EFTA + Attempts Join EEC Flashcards
how did WW2 affect Br foreign relations/policy
-it left Br damaged, burdened with massive debts + in shadow of 2 new world powers USA + USSR
-1947 faced bankruptcy + withdrew commitments in Greece, Turkey + Palestine
-1947 also start retreat from empire
What were the foundations of the EEC
-Schuman plan 1950 -> proposal for coal + steel community by Robert Schuman + integrate Fr + Gr industry + eliminate danger future wars
-was to promote rapid economic reconstruction + bind together historic enemies
-strongly supported by Br + US as important for security of Europe but Br not initially involved
-was seen as vital at start of Cold War
Why was Br not initially involved in the EEC
-few politician in favour Br joining
-left govt suspicious of free market principled behind common market
-right regarded kinks with Aus, Canada + NZ more important
-was an issue for continental Europe as Fr + Gr deadly wartime enemies
-assumption Br still world power
-Br wanted balance involvement with Europe with special relationship with US
What started the EEC (European Economic Community)
-took shape at international conference Messina 1955
-Br delegation present observe + encourage but not join
-treaty of Rome launched EEC 1957 without Br
-dominated by partnership Fr + Gr
-Fr president De Gaulle wanted protect it from Br + US influence
Why did Br want to join the EEC later on
-attitudes began to shift
-1959 Br took lead in formation of European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
-but only moderately successful + didn’t match growth EEC
-1961 Mac submitted application join EEC
-fundamental reason behind this -> hoped boost ind production for large scale export market, increase ind efficiency + stimulate econ growth
Why was Br divided on the application
-wanted keep position in two other areas — commonwealth + US
-made negotiations with EEC complex
-EEC already developed economic structures e.g common agri policy that Br found hard conform to
-special exemptions for commonwealth trade partners e.g. lamb exports NZ would’ve been blocked by EEC
When and why did De Gaulle veto Br application
-negotiations reached conclusions jan 1963
-last minute veto blocked Br application
-other 5 members keen for Br join + shocked by veto
-De Gaulle intervention caused tensions between Fr + Br
-De Daulle had many rows with main allies e.g. Churchill + FDR + remained suspicious of them