Effects of the environment on the skin Flashcards
What is the cell flow in the epidermis?
- Start in the basal layer - stem cells divide
- daughter cells move distally through the epidermis
- differentiate into mature keratinocytes - make keratin (tough, waterproof protein)
- Stratum corneum - cornified keratinocytes lose nuclei, continuing to move distally
What happens if you have severe epidermal damage? i.e. severe burns or drug reaction
- May die from:
- dehydration and shock
- infection
- heat loss and hypothermia
- hyperthermia from impaired thermoregulation
- protein loss, electrolyte imbalance, high-output cardiac failure, renal failure
How does the skin protect us?
- Drying - waterproof epidermis and oil from sebaceous glands
- Heat - sweating, vasodilation
- Cold - subcutaneous fat, adaptable blood supply, hair
- Burns/injury - thick, regenerating epidermis
- Radiation/sunlight - thick epidermis, melanin
Infections - resident immune cells - friction/impact - regenerating epidermis, keratin, nails, collagen in dermis, basement membrane anchoring epidermis to dermis (wavy border against shear forces)
cells in basal epidermal layer with dendrites that feed pigment to keratinocytes
- melanocytes increase activity - make and transmit more melanin
- caused by DNA damage by UV
- gives some protective from UV
What is Lichenification
- Extreme form of hyperkeratosis
- Reaction to excessive rubbing or scratching / skin condition
Name 5 effects of UV
- Tan
- Sun burn
- Polymorphic light eruption (allergy)
- Wrinkles - loss of elasticity
- Naevi (moles) - benign proliferation of melanocytes - many or large increase risk of melanoma
- Freckles
- Solar lentigos - liver spots/age spots
- Solar keratoses
What are the different types of skin cancer?
- Melanoma (melanocytes)
- Non-melanoma (keratinocytes) - squamous or basal cell carcinoma
What good effects does UV have?
- Converts 7-dehydrocholesterol into Vit D (which is then converted into the active 1,25-dihydroxyVit D)
- UV radiotherapy can be used for skin conditions such as vitiligo and psoriasis
Types of burn
- Superficial burn - destroys epidermis
- Deeper to sebaceous glands in dermis
- Deep burn - destroys both epidermis and dermis - will scar and may lose sensation of pinprick
What is irritant contact dermatitis?
- Common
- Occurs with too much exposure to a substance
- can still use it, but reduce amount
- people vary in sensitivity
- Redness, itchiness, swelling, blistering, scarring
What is allergic contact dermatitis?
- Relatively uncommon
- allergy to something that contacts skin
- tiny amount may be sufficient
- varies greatly between people
- Langerhans cells process antigen and present to lymphocytes. Delayed hypersensitivyt occurs at next exposure (memory T cells)
- redness, itching, swelling, blistering, weeping
Name two fungal skin infections
- Paronychia (nail fold infection - can also be bacterial)
- Tinea capitis (scalp ringworm)
Name two bacterial skin infections
Cellulitis - Streptococcus
Name a viral skin infection
Human papilloma virus (HPV) - warts
How do the microbes infect the skin?
- can breach the epidermis (streptococcus in Cellulitis)
- Impaired immunity predisposes to infection - e.g. HIV and warts