effect of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycle Flashcards
What is the sleep wake cycle controlled by?
- endogenous pacemakers are internal factors
- help to maintain our biological rhythm
- also rhythms are entrained (synchronised) by exogenous zeitgebers
- which are external factors e.g. light
Endogenous pacemakers
- internal body clock
- controlled by master endogenous pacemaker - suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
- found in hypothalamus
- eyes notice change in light - gets dark - less light received by retina
- sends information to SCN
- stimulates pineal gland to release melatonin - promote sleep
- eyes detect light (EZ) - SCN reset
- stimulates SCN and pineal gland - inhibits release melatonin - produce wakefulness
Exogenous zeitgebers
- external factors in our environment
- influence our sleep wake cycle
- through entrainment (synchronise)
- e.g. light - resets SCN
Effect of social cues on our sleep wake cycle
- social cues e.g. meal times, social interaction influence sleep wake cycle
- make us less alert once finished evening meal
- research suggest adapting to local eating and sleeping time before travel different time zone prevent jet lag - so EZ affect cycle
What happens when our sleep wake cycle is disrupted?
- occur for many reasons e.g. jet lag, shift work
- consequences:
. difficulty sleeping (hard to fall asleep or sleep whilst driving)
. decreased attention (leads to accidents)
. digestive problems
. tiredness
. poor reasoning skills
. increases anxiety and irritability
How could we maintain our sleep wake cycle? (AO2)
- follow local eating times
- follow local sleeping times
- stimulate yourself during the day - be social and active
- use blackout curtains - limit artificial light
- don’t use phone late at night
AO3 for EP and EZ on the sleep wake cycle: RTS by DeCoursey
P - RTS effect EP on sleep wake by DeCoursey et all (2000)
E - destroyed SCN connection brains 30 chipmunks - returned to natural habitat - observed 80 days
E - sleep wake cycle disappeared - end of study significant amount killed by predators - as awake and vulnerable to attack - should have been asleep
L - supports influence important EP (SCN) on maintain sleep wake - EZ alone not able maintain sleep wake
AO3 for EP and EZ on the sleep wake cycle: Discuss - animal bias
P - research into impact EP on sleep wake critisied animal bias
E - potentially problem - humans more complex biological rhythms - as higher mental functioning
E - issue extrapolating findings of research to humans
L - limits extent DeCoursey’s findings support important EP on sleep wake
AO3 for EP and EZ on the sleep wake cycle: RTS by Siffre
P - RTS role EP on sleep wake by Siffre
E - isolated himself in cave for 6 months - no EZ e.g. light dark - found within few days developed consistent 25 hour cycle - continued to fall asleep and wake up on regular schedule
E - suggest sleep wake controlled by EP
CA - some argue cause Siffre’s sleep wake cycle adjust to longer than 24 hours EZ important in maintain cycle
AO3 for EP and EZ on the sleep wake cycle: Discuss - Siffre
P - Siffre’s research lacks ecological validity
E - highly controlled environment
E - not reflect how EP and EZ interact in real life - only exceptional circumstances EP free running unaffected by EZ - real life EP and EZ work together - little sense separate two for purpose of research
L - reduces external validity findings - can’t be generalised - explain how EP impact sleep wake cycle real life