Eight Traits Flashcards
- Good written and verbal skills
- Good listener
- Provides input and feedback
- Keeps everyone informed
- Anticipates listening errors of others
- Manages expectations
- Good presenter of agency work
- Accessible and responds to requests
- Never assumes
- Confirms everything
Good Communicator
-Returns phone calls -Punctual -Does homework and comes prepared -Always organized -Stays focused -Attention to detail -Manages timelines and budgets -Always follows through -Good at paperwork -Starts projects early -Clean billings -Runs good meetings -Rehearses -Proofreads -Keeps good records -Writes good reports -Documents everything
Buttoned Up
-Inspires best work in others -Leads team to set goals -Deals well with chaos and surprises -Manages own ego -Constructive dissenter -Delegates and clarifies roles -Accepts responsibility for mistakes -Quick to recognize contributions -Results-driven and process-oriented -Prepares others for meetings -Pitches in on grunt work -Makes client part of team -Focuses team attention on problems -Activist; doesn’t lead from desk -Doesn’t commit until consulting team -Seeks opportunities to train others
Team Player/Team Leader
-Spends time getting to know people -Knows and uses client products -Looks for ways to make client’s job easier -Looks for ways to make client look good -Keeps client informed -Gets involved in client’s circle -Appreciates client problems -Empathetic and responsive -Can keep a secret -Adopts work style that best serves client -Always brings something of value -Pays attention to personal things -Honest and dependable -Treats client’s money like own -Constant contact with client
Good at Building Relationships
-Knows 80% of what all other practitioners know -Studies cutting-edge campaigns -Curious and inquisitive -Studies client’s market, products, and competitors -Investigates new advertising trends, techniques, conepts, and methods -Shares interesting info with associates -Seeks enlightenment from agency specialists -Keeps a file of great work -Studies pop culture
Devoted Student of the Craft
-Analytical -Understands difference between strategy and execution -Strategy flows from objectives -Creative flows from strategy -Big picture view of things -Tightly integrated communications plan -Systems thinker -Can write a strategy statement and creative rationale
Good Strategic Thinker
-Innate sense of curiosity -Able to grasp rough creative concepts and see how they apply -Blends business and the arts -Good creative instincts -Comfortable in right-brain/left-brain -Creative problem solver -Self-starter -High energy -Sees problem as opportunity to push the envelope -Creates in leisure time -Original thinker, visionary, agent of change -Passionate
Creative in Their Own Right
-Strong work ethic -Pleasantly aggressive, positive, and upbeat -Thrives on chaos -Flexible and adaptable -Knows their shortcomings -High expectations -Respectful and diplomatic -Objective, open-minded, and fair -Trustworthy and trusting -Willing to take a risk -Sense of humor -Shows appreciation and is nice -Self-confident but not cocky -Forgiving -Thick-skinned -Likes to have fun
Good Personal Style