Ego Psychology Flashcards
The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense (Anna Freud, 1936)
Main points:
- turning against the self: Anger or hatred towards others may cause the person to feel guilt. The person deals with this guilt by turning their feelings towards the other person and inwards towards themselves. If the bad is in the outside world, the child has no hope of ever gaining control over it, but if the bad is within the child, then it is safer.
- moved from placing emphasis on id strivings to ego functions.
- Anna Freud viewed pathology as arising from primitive and inflexible, rigid use of defenses.
- Anna Freud basically outlines her position on viewing the ego as important in its own right (shifting the focus away from only the id). Most of the common defense mechanisms are outlined in this book with case examples. A. Freud discusses the importance of interpreting defense mechanisms rather than unconscious id impulses. In addition, Anna also focuses on defense mechanisms in children and adolescents.
The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense (Anna Freud, 1936)
Ego functions include:
- impulse control
- judgment
- affect regulation
- reality testing
- defenses
The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense (Anna Freud, 1936)
How does the ego develop?
- Impact of the environment on the development of the child
- Ego develops out of frustration and delay gratification, this leads to the development of defenses
- Aberrant ego development results in primitive and rigid defenses, harsh superego, and poor ego functioning (pathology)
- Insight is curative however A. Freud’s focus was on the ego and its defenses- interpretations are directed at uncovering ego defenses and superego functioning
- The patient then discovers an observing ego which aligns with the therapist, this allows the opportunity to become an active, changing agent in one’s life, positively transforming maladaptive behavior patterns
The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense (Anna Freud, 1936)
Unconscious conflict of ____ and ____ cause ____ and person defends by ______.
- anger
- hate
- guilt
- turning against the self
The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense (Anna Freud, 1936)
Considering the bad to be:
- internal gives the child a sense of control, (If the bad is within me then I can control it)
- external and in the world means I am helpless against it, feelings of helplessness ensue, so the child turns anger against himself
Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation (Heinz Hartmann, 1939)
Main points:
- Ego included innate capacities for such things as perception, attention, memory, concentration, motor coordination, and language.
- Under normal conditions, an average expectable environment, these capacities developed into ego functions and had autonomy from the libidinal and aggressive drives.
- The task of the psychoanalyst was to neutralize conflicted impulses and expand the conflict-free spheres of ego functions.
- psychoanalysis facilitated an individual’s adaptation to his or her environment
- Ego is there at birth, it just germinates (conflicts are not needed to develop the ego)
- moves away from defensive functioning and focuses on normal development
Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation (Heinz Hartmann, 1939)
Innate capacities include:
- perception
- attention
- memory
- concentration
- motor coordination
- language
Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation (Heinz Hartmann, 1939)
-a process through which the ego changes the nature of the drive and turns them into productive channels
Hospitalism- A Inquiry Into the Genesis of Psychiatric Conditions in Early Childhood (René Spitz, 1945)
- His influential research with infants and young children in various settings, including a foundling home and a penal nursery. Basically, his work in the orphanage.
- Wrote about the concepts of apathy and anaclitic depression.
The First Year of Life (René Spitz, 1965)
According to Spitz, infants pass through three stages corresponding to stepwise developments in object relations:
(1) the objectless stage (three first months of life), characterized by “non-differentiation” between baby and its mother;
(2) the stage of “the precursor of the object” (from three to eight months) in which the smiling response indicates the beginning of object relations; and
(3) the stage of the libidinal object (from eighth to fifteenth month), by which time the mother is recognized as a real partner and the infant can distinguish her face from strangers’ faces.
* From the fifteenth month, the child enters into semantic communication with gesture and the use of “no,” indicating the emergence of the autonomous ego.
Erik Erikson’s stage theory (1950, 1958, 1968, 1986, 1987)
- identity crisis
- stage theory follows epigenetic principle
- He not only expanded Freud’s theory to later stages of life, but he also broadened it considerably, by emphasizing cultural differences and by his stressing the development of the ego through identity challenges that were more psychosocial than strictly biological
- Erikson’s theory also expanded Freud’s understanding of erogenous zones (e.g., Basic Trust vs. Mistrust includes oral AND respiratory, sensory, and kinesthetic functions
- Goal is to strike a balance – not deny either one. Favoring the first (more positive) term can lead to a maladaptive tendency. Favoring the second (less positive) term can lead to a malignant tendency. Work toward this goal is both unconscious and conscious.
- Ego strength increases through resolving the conflict between the two alternatives
Erik Erikson’s stage theory following epigenetic principle (1950, 1958, 1968, 1986, 1987)
- As with Freud, Erikson believed that successful development at each stage was requisite for successful development at later stages.
- The stages unfold in a predefined order. Each builds on the previous one and prepares the ground for the next.
- The analogy with biology breaks down somewhat, however, as Erikson was a great optimist: he believed that one could, through psychoanalysis (for example), deal with and resolve earlier conflicts later in life, although this was not an easy task
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
List the stages
- First stage (0-12/18 months): Trust vs. mistrust
- Second stage (18 months- 3 years): autonomy vs. shame and doubt
- Third stage (3-6 years): initiative vs. guilt
- Fourth stage (6-12 years): industry vs. inferiority
- Fifth stage (12-18 years): identity vs. role confusion
- Sixth stage (19-40 years): intimacy vs. isolation
- Seventh stage (40-65 years): generativity vs. stagnation
- Eighth stage (65+ years): Integrity vs. despair
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
First Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
-(0-12/18 months)
Basic Trust vs. Basic Mistrust
-Psychosexual Mode: Oral, Respiratory, Sensory, Kinesthetic
-The basic strength of the first stage is hope, or the expectation that difficulties in life, presenting whatever challenges they may, will eventually result in a positive outcome.
-The antithesis of hope is a lack of hope and withdrawal.
-The crucial social interactions are with the mother or mother surrogate.
-What must be emphasized is that, through these interactions, the child learns both trust and mistrust, but in the right proportion: a healthy sense of mistrust is also necessary for successful dealings with others in social relations.
-Problems will develop not only if the infant’s basic needs are neglected, but also if it is overindulged. With Erikson, however, the child’s needs are not merely oral, and are not primarily sexual (compared to Freud).
-In addition to experiencing pleasure from breast or bottle, the child needs physical contact and consistency in attention.
-The child’s sense of trust grows along with the development of the ego: it senses that its needs will be met in an orderly fashion while also learning the importance of delay of gratification. An important example of ego development and trust building is when the child learns to accept its mother’s absence without undo anxiety
-The child must not only learn to trust in its mother but also to trust in itself. This comes with learning of self-regulation, as when the child acclimatizes to teething and learns to suckle at the breast more gently.
-The mother or mother figure plays an important part in the child’s development of trust, not only by meeting the child’s basic comfort and nurturance needs, but by having confidence in herself.
-An anxious mother transmits this anxiety to the child, which is unhealthy: a mother’s tension causes a corresponding state of tension in her baby, resulting in a feeling of insecurity and lack of trust.
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Second Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- 18 months-3 years
- Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
- Pyschosexual Mode: Anal, Urethral, and Muscular
- Will is the basic strength of this stage, compulsion the negative core weakness.
- Toddler struggles to gain a sense of autonomy or control of bodily functions, large, and small motor skills
- Walking, talking, and later dressing and feeding oneself, as well as learning to control bowel functions, are all tasks that the child learns during this stage.
- She or he wants to do these things without adult help. But adults realize that the child is not always capable of doing these things herself, and patience with letting her have her own way can wear thin.
- The child, in turn, seems at times to be at war with her parents. She wants to do things on her own, yet can’t – a very frustrating situation all around!
- The child often feels ashamed of his or her lack of control when, for example, sitting on a potty trying to control urinary or bowel functions.
- The parent also risks increasing the child’s shame, either unintentionally (by a lack of patience, for instance) or intentionally (by exhibiting anger or ridicule).
- Shame and doubt are the natural opposites of childhood autonomy.
- the “terrible twos.”
- The parents must be patient with the child, but not to the point of sainthood. Parents must establish – and children desperately need – rules or standards of proper behavior.
- The child must learn the meaning of the word “no.” But often the willful child learns this only too well – she frequently defies parental requests using this same word.
- Erikson stresses the learning of “law and order.” But parents who over control their children risk increased shame and lack of a sense of autonomy: such over controlling behavior can break the child’s will and (Erikson believed) lead to the kinds of “anal” neuroses (extreme compulsiveness or messiness) described by Freud.
- Erikson also noted that different cultures have different standards of parental expectations for children’s behavior. The Lakota Sioux tribe, for instance, does not try to force children to learn how to control their toilet behavior; instead, children learn naturally in time through imitation. By contrast, the standards for children in the United States today may seem much more restrictive; Erikson (even back in his time) thought that our society was very restrictive and “sanitized.”
- In recapping, Erikson expanded Freud’s ideas about the so-called anal stage in several ways. First, he expanded the notion of the child’s need for control or autonomy beyond just toilet training, to a number of physical challenges such as walking, learning to do things for him or herself, and so forth. Second, he emphasized the role of the development of the ego here as in other stages, as opposed to Freud’s developmental psychology anchored in id impulses. And third, rather than see the challenges of childhood from the limited standpoint of a given culture, he noted that these challenges and the way they are handled by parents and society differ across cultural settings.
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Third Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- (3-6 years)
- Initiative vs. Guilt
- Psychosexual modes: Genital, Locomotor
- Thus while the basic strength associated with this period is a sense of purpose, the core weakness is inhibition.
- Acknowledges oedipal factors in development
- “Infantile sexuality and incest taboo, castration complex and superego all unite here to bring about that specifically human crisis which the child must turn from an exclusive, pre-genital attachment to his parents to the slow process of becoming a parent, a carrier of tradition” (1950/1985, p. 256).
- The child identifies with the parent, and by doing so learns to adopt and internalize the role of the same-sex parent through observation and imitation.
- Initiative is implied in these attempts at imitation
- guilt occurs when the child’s developing conscience feels in competition with the parent (i.e., oedipal feelings).
- The parents are viewed by the child as big, powerful, and threatening – and the truth in these perceptions is evident even if one discounts the Freudian notions of castration anxieties or penis envy.
- Initiative is actualized through the child’s expanding repertoire of capabilities.
- Children at this age are extremely active and mobile, or in Erikson’s terms, locomotive. They are talkative, and they experiment and learn through imaginative play. (The latter idea seems likely to have been inspired by Erikson’s training in the Montessori method; notice, too, the parallel with Piagetian theory.)
- The child’s conscience can put a damper on this very active development, however, if parents instill guilt feelings by insisting too strongly on “good” behavior.
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Fourth Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- (6-12 years)
- Industry vs. Inferiority
- Psychosexual Mode: Latency
- The basic strength of this stage is therefore competence.
- Erikson used the term inertia (as in inert, or passiveness) to define the core pathology, the antithesis of competence
- (Erickson, per Freud) child has sublimated oedipal impulses and “now learns to win recognition by producing things. He has mastered the ambulatory field and the organ modes . . . . He develops industry – i.e., he adjusts himself to the inorganic laws of the tool world . . . . His ego boundaries include his tools and skills: the work principle . . . teaches him the pleasure of work completion by steady attention and persevering diligence” (1950/1985, p. 259).
- The child that is ill prepared for school or lacks the tools for learning from life’s experience will despair. Successful resolution of crisis at this stage stems largely from preparation at earlier stages.
- For most children, this is a period of relative calm, as it was in Freud’s exposition. Inner conflicts give way to increased learning and mastery of the skills needed to succeed in later life.
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Fifth Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- (12-18 years)
- Identity vs. Role Confusion
- Psychosexual Mode: Puberty
- The basic task is, in Erikson’s terms, fidelity or truthfulness and consistency to one’s core self or faith in one’s ideology. The core pathology is repudiation of the assumption of a healthy role formation. Repudiation can take the form of defiance of authority or of resignation and despair, which Erikson termed diffidence.
- Adolescence is a time of great change: the body and the sexual organs mature, new expectations for social and academic adjustments arise with the transition to middle school, self-image typically suffers, and life can be very stressful, especially in the earlier transition stage.
- The basic task of this period is to separate oneself from one’s parents – especially the same-sex parent – and to assume an identity of one’s own.
- Oedipal conflicts again return with full force (in agreement with Freud), but the child who is no longer quite a child must now learn to displace the sexual feelings for his or her opposite sex parents onto others. In the later phases, this is done partially through ritual courtship practices traditionally known in our own society as “dating.”
- Teens not to merely learn “who they are,” they must at the same time learn to define and invent themselves.
- Identities are tried out like new suits of clothes.
- Role models may be parents, teachers, coaches, film stars, athletes, or “outlaws.” Parents can rightly guess that the latter is a potential nightmare. But parental perceptions can be distorted too; teen rebelliousness sometimes takes a “dark” turn, but this doesn’t mean that the youngster has lost her or his core set of values.
- “Metallic” or “Goth” appearances and piercings are usually just experiments (though tattoos are permanent), and the worried parent can usually get through these stages with the mantra that “this, too, shall pass!”
- But there are times when the wise parent must put his/her foot down and assume a more authoritarian role: teens, like small children, sometimes require the imposition of rules and limits, especially where their activities border on danger – as in the cases of drug experimentation, permissive sexual behavior, or hanging out with the “wrong crowd.”
- The conflict for the parent, then, is how much freedom to grant, and how much control to assume, over the young person who is at once both a child and an adult.
- The fostering of mutual respect and appreciation of the positions of both parties is the key. The teen years are indeed a time of identity crisis, or in Erikson’s terms “a turning point of increased vulnerability and heightened potential” (1968, p. 96).
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Sixth Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- (19-40 years)
- Intimacy vs. Isolation
- Psychosexual Mode: Genitality
- By genitality Erikson referred to sexual intimacy. This is the physical correlate of psychological intimacy. Good sexual relations depend on the ability of each partner to share and care, not to exploit or hurt the other. Sexual love must be unselfish.
- Erikson viewed intimacy or closeness and mutual sharing with another as the basic strength of this stage, isolation as its core pathology
- Erikson believed that intimacy between two people as a couple was only possible when each had developed a strong sense of identity separately.
- The dilemma is that it is difficult (though possible in rare cases) for two people to grow and mature together unless they have first matured separately.
- Not surprisingly, divorce is a common outcome for couples who marry while still quite young and immature.
- Young adults often still have not advanced in maturity from adolescence. Although some have achieved a level of maturity by the early twenties, many others do not arrive at this level until well into their thirties – and still others never do attain full maturity
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Seventh Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- (40-65 years)
- Generativity vs. Stagnation
- Psychosexual Mode: Procreativity
- Erikson recognized that fulfillment in life can be achieved without necessarily having children (or procreativity). But it does require the ability to care for and about others. The opposing concept to generativity is stagnation, or the loss of self in selfabsorption.
- Freudian and Eriksonian psychoanalysis emphasized the normalcy of traditional morality.
- When Freud and Erikson were writing, sexual intercourse culminating in mutual orgasm in a marital relationship was considered the ideal expression of complete fulfillment between a man and a woman. Since the pioneering work of Masters and Johnson (1966), ideas about sex and love have changed. The combination of sex, love, and commitment (whether or not people are married) still resonates with many people as an ideal kind of relationship. But other options – for instance, protected sex for its own sake between consenting adults prior to or without marriage – are now also acceptable to many people.
- Variations in sexual practices that go beyond standard intercourse are also now widely accepted by sex researchers and by the public as valid and welcomed alternatives in promoting mutual satisfaction to sexual partners.
- His writings on the later stages of development were highly innovative, if somewhat sketchy.
- Erikson’s ideal of generativity thus includes what many see as old-fashioned notions about conventional sex between married adults.
- But he also went beyond this: generativity in its broadest sense refers to creative and productive activity through work (recall Freud’s purported dictum on the importance of “love and work” from above). Generativity is about much more than sex and procreation. Erikson’s concept embraces a sense of caring for the future; caring for the next generation. Indeed, Erikson included working for a better world as part of his concept.
- Erikson also realized that, though generativity is a dominant theme in the middle years (thirties, forties, and fifties), this kind of caring concern for future generations has its seeds in early adulthood – the childbearing years – and continues throughout the remainder of the lifespan.
- A sense of connectedness of one generation with another is implied in the concept, and generativity is, in the broadest sense, a symbolic link to immortality through acts and works that will survive the individual.
- Erikson’s concept of generativity implies not simply having children but to giving back or contributing to society and future generations. In the case of philanthropy, giving consists of donating money and time to worthy causes.
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development (1950, 1985)
Eighth Stage: Age Name Psychosexual Mode Main points
- (65+ years)
- Integrity vs. Despair
- Psychosexual Mode: “Generalized”
- Integrity in the later years of life implies acceptance of a life that was well-lived. It does not mean that life is over, for these can often be very productive years. But by this age a person begins take a reflective and evaluative look back at his or her life.
- Despair, however, implies a lack of further hope. Despair can result from unfulfilled potential or a feeling that one has wasted one’s life, without hope for personal redemption. Despair is often disguised by an outward attitude of contempt toward others. Such contempt, according to Erikson, really reflects contempt for the self, projected outward.
- After a lifetime of living and learning, Erikson stated that wisdom is the basic strength associated with later years, based on the well-lived life. Disdain is the core pathology of this stage.
The Life Completed (Erikson, 1997)
Joan Erikson: The Ninth Stage
- much of what is seen in this final revision of an earlier book came from Joan’s hand, including final chapters written by her alone
- ninth stage of very old age – for most people, this occurs in the eighties or in the nineties (for those who are fortunate enough to live so long!). It is a time when physical health begins to deteriorate, when one has lost many close friends and family members, and when death itself becomes a much closer reality.
- In our own culture, Joan observed, old people are often isolated from the rest of the community. She quoted Erik as saying “Lacking a culturally viable ideal of old age, our civilization does not really harbor a concept of the whole life” (p. 114). As a result, she noted that “aged individuals are often ostracized, neglected, and overlooked; elders are seen no longer as bearers of wisdom but as embodiments of shame” (p. 144).
- She believed that “Something is terribly wrong. Why has it become necessary to send our elders ‘out of this world’ into some facility [such as retirement communities and assisted living facilities] to live out their lives in physical care and comfort?” (p. 118).
- Such treatment runs quite counter to traditional cultures, in which elderly people are cherished and valued for their wisdom and their connectedness with the past, and their contribution to and connections with the younger generations (generativity again).
- More positively, she believed that “old people can and do maintain a grand-generative function” (p. 63; as in grand-parenting).
- Among the challenges of the ninth stage is the loss of autonomy (per the second stage of development) due to increasing loss of physical (and sometimes mental) independence. Loss of self-esteem is a common result, and reduced hope and trust (or regression back to the first stage) may result.
Mahler’s (1966, 1968, 1975) theory of developmental ego psychology main thought
-viewed pathology as rising from lack of resolution during the rapprochement phase of separation-individuation
Summary of Mahler’s developmental ego psychology process
- children do not initially recognize a sense of separateness from mother and oneself
- in time, child begins to understand that mother is separate from oneself
- infant begins to wander away from mother, turning to her as an emotional refueling base
- during rapprochement, the child recognized that his/her physical mobility (i.e. walking) signifies physic separateness; infant realizes he is small in a big world and stranger anxiety reemerges
- he/she fears engulfment but is also terrified of abandonment, in which mother’s responsiveness is key
- child needs to feel free to explore, but return to mother when needed
- mother must not misread the child’s needs (i.e. being overly involved or being unavailable)
symbiotic dysfunction
Mahler, 1966, 1968, 1975
failure to separate and individuate from the primary objects
Key factors in symbiotic dysfunction
- heredity
- constitutional factors
- the impact of early traumatic experience
When does Mahler say that depression is more likely to occur?
if mother failed to be attuned to the child’s needs during the rapprochement subphase of separation individuation
List the phases of development according to Mahler (1975) in “The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant: Symbols and Individuation”
- Normal Autistic Phase (first few weeks of life)
- Normal Symbiotic Phase (0-5/6 months)
- Separation Individuation Phases:
- Hatching (6-9 months)
- Practicing (9-15 months)
- Rapprochement (15-24 months)
Normal Autistic Phase (first few weeks of life)
The infant is detached and self-absorbed. Spends most of his/her time sleeping. Mahler later abandoned this phase, based on new findings from her infant research. She believed it to be non-existent. The phase still appears in many books on her theories.
Normal Symbiotic Phase (0-5/ months)
The child is aware of the mother but there is not a sense of individuation. The infant and mother are one and as one are separate from the outside world.
Hatching (6-9 months)
The child starts exploring differences between the mother and him/herself. The child is more alert to the happenings of the outside world and uses mother as a point of orientation. Stranger Anxiety emerges during this phase.
Practicing (9-15 months)
The child beings to crawl and then progresses to walk. The child starts exploring farther from the mother while still believing to some degree that the mother is one with him/her. A less traditional view might state that the child identifies a physical separation but not a narcissistic separation where the child believes that the mother lives to please her child. The mother is used primarily as a refueling base.
Rapprochement (15-24 months)
3 Subphases: (1) Beginning, (2) Crisis, (3) Solution - In this subphase, the infant once again becomes close to the mother. The child realizes that his physical mobility demonstrates psychic separateness from his mother. The toddler may become tentative, wanting his mother to be in sight so that, through eye contact and action, he can explore his world. The risk is that the mother will misread this need and respond with impatience or unavailability. This can lead to an anxious fear of abandonment in the toddler. A basic ‘mood predisposition’ may be established at this point.
Describe the 3 phases of rapprochement (Mahler)
(1) Beginning - Child wants to share his/her discoveries with the mother (i.e., wants mother to explore with him/her).
(2) Crisis - Between staying with the mother, being emotionally close and being more independent and exploring. Child wants to explore on his/her own, but fears losing and/or upsetting mother.
(3) Solution - Through language and superego development, child is able to explore and be with mother from a distance without fearing abandonment.
If the mother is _____, ____, ______, _____ the frame will be compromised and eventual independent functioning of the child is less likely (Mahler, 1975)
unpredictable, unstable, anxious, hostile
During the ____ subphase, a significant lack of _____ and emotional understanding by the mother leaders to ______ (Mahler, 1975)
rapprochement; acceptance; “ongoing proclivity to depression”