive and methodologically innovative analysis of the covert constitutional transformation that was tantamount to the Kaiserreich’s ‘bourgeois revolution’.” – V.R. Berghahn, Columbia University
“This book combines German constitutional and social history with legal history of the 19th century up to the German codification of civil law (1896/1900). The viewpoints are original and the book includes the socialist criticism of the codification in favour of women. A new and not yet sufficiently discussed perspective.”
Er Kolb enig med Erdmann i at, at Weimarrepublikken ikke blev ødelagt af dets modstandere, men af sig selv?
Nej. Kolb uenig med Karl Dietrich Erdmann “We can hardly agree with K. Erdmann that ’the Weimar democracy was not destroyed by its adversaries, but by itself”. Det VAR modstandere, der per exallance fik republikken til at falde.
Hvorfor har forskere kun givet en forholdsvis lille bevågenhed til forfatning?
Ifølge Kolb: forskere har kun givet lille bevågenhed til forfatningen. Mærkværdigt når man påtænker hvor vigtig forfatningen var for republikkens fald; men man skal bide mærke i, at for de samtidge var republikkens konstruktion ikke noget, de var kontroversielt.
o “This was because when the National Assembly convened in Feburary 1919, the pricnipal constituional decisions had already been taken: for a republic and parliamentary democracy, for a federal as against a centralized system, and for a storng persidential power as against purely parliamentary rule”
Hvilken holdning havde de liberale og socialisterne til forfatningsudkastet (hvad angår en stærk præsidentmagt)?
Ifølge Kolb: det ironiske i at det især var de liberale, der var primus motor bag skabelse af en stærk folkevalgt præsident (hvilket skal ses som udtryk for et dybt mistilidsforhold til ren parlamentarisme. Nok kunne man gå med til parlamentarisme, men der skulle holdes hånd i hanke med den – så at sige.
o Om de liberale […] they were deeply mistrustful of purely parliamentary rule and desired a system based on the separation and lance of powers instead of constitutional monarchy, there was to be a “constitutional democracy.
o Og videre siger han om socialisterne: [The Majority Socialist did not take a determined stand against this fateful mixture of the presidential and the parliamentary system]
Vigtigt at have in mente, at da Nationalforsamlingen udtænkte art. 48, så var oprørsforsøgene fra kommunisterne i frisk i erindring – og derudover var der også regionale seppratistbevægelse
Svagheder i Weimarforfatningen ifølge Kolb. Nævn to punkter?
1) magten havde ikke et entydigt udspring (dualistisk natur)
2) RP’s magtbeføjelser (art 48)
Når man skal diskutere svagheder i WR-forfatningen, så er der to afgørende problemstillinger; 1) den dobbelthed der ligger i demokratiets magt + 2) RP’s magtbeføjelser, og især den ildevaslende art. 48.
o Punkt 1: problematisk at der opstod to veje til magt, der begge havde indflydelse på dannelsen af regeringer – så opstod der et ansvarsløst tomrum for parlamentarikere, der ikke var tvunget til at tage ansvar. Det var muligt at at være polemisk og være ukonstruktiv, fordi man så nemt kunne smide ansvaret fra sig. Så eftersom partierne kunne smide ansvaret fra sig, så var det med til at starte en norm for præsidentielle regeringer.
o Citat af Bracher: “These possible consequences escaped the enthusiasm of the creators of the constitution. They believed they had to fuse together basic elements of several political systems (and traditions) without considering sufficiently the divergent aspect of the constitution, which could lead to weakening or én to conflict, especially between the two powers elected by the people, parliament and the president” [1977]
o Argument:
• etableringen af præsidentielle regeringer var kun mulig fordi partierne, eller deres repræsentanter, ikke længere havde even eller viljen til at danne koallitionsregeringer. Dette gav naturligvis et større manøvrerum for RP til at tage affære og udøve.
o Modargument:
• partierne var fra start svækket, fordi forfatningen placerede RP “supervisor and provider of help in an emergency”
• “When the parliamentary system failed to function, the President stepped forward. ’Thus the flight from responsibility was made easier for the parties. The weak operation of the parliamentary system was simultaneously cause and effect of the Presidents adbundace of power’” (Winkler)
I hvilken grad gjorde rigspræsident Ebert brug af art. 48?
Ebert gjorde brug af art. 48
“Indeed, in the first three years of the Republic, this article was used chiefly to quell unrest and rebellion”. Men så sker der et skifte efter de første tre år, hvorefter art. 48, parafraf 2 også blev brugt til at give konstituonel grundlag for at styre Tyskland gennem den økonomiske krise. Fra 1. januar 1920 → December 1924: 400 dekreter udsendt sammenlignet med 700 formelle love af RT.
o Kolb konkluderer: “Thus, already during Ebert’s presidency, the extensive use of the presidental power to dictate reached a climax” og skønt man ikke kan sætte spørgsmålstegn ved Eberts demokratiske sindelag + hans loyalitet til forfatningen, så viser empirien at: “that some of the decrees already pushed outwars the boundaries of art. 48 and that the clear tendency to use emergency measures anticipated the later development under Brüning”[Kilde: Oberreatuer]
o Kolb sammenfatter forsvaret for Ebert:
• Eberts brug af art. 48 = i udstrakt enighed med RT. RP + RR + parlamentariske flertal
• Kolb: “Under Ebert, art. 48 was used less as a direct means of strengthenig the President’s position than for the accelerated passing of the goverment’s intended legislation[…]” + Ebert nægtede konsekvent at bruge art. 48 til at gennemtrumfe love, som var faldet i RT.
• Kolb sammenfatning qua anden forfatter (Gusy): “The use of the same instrument, which saved the Republic under Ebert, destroyed it under Hindenburg. It depended, therefore, how the emergency authority was used. Precisely because it was suppoes to be so effective and had, therefore, so few limations, it was at the same time easy to abuse. Here, strengths and moral weakness of the Republic lay side by side”
Var der uenighed om indførsel af forholdsvalg? Og var det valgsystem medvirkende til at vælte republikken?
Nej og nej. Se mere info. spørgsmålet om forholdsvalg → ingen knaster
o forholdsvalg blev uden nogen større debat inkorporeret i forfatningen. “The Assembly, without any fundamental debate on electoral methods, incorporated proportional representation in the constitution. This was generally expected and was in no way considered to be ’revolutionary’.
o SPD havde kæmpet for det i årtier – men nu var borgerlige også med på vognen. Derudover: forholdsvalg blev også inkorporeret overalt i andre lande (fx Danmark 1915)
o nTs: vær OBS på den typisk angelsaksiske kritk af forholdsvalg → splinter parties.
o stærk kritik post-1945: fik skylden for Weimar-demokratiets sammenbrud
o én af de stærkeste kritikere (Hermens) skriver, at hvis flertalsvalg havde været gældende, så havde: “the NSDAP would certainly not have been a factor of national importance in 1932 and would probably have long since died of political anaemia”
o “selv” Bracher hoppede (lidt) med på den bandwagon
o Kritikken af forholdsvalg blev mere og mere fåmælt; især efterhånden som det viste sig hvor godt BRD klarede sig med det system.
- p. 165: Kolbs kritik af anti-forholdsvalg-forskerne.
o 1) At omskrive Weimars historie ud fra den forudsætning at man havde haft flertalsvalg er ren og skær fiktion
o 2) Et flertalsvalgs-system kunne ikke have reddet republikken fra de farer, der lå i den eskalerende højreradikale success på stemmefronten. Sandt nok sikrede forholdsvalg-systemet at mange radikale småpartier fik fodtræde for RT – men så havde NSDAP bare kunnet få endnu flere stemmer ved at støvsuge og vinder mandatter i valgkredsene.
• […] … with a different electoral system, the NSDAP and its potential allies would have acheived an absolute majoirty as early as 1932, in which case the death kneel of the Weimar Republic would have souned even earlier.” Kilde: Falter: Hitler’s Wähler
o 3) Overdreven fokus på småpartierne. Langt større problem at de store partier ikke formåede at kunne nå til konsensus og/eller tage de nødvendige kompromisser for at kunne danne koalliationsregeringer. Især den stigende anti-marxisistiske på højrefløjen, ikke bare hos konservative, men også hos nationalliberale og deres afstand til at indgå i samarbejde med SPD var af langt større skæbnesvrangre betydning for WR end småpartierne.
Nævn nogle kontinuiteter fra Reichtag i kejserriget til Reichtag i republikken
- det tyske partisystem kunne fortsætte næsten uændret fra den gamle forfatning. Derfor når det parlamentariske system svigtede, så kunne RP træde til henover partierne. Dermed var det nemmere for partierne at flygte fra ansvaret, når det brændte på.
- Kejstertidens partisystem forblev essentielt uforandret under de revolutionære måneder i 1918 - 19; nok skiftede nogle af partierne navn og det politiske venstre blev splittet i to rivaliserende partier. Men de fire vigtigste partier, nemlig De Konservative, Zentrum, De Liberale og SPD var repræsenteret i 1919 med ca. samme styrke som i RT-valget 1912. Kontinuitet. (
Hvad giver art. 25 rigspræsidenten mulighed for?
Artikel 25: RP har retten til at opløse RT, but kun én gang med samme begrundelse. Ny valg: senest 60 dage efter opløsningen.
Hvilken potentielle magt havde Reichtag over for Reichpresident via art. 43?
- Artikel 43: 7 års periode. Kan genvælges. RP kan afsættes ved en folkeafstemning, som skal foreslås af RT med 2/3 flertal. Hvis det forkastes, så er RP genvalgt for en ny 7 års periode + at RT må tage konsekvensen og blive opløst.
Hvad er den grundlæggelse pointe i Verhey’s “The Spirit of 1914”?
- This book, first published in 2000, is a systematic analysis of German public opinion at the outbreak of the Great War and the first treatment of the myth of the ‘spirit of 1914’, which stated that in August 1914 all Germans felt ‘war enthusiasm’ and that this enthusiasm constituted a critical moment in which German society was transformed. Jeffrey Verhey’s powerful study demonstrates that the myth was historically inaccurate. Although intellectuals and much of the upper class were enthusiastic, the emotions and opinions of most of the population were far more complex and contradictory. The book further examines the development of the myth in newspapers, politics and propaganda, and the propagation and appropriation of this myth after the war. His innovative analysis sheds light on German experience of the Great War and on the role of political myths in modern German political culture.
Nævn den grundlæggelse pointe med The Bismarck myth:?
In particular, it investigates the ways in which that myth was used to undermine parliamentary democracy in Germany after the Great War, paving the way for its replacement by authoritarian rule under an allegedly ‘Bismarckian’ charismatic leader, Adolf Hitler. As one of the most powerful weapons of nationalist agitation against the Weimar Republic, the Bismarck myth was never contested. The nationalists’ ideologically charged interpretation of Bismarck as the father of the German nation-state and model for future political decision-making clashed with rivalling - and thoroughly critical - democratic and communist perceptions of the Iron Chancellor. The quarrel over Bismarck’s legacy demonstrates how the clash of ideologies, particularly between 1918 and 1933, resulted in a highly political fight for the ‘correct’ and universal interpretation of the German past. Essential reading for anyone interested in modern German history, this book sheds new light on the Weimar Republic’s struggle for survival and the reasons for its failure.
Hvad hedder kansleren der efterfulgte Bismarck? Hvor mange år sad han? Og hvilken politik stod han for?
- Leo von Caprivi. 2. 1890-94. 3. Stod for mere liberalistisk handelspolitik hvor han ville fremme eksporten af tyske industrivarer ved at sænke toldmurerne. Dette medførte stor modstand fra Junkers og tyske bønder. + Han stod for et politisk parløb med Zentrum (skræmte også mange konservative væk).
Hvilket label kunne Bismarck bruge til at delegitimere sine politiske modstandere?
Hvornår udgav Fisher “Griff nach der Weltmacht”
Ifølge G. Ritter, hvordan så industrialisterne så deres muligheder for at påvirke den økonomiske politik i Weimarrepublikken fra ca. 1928?
The industrialists now openly challenged the state authority and prepared for a frontal attack on the socio-political compromise of Weimar. ‘Important business circles, especially in heavy industry, from 1928 onwards increasingly took the view that the German economy could not be put on a sound basis unless the influence of the workers’ movement was curbed; they called for an authoritarian revision of the constitution and an acknowledgement of the primacy of economic interests’ (Gerhard A. Ritter).
Var der ifølge G. Ritter en ren og skær kontinuitet i partisystemet fra KR til WR? Eller har han en balanced view?
Balanced view. It is generally accepted today that the structure of the party system hardly suffered any change in the transition from the monarchy to the Republic, so that we can speak of a continuity of the party system. G. A. Ritter, differentiating somewhat, refers to the ‘continuity and re-forming of the German party system in 1918–20’ [549].
Hvor mange NSDAP medlemmer kom der ind i regeringen i januar 1933?
januar 1933: kun to var NSDP-medlemmer. At resten skulle være konservative var garanten for, at det ikke skulle løbe løbsk
Hvad hed Weimar-kol. “para-militære” styrke?
The Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold (English: “Black, Red, Gold Banner of the Reich”) was an organization in Germany during the Weimar Republic, formed by members of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, the German Centre Party, and the (liberal) German Democratic Party in 1924. Its goal was to defend parliamentary democracy against internal subversion and extremism from the left and right, to teach the population to respect the new Republic, to honor its flag and the constitution. Its name is derived from the Flag of Germany adopted in 1919, the colors of which were associated with liberal parliamentary democracy and the republic.
While the Reichsbanner was set up as a multiparty organization, it came to be strongly associated with the Social Democratic Party and viewed as their paramilitary force.
Nævn nogle karakteristikker ved “völkish” som begreb?
The völkisch “movement” was not a unified movement but “a cauldron of beliefs, fears and hopes that found expression in various movements and were often articulated in an emotional tone,” Petteri Pietikäinen observed in tracing völkisch influences on Carl Gustav Jung.[2] The völkisch movement was “arguably the largest group” in the Conservative Revolutionary movement in Germany.[3] However, like “conservative-revolutionary” or “fascist”, völkisch is a complex term (“schillernder Begriff”).[3] In a narrow definition it can be used to designate only groups that consider human beings essentially preformed by blood,[3] i.e. by inherited characteristics.
[…] The völkisch movement had its origins in Romantic nationalism,
[…] The movement combined sentimental patriotic interest in German folklore, local history and a “back-to-the-land” anti-urban populism with many parallels in the writings of William Morris. “In part this ideology was a revolt against modernity,”
[…] Facisme >< NS
Vigtig iøjnefaldende forskel: på det ideologiske område; NS var völkish dvs. radikalt nationalistisk, racistisk og antisemitisk, hvilket ikke var tilfældet med den italienske fascisme, der var mere nationalimperialistisk.
Hvad siger Kershaw om 1. verdenskrig indvirkning på Hitlers karriere?
Ian Kershaw: 1. Verdenskrig der gjorde Hitler muligt. Den skabte ham og forudsætninger for, at han kunne lykkes, p. 39
I hvilket år var der folkeafstemning om fyrsternes ejendomsbesiddelser?
- A referendum to expropriate the property of the former ruling houses was held in Germany on 20 June 1926.[1] Although a majority of those who voted voted in favour, the voter turnout of 39% was too low for the proposal to pass into law.[2]
Hvad siger AB, der opstår i de agrar-konservative miljøer, som man ikke tidligere har set?
AB: Hvad er det, som opstår i det agrar-konservative miljø, som man ikke har set tidligere ?
- Udpræget politisk aktivisme; kommer til udtryk i massemobilisering. (inspiration fra socialistiske miljøer)
Hvor søgte især de arbejdsløse hen rent politisk?
• Arbejdsløse: udgjorde op til 80 % af KPD’s medlemmer. Forsimplet sagt: SPD tog sig af dem, der var i arbejde - KPD opsamlede de arbejdsløse, der ikke havde nogen andre steder at gå hen.
Hvad var Deutsche Flottenverein - og hvornår blev det stiftet?
The Navy League or Fleet Association (German: Deutscher Flottenverein) in Imperial Germany was an interest group formed on April 30, 1898 on initiative of Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz through the German Imperial Naval Office (Reichsmarineamt) which he headed (1897–1916) to support the expansion of the Imperial German Navy (Kaiserliche Marine). Specifically it was intended to develop popular pressure on the German parliament (Reichstag) to approve the Fleet Acts of 1898 and 1900, and the attendant expenses.
Influential circles in the German government, headed by state secretary for foreign affairs Bernhard von Bülow supported the foundation of the league. It aimed to mobilize popular sentiment in favor of a more powerful German navy and to work on behalf of its expansion. The early propaganda of the Navy League contained an array of economic slogans which were aimed at gaining the support of industry and commerce. Soon, the threat of the working class movement was added to the arguments.
Beside the influence on political decisions, the league’s aim was to strengthen the understanding and interest of the German people for the importance and duties of the fleet. It was also to be pursued by the dissemination of the information through the written and spoken word.[3] These efforts aroused a widespread enthusiasm for the navy, reflected by several magazines and adventure books right up to collectible cards and sailor suits for children. In 1898, the Navy League had over 300,000 fee paying members and 770,000 affiliated through other organizations. This became the largest organization of its kind in Germany and incomparably one of the largest of all naval organizations elsewhere. At the eve of World War I it had attracted more than one million members, including individuals as well as numerous corporations and companies like Krupp.
The Navy League was influential in other causes.... By 1912, the Social Democrats had managed to win a third of all votes cast. As in the rest of Europe, Germany's rising working class became more militant, with union-led strike movements and class tension arising. The rise of the Social Democrats led to fears in middle class circles of a breakdown in society, a weakening of government and general anarchy. As a reaction, groups like the Pan-German League and the German Navy League tried to curb the influence of the Social Democrats.