EFA 10 Flashcards
A 68-year old woman with a body mass index of 28 presents at your surgery complaining bouts heart burn and indigestion, which are occurring with increasing frequency when she walks to the shops. On examination her HR was 82 b/min, BP 145/105 mmHg and ECG shows no significant changes. Sublingual glycerol trinitrate alleviates her symptoms, why?
If a patient is suffering from mutant V2 receptor, and consequent polyuria, which diuretic will be used for his treatment?
Chronic infection with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi can cause an oesophageal motor abnormality similar to which commoner functional disorder?
Which membrane protein plays a pivotal role in cholera enterotoxin induced diarrhoea?
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator
During which developmental process do blocks of paraxial mesoderm condense, bud off and subsequently differentiate into sclerotome and dermomyotome?
a) A – D are known to make important anatomical contributions to maintenance of a competent LOS. Identify the structures/anatomical features A, B, C & D: (4 marks)
A: Diaphragm
B: Angle of His
C: Phrenoesophageal ligament
D: Distal oesophagus within the abdomen
b) Name 3 mechanisms which help protect the distal oesophagus if reflux of gastric contents does occur: (3 marks)
- Volume clearance or oesophageal peristalsis reflex
- pH clearance or swallowing of saliva
- Barrier properties of the oesophageal epithelium
c) Name 3 consequences of persistent gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: (3 mark)
A mark for any of the following:
- Oesophagitis
- Peptic stricture
- Barrett’s oesophagus
- Oesophageal cancer