Egar Video #7 Inhaled Anesthetics on Breathing, Airway, Ventilation Flashcards
How would you measure respiratory depression?
- Increasing levels of PCO2
- Increase in ventilation in response to increased PCO2
What has very little effect on PaCO2
Which inhaled anesthetics increase PaCO2?
Which has the highest effect?
- All potent inhaled anesthetics increase PaCO2
- Desflurane more than sevoflurane
Which MAC = apnea
Apnea at 1.5 – 2 MAC
X intersection with line
All inhaled anesthetics have which respiratory effects?
respiratory depression & bronchodilation
Reason patients cough & gag in recovery despite no irritant qualities from anesthetic gas
As a response to a foreign body in airway
The lower the solubility of a gas, the greater potential for ?
greater the potential for a problem when recovering from anesthesia
What is hypoxic pulmonary vasocontraction
Body will shunt blood to the unaffected lung so there isn’t as much of a V/Q mismatch
Anesthetics effect on HPV
Anesthetics minimally effect hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Desflurane Respiratory Irritation is present at what MAC?
At 2 MAC of desflurane, you have evidence of respiratory irritation but less with isoflurane and none with sevoflurane
Which Anesthetic causes the most coughing during maintenance with LMA
About the same.
Risk of high solubility anesthetics and airway reflexes.
Higher solubility will “stick around” making the patient perceive something is in their airway