Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues Flashcards
Consider a linear transformation Tx = Ax from R^n to R^n. What does it mean for a matrix A to be diagonalizable?
A or T is said to be diagonalizable if the matrix B of T with respect to some basis is diagonalizable. The matrix is diagonalizable if (and only if) A is similar to some diagonal matrix B, meaning there exists an invertible matrix S such that S^-1AS = B is diagonal.
How do you diagonalize a square matrix A?
In order to diagonalize a square matrix A, you must find an invertible matrix S and a diagonal matrix B such that S^-1AS = B
Define an eigenvector and its eigenvalue
A nonzero vector v in R^n is called an eigenvector of A (or T) if Av = (lambda)v for some scalar lambda which is its associated eigenvalue
Define an eigenbasis
A basis v1,…,vn of R^n is called an eigenbasis for A (or T) if the vectors v1,…,vn are eigenvectors of A, meaning that Av1 = (lambda)v1,….Avn = (lambda)vn for some scalars lambda
Prove that A^2v = (lambda)^2v , A^3v = (lambda)^3v ,….. A^mv = (lambda)^mv
Lets consider the base case
A^1(v) = Av = (lambda)v = (lambda)^1(v)
A^(m+1)(v) = A(A^m(v)) = A((lambda)^m(v)) = (lambda)^m(Av) = (lamda)^m(lambda)(v) = (lambda)^(m+1)(v)
Define diagonalization for an invertible n x n matrix A using eigenbases
The matrix A is diagonalizable if (and only if) there exists an eigenbasis for A. If v1,….,vn is an eigenbasis for A, with Av=(lambda)v ….Avn=(lambda)n(vn), then the matrices
S = [v1,v2,….vn] and
B = [lambda1,lambda2,….lambdan] will diagonalize A meaning that S^-1AS = B
Going back to defining diagonalization for a given matrix A using eigenbases, what can you say about the characteristics of the matrices S and B?
If matrices S and B diagonalize A, then the columns of S will form an eigenbasis for A, and the diagonal entries of B will be the associated eigenvalues.
For an eigenbasis v1,….,vn for A, prove AS = SB
AS = A[v1,v2,….vn] = [Av1,Av2,….Avn]
=[v1,v2,…,v_n][lambda1,lambda2,….lambda_n] = SB
What makes lambda an eigenvalue of A?
Lambda is an eigenvalue of A if (and only if)
det(A-lambda(I)) = 0
Given a triangular matrix, what are its eigenvalues?
The eigenvalues are simply the diagonal entries
What is the trace of a square matrix?
The sum of the diagonal entries
Define the characteristic equation of a 2 x 2 matrix A.
det(A-(lambda)(I)) = (lambda)^2-(trA)lambda + detA = 0
Define the characteristic polynomial of any n x n matrix A
Define the algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue
We say that an eigenvalue of a square matrix A has algebraic multiplicity k is lambda is a root of multiplicity k of the characteristic polynomial f(lambda) denoted by almu(lambda)
f(lambda) = (5-lambda)^3 (4-lambda)^2
almu(5) = 3
What can you say about the number of eigenvalues in an n x n matrix A?
An n x n matrix has at most n real eigenvalues, even if they are counted with their algebraic multiplicities. If n is ODD, then an n x n matrix has at least one real eigenvalue
If an n x n matrix A has eigenvalues lambda1, lambda2,….lambda_n, define the relationship between the detA and A’s eigenvalues along with the trace of A and A’s eigenvalues
detA = the product of the eigenvalues
trA = the sum of the eigenvalues
Define an eigenspace
Consider an eigenvalue lambda of an n x n matrix A. Then the kernel of the matrix A-lambda(I) is called the eigenspace associated with lambda, denoted by E_lambda
E_lambda = ker(A-(lambda)(I)) = {v in R^n: Av=lambdav}
State the general steps in finding an eigenspace for a given square matrix A.
- Find the eigenvalues of A
- Determine the ker(A-(lambda)(I)) for each eigenvalue
- These vectors form an eigenbasis for A. Check AS=SB to make sure
Define the geometric multiplicity of a determined eigenvalue.
Consider an eigenvalue lambda of an n x n matrix A. The dimension of eigenspace
E_lambda = ker(A-lambda(I)) is called the geometric multiplicity of eigenvalue lambda, denoted by gemu(lambda)
Also helpful to remember
Sum of gemu = s
Using geometric multiplicities, how do we know matrix A is diagonalizable?
Matrix A is diagonalizable if (and only if) the geometric multiplicities of the eigenvalues add up to n, that is s = n
If an n x n matrix A has n eigenvalues, what can you say about matrix A?
The matrix is diagonalizable. We can construct an eigenbasis by finding an eigenvector for each eigenvalue.
What are 4 important properties of the eigenvalues of similar matrices A and B?
- Matrices A and B have the same characteristic polynomial
- rankA=rankB and nullity A = nullity B
- Matrices A and B have the same eigenvalues, with the same algebraic and geometric multiplicites (however eigenvectors need not be the same)
- Matrices A and B have same det and trace
Prove that if matrix A and B are similar, they have the same characteristic polynomial equation
B=S^-1AS then det(B-lambda(I))=det(S^-1AS-lambda(I))=det(S^-1(A-lambda(I)S)=det(S^-1)det(S)det(A-lambda(I)) = det(A-lambda(I))