EKG tech 7 Flashcards
Wandering Atrial Pacemaker (WAP)
Rhythm: Regular/irregular
Rate: 60-100 or less than 60
Pwave: vary in size, shape, and direction across the rhythm strip, one P wave precedes each QRS complex
PR interval: usually normal but may change across the rhythm
QRS: .10 or less
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT)
it is when Wandering Atrial pacemaker is greater than 100 beats/min
Premature Atrial contraction (PAC)
Rhythm: usually sinus, irregular with PAC
Rate: that of underlying rhythm
P wave: premature, abnormal in size, shape, or direction
PR interval: usually normal duration, not measurable if hidden in T wave
QRS: premature
Nonconducted PAC
Rhythm: usually regular/irregular
Rate: underlying rhythm
P wave: premature and abnormal in size, shape, or direction often found hidden in preceding T wave
PR: not present in nonconducted PAC
QRS: No qrs complex after Pwave that is nonconducted