Egypt Study Guide Flashcards
Why was King Tut so well known?
The tomb was found not robbed, so there was a lot of things to see about him
What was the purpose of mummification?
The Egyptians believed in the after life and they wanted to preserve the body to live forever.
Why did Egyptians worship the Nile River?
They believed that if they worshipped the river they would get a good harvest.
The Nile River flows in which direction?
The river flows north
List a pyramid of social classes (Top to bottom)
Government Officials
Why did the Egyptians bury bread and beer with the mummies?
So that the person would have something to eat and drink in the afterlife.
What were woman’s rights in ancient Egypt?
Woman typically managed the home and raised the kids. Upper class woman had servants and slaves to help them. Lower class had to do the work themselves. Woman could own land and run businesses, ask for divorces, represent themselves in legal matters, and could be doctors.
Why did the female pharaoh Hatshepsut often dress as a man?
Because she commanded the same respect as a man.
What plants (vegetation) grew along the Nile River?
The board leaf evergreens
How did the desert help the people of Egypt and Kush?
They were hard to cross and would keep out invaders
What was the one physical feature that was so important to all civilizations?
Water, without it they cannot live, grow, or survive
Describe the topography of ancient Egypt.
South- is the Nile river
West- the Libyan desert
East- the Arabian
Egypt is a river valley
How could a boy from a peasant family in ancient Egypt move up in social classes?
If his family saved up enough to send him to a village school to learn a trade
Why did they build pyramids?
The pharaohs demanded they be built as a tomb for themselves for the afterlife
Why were the social classes often shown in the shape of a pyramid?
They symbolize the hierarchy of wealth and power
What was the name of the river that flooded every year that the Egyptians lived near?
The Nile River
3 important facts about Ramses II
A. His mummy is one the best preserved bodies ever found
B. He reigned for more than 60 years
C. At age 10 he became the captain of the Egyptian army
D. Signed the worlds first peace treaty
Who signed the world’s first peace treaty?
The Hittites and Egypt
What did the Pharaoh Khufu do to make sure that everyone listened to him and followed his commands?
He told everyone he was a God
What are hieroglyphics?
The writing of ancient Egypt’s that uses symbols
What did the Mediterranean Sea provide for the Egyptians?
It provided protection from invaders and food. It was also a route for trade.
Why was the Rosetta Stone so important?
It made it possible to read hieroglyphics
How did flooding affect the people of Egypt?
It provided silt for farming. But it could also destroy crops and drown people.
Why did Hatshepsut send 5 ships to the African kingdom of Punt?
They went there to collect exotic animals, plants, precious metals
What did a vizier do?
They help make decisions or they are the advisor to the pharaoh
List 3 facts on Pharaoh Hatshepsut
A. She promoted trade to ancient Egypt
B. She demanded the same respect as male pharaohs
C. She left behind the temple Dayr al-Bahri