What is communication?
Communication pertains to the process of exchanging information between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. It can involve the exchange of ideas and thoughts through writing, speech, gestures, symbols, or written communication.
What does communication requires?
Requires at least one sender, a message, and a recipient. It can be one-on-one or between groups of people, face-to-face, or through communciation devices.
What is the importance of effective communication?
It is both significant in various aspects of professional and personal life. For professional, it can foster trust, positivity, and satisfaction in the workplace. In personal, it can be essential in managing relationships.
Why is effective communication important in parliamentary procedures?
- Parliamentary Procedure is not just arguments and debates. It is not just about keeping minutes, checking the attendance, or meeting with members of the organization. Communication is also essential in ensuring that the message being conveyed is complete and clear.
- Effective communication in parliamentary procedure can help in maintaining order as it includes strategies such as in-person communication, appropriate follow-up, and respectful dialogue with legislators to influence the legislative process.
What are the different types of Communication?
Verbal, non-verbal, written, visual communication.
What is Verbal Communication?
The use of language to transfer information through speaking or sign language. It is used in face-to-face interactions, phone calls, or virtual meetings. It ranges from casual chats to structured meetings.
What is non-verbal communication?
The use of body language, gestures, and facial expressions to convey information to others. It can be both intentionally or unintentionally.
- Facial expressions such as smiling as it conveys that they like what they are hearing or seeing.
What is written communication?
The act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters and numbers to convey information. These can be used in mediums such as books, brochures, blogs, correspondence, and more.
What is Visual Communication?
Act of using photographs, sketches, drawings, charts, and graphs to convey information. It is commonly used in presentations to supplement verbal communication. Given the different learning preferences of individuals, visual aids can be particularly beneficial for some in comprehending ideas and information.
What is the elements of communication process?
The elements of communication refer to the fundamental components involved in the process of transmitting information from a sender to receiver.
What are the elements of communication?
There are six elements:
1. Ideation - formation of thoughts
2. Encoding - Transforming ideas into a symbolic form suitable for transmission like language, gestures or visuals.
3. Transmission - The conveyance of the encoded message from a sender to receiver.
4.Receiving - The act of perception of the receiver.
5. Decoding - The process of interpreting and comprehending the received message by deciphering symbols.
6. Response - The feedback or reaction given by the receiver
What are the roadblocks to communication?
The main roadblocks are the physical, personal, and language barrier.
What are the physical barriers?
An element or a physical factor that acts as a distraction to hinder the flow of communication.
The example of factors are:
Place, Distance, Time, Environment, Technical Disturbances.
What are the personal barriers?
It stems from the individual’s attitudes, perceptions, emotions, and prejudices, which can interfere with their ability to communicate openly and effectively.
Close-mindedness, lack of empathy, or emotional states such as anger or anxiety.
What is language barrier?
A difficulty for people communicating because they speak different langauges.
How effective is communication in parliamentary procedure?
The effectiveness of communication in parliamentary procedure lies in its ability to facilitate deliberation, ensure fairness, and promote collaboration among participants. (more explanation)
What does TALK stands for?
As per Turga 019, communication is a concept so powerful that it can make or break a performance of an organization. With that she suggest the TALK tehcnique:
T: Think before u speak
A: Assert Yourself
L: Listen to tohers
K: Konnect with everyone