Ekkehard Flashcards
operae pretium phrase
something worthwhile or worth doing; worth the effort
coenobi-um, coenobi-i 2n. conobium, conobii
monastery, convent, house of communal living
coenobita, coenobitae 1m. conobita, conobitae
coenobialis, coenobiale 3 adj. conobialis, conobiale
communal, monastic
nonna, nonnae 1f.
monacha, monachae 1f.
soror religiosa, sororis religiosae
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum 3/4D
to attack, undertake, embark on (+acc. or inf. + acc.) -
to begin
calumniator, calumniatoris 3m.
pettifogger, perveter of law, false accuser/traducer
quomodolibet adv.
aviditas, aviditatis 3f.
eagerness, zeal, greed
potior, potiri, potitus sum 4D
to acquire (+abl.)
interstiti-um, interstiti-i 2n.
interval , space between
prout adv.
to the degree that/as
(prout moris est = as is customary, inasfaras)
praesum, praeesse, praefui irreg.
to preside over, be in charge of (+dat.), be set over
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatum irreg.
to prefer; to set before (i.e., to be in charge of) (+dat.)
indoles, indolis 3f.
(cf. ingeni-um 2n.)
innate quality, nature
in brevi phrase
in processu + temporis/temporum phrase
in the process of time, in due course
opitulor, opitulari, opitulatus sum 1D
(cf. adjuvo 1C)
to aid, assist