EEG, Time analysis and Frequency analsysis Flashcards
Henson et al., (2003)
The N170 ERP = faces
Bentin et al., (1999)
N170 right occipital cortex
Carmel and Bentin (2002)
Typical experiment: faces, cars, birds, furniture. N170 largest for faces
Jacques et al., (2007)
Faces and inverted faces (control for colours, contrast)
Fisch et al., (2009)
Gamma band activity 200-300ms after presentation of a face.
Gray et al., (1989)
perceptual binding- gamma
Wright et al., (2012)
Autism, lack of gamma band activity following face.
The N170 ERP = faces
Henson et al., (2003)
N170 right occipital cortex
Bentin et al., (1999)
Typical experiment: faces, cars, birds, furniture. N170 largest for faces
Carmel and Bentin (2002)
Faces and inverted faces (control for colours, contrast)
Jacques et al., (2007)
Gamma band activity 200-300ms after presentation of a face.
Fisch et al., (2009)
perceptual binding- gamma
Gray et al., (1989)
Autism, lack of gamma band activity following face.
Wright et al., (2012)