EH I Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the periderm’s location relative to the basal layer and; what is it is main characteristic within the integumentary system?
The periderm is the external keratinized layer of the skin, and is the tough outer layer of the skin.
What are the two functions of the VERNIX CASEOSA?
- Protects the Fetus
- Lubricates the fetus for Parturition
: Vernix Caseosa is the white grease substance secreted by the the sebaceous glands.
In patients with albinism, What enzyme do they lack to produce melanin? How is this trait passed?
-Autosomal Recessive Trait
What is the location of the dermal papillae, and what two structures do they contain?
The location of the dermal papillae is the dermis, and they contain blood vessels and nerves.
What five bones derive from the first pharyngeal arch?
Maxillary prominence: Maxilla, Zygomatic bone, and Vomer
Mandibular Prominence: Mandible, Squamous part of temporal bone.
What is the nerve supply for the first pharyngeal arch?
Trigeminal nerve (CN 5) 3rd branch
What eight muscles derive form the first pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of Mastication: Masseter, Temporalis, Lateral and medial Pterygoids.
Suprahyoid muscles: Mylohyoid, anterior belly of the digastric
Tensor Veli Platatini of the soft palate
Tensor tympani
What three bones derive form the second pharyngeal arch?
Lesser horn of the hyoid bone, Stapes of the middle ear, and Styloid process (skull: for chewing)
what three muscle groups derive form the second pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of facial expression, stapeous of the middle ear, posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid.
What is the nerve supply for the second pharyngeal arch?
Facial Nerve (CN 7)
What two structures derive from the third pharyngeal arch?
- The great horn of the hyoid bone
- stylopharyngeus muscle
What is the nerve supply for the third pharyngeal arch?
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN 9)
What structure are formed from the cartilaginous rods of the forth and sixth pharyngeal arch?
All laryngeal cartilages except the epiglottis cartilage.
What three muscles come from the fourth pharyngeal arch?
-Constrictor muscles of the pharynx
-Cricothyroid muscle
-Levator veli palatini
What structures form from the fifth pharyngeal arch?
None, often rudimentary.