Ejection Seats 1-57 Flashcards
What is the ejection seat injury
risk definition, and what is the rate of injury rate estimated to?
LOW RISK; 5-10%
True or False. Ejection seat: Injury probability increases with speed.
The seat is capable of providing safe escape from ______ altitude, ______ speed, up to ______ feet at
speeds up to approximately ______ KIAS.
zero; zero; 35,000; 370
During rear seat ejection, only the rear transparency diamond pattern is detonated
When is emergency oxygen activated (ejection)?
when ejection is initiated
After ejection, how is the seat stabilized?
the seat is stabilized and the forward speed is reduced by a drogue parachute,
Should the canopy fracturing system fail, the seats will not eject
False. Should the canopy fracturing system fail, the canopy breaker mounted on the seat will shatter the canopy, allowing the pilot to safely eject through the canopy
For high altitude ejections, an altitude sensing device and a G-limiting device delay seat/pilot separation and parachute deployment until the seat and pilot are between __________ and _________ feet MSL and at a safe parachute deployment speed.
14,000; 16,000
When ejecting over mountainous terrain exceeding how many feet, should the manual override
(MOR) handle should be used to manually separate from the seat and deploy the parachute?
Above 8000 feet MSL
What is the shape of the parachute canopy?
conical shaped canopy
If the seat becomes unlocked from the catapult and slides partially up the rails, or completely out of the cockpit, ejection and/or parachute deployment is not possible
False. It is still possible, but
the ejection handle must be pulled followed by activation of the manual override (MOR) handle
A manual override (MOR) handle is provided to initiate seat/pilot separation if the automatic system fails or if seat/pilot separation is desired above _______ .
14,000 feet MSL
The emergency oxygen system supplies the pilot with oxygen for ________ or until ________
10 minutes; seat/pilot separation
The emergency oxygen cylinder is sufficiently charged for flight if the contents gage pointer is anywhere within the _____ band (_________
black; 1800-2500
The emergency oxygen cylinder will be charged to ____ psi minimum at ____ °F
1800: 70
The emergency oxygen cylinder indicated pressure is affected by temperature changes. To approximate acceptable bottle pressure, add or subtract ____ psi for
each degree the temperature is above or below ____ °F.
3.5; 70
Disconnecting the main oxygen supply hose from the CRU-60/P improves breathing capability by providing pressure relief and
improves anti-suffocation capability by reducing resistance
Once activated, ejection seat emergency oxygen can only be shut off by resetting the green ring (left side of seat)
False. It cannot be shut off and will provide oxygen flow until the cylinder is depleted
Whenever ejection for both seats is activated, a ____–second timer is initiated to allow the shoulder harness reel to retract the harness, and a _____-second timer is simultaneously activated to provide ejection separation
0.17: 0.54
What is the time delay between the rear and front seat ejecting, when ISS is in BOTH?
0.37-second elapsed time
Firing of one seat while the ISS mode selector is set to SOLO prevents the other
seat from firing.
False. It does not
When the selector valve is set to automatic, the SSK is lowered automatically ____ seconds after seat/pilot separation, suspended on the lowering line.
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