EENT patent formulas Flashcards
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan **
Deefness Left Supporting Pills
Nourishes yin and reduces ascending LV yang. For LV and KD yin deficiency causing hearing disorders, tinnitus, deafness
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Wan *
Blood Regulating, Orifice Opening Pills
Moves Qi and blood, unblocks orifices. For blood stagnation in the head due to traumatic injury/chronic pathology, persistent tinnitus, hearing loss, acute or chronic headache, purple discoloration of the face and nose.
Peking Nui Huang Jie Du Pian *
Cow Gallstone Anti-Toxic Pills
Throat and oral cavity
Clears heat, resolves fire toxin from the upper body, dispels wind, stops pain, unblocks bowels. For Toxic heat in the upper burner (mouth ulcers, gingivitis, toothache, dental abscess), skin infection (localized suppuration, redness, swelling and pain), acne, boils
NOT in pregnancy, only with excess heat, may cause frequent BM
Huang Lian Shang Ching Pien *
Coptis Pill to Clear the Upper Burner
Throat and oral cavity
Dispels WH, clears toxic heat fire, promotes BM. For wind heat/toxic heat in the head and upper body causing fever, headache, dizziness, ear or mouth ulcers, swollen gums, sore throat, conjunctivitis, constipation.
NOT in pregnancy
Pu Ji Xiao Du Wan *
Universal Benefits Pills to Eliminate Toxin
Throat and oral cavity
Clears heat and fire, benefits the throat. For acute and severe infection of the throat (tonsillitis), or other structure of the head (parotitis) with high fever, chills, redness, swelling and burning pain of the throat, head, face, and thirst.
NOT for overuse
Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji *
Isatis Granules
Throat and oral cavity
Clears heat and dispels wind heat. For Acute throat and upper respiratory infections, good for prevention
Jie Geng Wan *
Platycodon grandiflorum Pills
Throat and oral cavity
Opens the LU, benefits throat, suppresses cough, discharges pus. For sore throat, tonsillitis, cough
Qing Wei San Wan *
Stomach Cooling Pills
Throat and oral cavity
Clears heat and cools ST, nourishes and cools the blood. For oral disorders and epigastric pain due to ST heat/fire
Superior Sore Throat Powder *
Shuang Liao Hou Feng San
Throat and oral cavity (topically for mouth ulcers)
Clears heat toxin, eliminates inflammation, soothes sore throat pain. For toxic heat in the throat and mouth, oral infection, nasal infection, ear infection, skin infection.
Sanjin Watermelon Frost *
Sanjin Xi Gua Shuang
Throat and oral cavity (topically for mouth ulcers)
Clears toxic heat from mouth, stops pain and bleeding, promotes healing. For mouth and throat ulceration and inflammation.
Ban Xia Hou Po Wan *
Pinellia and Magnolia Pills
Throat and oral cavity
Invigorates Qi, transforms phlegm, directs qi downward and dissipates nodules. For plum pit qi, qi and phlegm stagnation in the throat
Pe Min Kan Wan *
Nasal Allergy Pills
Dispels wind, dries dampness, unblocks the nasal passages. For wind in the nasal passage, sneezing, watery discharge, nasal congestion, inching of the nose and eye due to pollen hyperactivity (allergic rhinitis, hay fever, perennial rhinitis). A type of wind cold presentation
Xin Yi San *
Magnolia Flower Powder
Dispels wind cold, dries dampness, unblocks the nasal passages and stops pain. For wind-cold invasion causing nasal/sinus congestion and watery/white discharge with NOT HEAT SIGNS
Cang Er Zi Wan *
Xanthium sibricum pills
Dispels wind, clears heat, unblocks nasal passages. For sinus, nasal congestion, pain and discharge, best for heat patterns
Ming Mu Shang Ching Pien *
Brighten the Eyes, Clear the Upper Pills)
Clears LV heat, dispels wind heat, brightens eyes, benefits vision. For eye disorders due to heat (wind heat, LV heat, damp heat, toxic heat), other infections due to heat, including skin, ear and oral infection, and lin syndrome
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan **
Rehmannia Pills to Brighten the Eyes
Supplements LV and KD yin and blood, restrains LV yang, brightens eyes and improves vision. For visual and eye disorders due to LV and KD yin and blood deficiency. Good for eye strain, overuse