Ekg Practice Exam Flashcards
What is the heart’s primary pacemaker?
SA Node
What is a more medically correct term for the clotting of an artery?
When the Atria depolarize (or contract), what is shown on the EKG tracing?
P Wave
aVR picks up from the center of the ___ to the ___ ___.
Heart to the Right Arm
An irregular heartbeat that is common among children is called _____ _____.
Sinus Arrhythmia
1 small box on an EKG strip denotes 0.04 seconds of time. How long is this represented in millimeters?
1 mm
Lead I picks up from the ___ ___ to the ___ ___. (Add “to the” in your answer.)
Right Arm to the Left Arm
What is the term used to described the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute?
Cardiac Output
Leads I through III are collectively known as?
Standard Leads
Lead II picks up from the ___ ___ to the ___ ___. (Add “to the” in your answer.)
Right Arm to the Left Leg
Leads V1 through V6 are collectively known as
Precordial Leads
What is the main artery in the arterial system?
aVL picks up from the center of the ___ to the ___ ___.
Heart to the Left Arm
aVR, aVL, and aVF are collectively known as?
Augmented Leads
Lead III picks up from the ___ ___ to the ___ ___. (Add “to the” in your answer.)
Left Arm to the Left Leg
Leg electrodes are only used for?
aVF picks up from the center of the ___ to the ___ ___.
Heart to the Left Leg
What is the main vein in the venous system?
Superior Vena Cava
When the heart is in a Systolic State, what pacemaker releases an electrical impulse?
AV Node
V5, located on the anterior axillary line (AAL), should be placed halfway between which two leads?
V4 and V6
The Mitral Valve is also known as the ___ ___.
Bicuspid Valve
When the Ventricles depolarize (or contract), what is shown on the EKG tracing?
QRS Complex
When clotting reduces oxygen supply to a region of the heart it is known as _____.
When the Atria repolarize (or are at rest), what is shown on the EKG tracing?
PR Segment
True or False?
You should stop a stress test because of a change of heart rhythm.
What is formed by the manubrium and the body of the sternum and helps in electrode placement?
Angle of Louis
V1 is placed in the 4th intercostal space and is located on which side of the sternum?
Which lead should be placed just below the nipple, in the 5th intercostal space on the midclavicular line (MCL)?
What arrhythmia is associated with the skipping of heartbeats on an EKG tracing?
Sinus Arrest
Which side of the sternum would you place V2 if the patient had dextrocardia?
V3 should be placed halfway between which two leads?
V2 and V4
V6 is placed along the same horizontal plane as V4 and on the _____ line
The presence of an inverted or absent P wave indicates what type of arrhythmia?
Junctional Rhythm
1 minute of an EKG strip is equivalent to how many millimeters in length?
1500 mm
What is a more medically correct term for chest pain?
The normal human heart rate is between ___ and ___ bpm.
60 and 100
An Inverted T Wave is an indicator for what type of arrhythmia?
What arrhythmia is associate with having a heart rate of over 100/min?
Sinus Tachycardia
Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide exchange takes place in the _____ of the lungs.
When 4 chambers of the heart are at rest, what is shown on the EKG tracing?
An Elevated ST Segment is an indicator for what type of arrhythmia?
Myocardial Infarction
What does the aV in such leads as aVR, aVL and aVF stand for?
Augmented Voltage
What is the standard number of leads in EKG tracing?
When the heart is in a Diastolic State, what pacemaker releases an electrical impulse?
SA Node
What blood vessels contain a pulse?
A full cycle of Atria in action is shown as what on the EKG tracing?
PR Interval
In cardiology, what does M.I. stand for?
Myocardial Infarction
What chamber of the heart has the thickest myocardium?
Left Ventricle
What arrhythmia is associated with sawtooth waves between QRS complexes?
Atrial Flutter
When an Artificial Atrial Pacemaker is captured on EKG tracing, there is a _____ followed by a QRS complex.
Standard EKG gain/sensitivity is…
10 mm/mv
A patient undergoing an EKG that begins to have a shortness of breath should be moved to what position?
Semi-Fowler’s Position
5 most common reasons for artifact on an EKG; caused by patient
seizure, trembling, fast breathing, dry or wet skin, shivering
What is the function of the Bundle Branches
Provide a pathway for electrical impulses to travel and make your heart beat
Name 3 conditions that require a right sided EKG
Required for inferior wall ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI),
patients less than 8 years old,
and check for Dextrocardia
leads II, III, aVF look at
Inferior wall
leads V1 and V2 look at
septal wall
leads V3 and V4 look at
anterior wall
leads I and aVL look at
leads V5 and V6 look at
apex, lower lateral wall
leads V7, V8, V9 look at
posterior wall
What is asystole?
absence of electrical activity in the heart
A seizure is an example of what type of artifact?
Somatic Tremor
What are the 2 classic signs of myocardial ischemia?
ST segment depression, and T wave inversion
What disease process can be diagnosed by an EKG?
Hardening of arteries
Buildup of fat in the arteries
What kind of test requires patients to keep a journal or diary?
Holter Monitor
What is also used during a stress test, in addition to electrodes?
A treadmill
During stress testing, why are the limb lead electrodes placed on the chest?
so patients can move arms
an ekg tec is preparing a patient for an exercise stress test. where should the tec place the RL electrode?
right lower abdomen
the R-R interval ona patients tracing has five large boxes. whitch of the following is the patients heart rate?
ans ekg tec is edjucatin a patient on when to push the event button while wearing a halter monitor. witch of the following statemens indicates patient understanding?
“i will push the event button if im experiencing dissines”
which of the following is the maximum number of tracing that an EKG tec can obtain on the sam oatient using a single set of disspossable electrodes?
whitch of the following can cause sinus arrythmia?
the patients breathing