Ekkehard Flashcards
operae pretium phrase
something worthwhile or worth doing; worth the effort
coenobi-um, coenobi-i 2n. conobium, conobii
monastery, convent, house of communal living
coenobita, coenobitae 1m. conobita, conobitae
coenobialis, coenobiale 3 adj. conobialis, conobiale
communal, monastic
nonna, nonnae 1f.
monacha, monachae 1f.
soror religiosa, sororis religiosae
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum 3/4D
to attack, undertake, embark on (+acc. or inf. + acc.) -
to begin
calumniator, calumniatoris 3m.
pettifogger, perveter of law, false accuser/traducer
quomodolibet adv.
aviditas, aviditatis 3f.
eagerness, zeal, greed
potior, potiri, potitus sum 4D
to acquire (+abl.)
interstiti-um, interstiti-i 2n.
interval , space between
prout adv.
to the degree that/as
(prout moris est = as is customary, inasfaras)
praesum, praeesse, praefui irreg.
to preside over, be in charge of (+dat.), be set over
praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatum irreg.
to prefer; to set before (i.e., to be in charge of) (+dat.)
indoles, indolis 3f.
(cf. ingeni-um 2n.)
innate quality, nature
in brevi phrase
in processu + temporis/temporum phrase
in the process of time, in due course
opitulor, opitulari, opitulatus sum 1D
(cf. adjuvo 1C)
to aid, assist
praelibo, praelibare, praelibavi, praelibatum 1C
to taste, touch upon (p.p.p. = having been previously touched upon/aforementioned)
avunculus, avunculi 2m.
maternal uncle
patruus, patrui 2m.
paternal uncle
partio, partire, partivi, partitum 4C / partior, partiri, partitus sum 4D
to share, divide
cella, cellae 1f.
monk’s cell, monastery
vicari-us, vicari-i 2m. (taken from the 1/2 adj. vicari-us, vicari-a, vicari-um)
anyone who stands in for someone else, a deputy, but (especially) a sub-prior or deputy abbot (in a monastic context) or a vicar
(the adjective = substitute)
concambi-um, concambi-i 2n.
exchange (often but not always money)
cambi-um, cambi-i 2n.
change (of money), transformable matter, exchange, negotiable document
annona, annonae 1f.
yearly produce; therefore subsistence or means of subsistence, provisions, price of grain; rent; lunch
mansio, mansionis 3f.
any dwelling-place, an estate, a mansion, a house
creber, cebra, cebrum 1/2 adj.
thick-packed, frequent, close, crowded
capellanus, capellani 2m.
abbas, abbatis 3m.
abbatia, abbatiae 1f.
abbey, monastery
murmur, murmuris 3n.
muttering, grumbling, rumbling, humming, mumbling
pellis, pellis 3f. i-stem
skin or hide; garment made of leather
pelliceus, pellicea, pelliceum 1/2 adj.
skin-?, made of skins
laicus, laica, laicum 1/2 adj.
lay, not ordained or consecrated
laicus, laici 2m. (subst. from laicus, a, um)
lay person/ lay man
ex consenu - phrase
by [mutual] agreement
consensus, consensus 4m.
agreement, consent, harmony
quadragesimus, quadragesima, quadragesimum 1/2 adj.
quadragesima, quadragesimae 1f.
Lent (Christian feast)
cilici-um, cilici-i/ cilici-a, cilici-orum 2n.
hair shirt
patro, patrare, patravi, patratum 1C
to execute, perform, commit [esp. of sins]
tero, terere, trivi, tritum 3C
to rub, use up, wear down
arguo, arguere, argui, argutum 3C
to argue, reprove, censure [+gen. of person being censored]
ieiunus, ieiuna, ieiunum 1/2 adj.
(jeiunus, a, um)
of a fasting person
ieiuni-um, ieiuni-i 2n.
(jeiuni-um, ii)
fasting, fast, fast-day
nostras, nostratis 3 adj.
one of ours, one born in our country