EKG Interpretation Practice Flashcards
What are the two top chambers of the heart is called?
The right and left atrium
What are the bottom chambers of the heart called?
The left and right ventricle
What is the electrical conduction system of the heart, in order?
SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Right & Left Bundle Branch, Purkinje Fibers
What are the rules for 5 lead placement?
- White on the right 2. Sky over grass 3. Smoke over fire 4. Poop on the chest!
What are the different elements of a normal heart beat on the EKG?
P wave, QRS complex, T wave
What does the P wave represent?
Atrial depolarization (contraction)
What does the QRS complex represent?
Ventricular depolarization (contraction)
What does the T wave represent?
Repolarization (relaxing muscle)
What are the intervals you should consider when interpreting a rhythm?
P-R, QRS, Q-T, P-P, Q-Q
In normal sinus rhythm, what waves are present and what are their defined limits?
P-R interval (0.12-0.20 seconds), QRS complex (< 0.12), Q-T interval (<.42)
In sinus rhythm, is the Q-Q interval regular or irregular?
Measuring strips: How many seconds does each BIG box represent?
0.2 seconds
Measuring strips: How many seconds does each LITTLE box represent?
0.04 seconds
What is the rule of 300’s?
In a rhythm where the Q-Q is regular, measure how many big boxes are in-between the Q waves. Divide this INTO (not by) 300. ex: 300/4
A patient is in atrial flutter, what is the heart rate if there are 2 big boxes between Q waves?
A patient is in a junctional rhythm, what is the heart rate if there are 3 big boxes between Q waves?
300/3=100 Junctional Tachycardia
What is the heart rate and rhythm? (You can use a calculator, round to the nearest whole number)
300/7 big boxes = 43 Sinus Bradicardia
Using the counting method, what is the heart rate and rhythm?
There are 7 beats in 6 seconds, 60 seconds in a minute. 7x10=70 BPM sinus rhythm
What are the defined limits of the heart rate in sinus rhythm?
60-100 BPM
What are the defined limits of the heart rate in sinus bradycardia?
< 60 BPM
What are the defined limits of the heart rate in sinus tachycardia?
> 100 BPM
In supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), can you see the P waves?
In atrial tachycardia (AT), can you see the P waves?
What does paroxysmal mean?
Sudden onset
Identify this rhythm
In sinus arrhythmia, what does the heart rate increase and decrease with?
Increases with respiratory inhalation and decreases with respiratory expiration
S-T changes indicate a possible ___?
Myocardial Infarct (heart attack)
Define a 1st degree heart block
P-R greater than 0.20, QRS less than 0.12, regular Q-Q
Define a 2nd degree type 1 heart block
Elongating P-R interval followed by missing QRS. QRS < 0.12
Define 2nd degree type 2 heart block
Regular P-R interval, randomly missing QRS. QRS < 0.12
Define 3rd degree (complete) heart block
Irregular P-R intervals, regular P-P intervals, QRS <0.12, Q-Q rate different than P-P rate
Define atrial fibrillation
Many small, fuzzy P waves, irregular Q-Q interval, QRS < 0.12
What is A. Fib. with RVR?
A. Fib. with a HR > 100
Define atrial flutter
Sawtooth P waves, regular Q-Q interval, QRS < 0.12