Egypt Flashcards

Palette of King Narmer, 3000 B.C., Ancient Egypt

Imhotep, Stepped pyramid of King Djoser, 2600 B.C., Ancient Egypt

Great Pyramids of Gizeh, 2500 B.C., Ancient Egypt: the pyramids took the shape of the ben ben, the emblem of the sun. The sun’s rays were the ramp the egyptian pharaohs used to ascend to the heavens after their death and rebirth.

Great Sphinx, 2500 B.C., Ancient Egypt; the sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh and is associated with the sun god.

King Khafre Enthroned, 2500 B.C., Ancient Egypt: this depicts him as a divione ruler with a perfect body. The rigidity of the pose creates an aura of eternal stillness, approriate for the timeless afterlife.

King Menkaure and his wife, 2400 B.C., Ancient Egypt

Ti watching a Hippo hunt, 2400 B.C., Ancient Egypt

Temple of Amen-Re at Karnak, 1400 B.C., Ancient Egypt

Akhenaton, 1300 B.C., Ancient Egypt

Death mask of King Tut, 1300 B.C., Ancient Egypt: the gold mask that covered Tut. mummy radiates grandeur and richness. it is a sensitive portarit of the adolescent king dressed in his offical regelia, with the headress and false beard.

Coffin of King Tutankhamen, 1300 B.C., Ancient Egypt: his mummy was encased in three nested coffins.