EKG Strips and Anatomy Flashcards


Anterior septal STEMI (ST elevation most prominent in V1-V4)
*Really tried to make these bigger..ugh..*

AV block, 2nd degree Mobitz I (Longer, longer, longer, drop. Now you have Wenckebach)

Third degree heart block
The left coronary artery usually gives what branches
Anterior interventricular
The right coronary artery typically gives what branches
Posterior interventricular
Right marginal
The inferior region of the heart is usually supplied by
Right coronary
The anteroseptal region of the heart is usually supplied by the
Anterior interventricular
The anterolateral region of the heart is usually supplied by the
The posterior region of the heart is mostly supplied by the
Right coronary
The posterior interventricular septum is supplied by which two branches
1/3 by posterior interventricular
2/3 by anterior interventricular