EEG and the Sleep Wake Cycle Flashcards
What does an EEG measure?
It measure electrical signals ont he scalp coming from the pyramidal cells of the cortex
Why is the scale of the EEG smaller than the electrical activity of actual action potentials?
the voltage from the APs is attenuated by passage thorugh the skull and because all the electrical activity going on tends to cancel each other out and you get smaller signals on the surface
Why is the reading from a particular electrode not exactly what’s coming out from that region?
because it’s actually a relative measurement - compares it to the neighboring electrode or to a reference electrode placed on the ear lobe.
WHat sort of EEG waves do you see when a patient is awake with open eyes? High or low frequency? High or low amplitude?
you see beta waves
high frequency, low amplitude
this is because the patient is experiencing all sorts of inputs and outputs and the signals cancel each other out, leading to high frequency, low frequency waves
What sort of EEG waves do you see with a patient who is awake with eyes closed?
alpha waves
these are sliely lower frequency and hihger amplitude than the beta waves with eyes open.
this is because they have slightly fewer signals with the eyes closed, so they cancel eachother out less
WHat sort of EEG waves do you see when someone is awake, but very drowsy? or meditating?
theta waves
low freqnecy, high amplitude
What sort of EEG waves do you see in slow wave sleep?
delta wavves - these are really big and slow
low frequency, high amplitude
you don’t have tons of activity and the cortex is more synchrnized, so you have a decrease in cancellation and additive characteristics leading to slow, big waves
Besides slow-wave sleep, when can synchronicity of the cortex occur?
in seizures
What sort of EEG pattern characterizes abscence seizures?
spikes and waves
What are the sleep stages?
Non-REM sleep: Stage 1-4 (gradual increase in amplitude and decrease in frequency)
REM sleep
What type of EEG waves do you see in REM sleep?
beta waves - look very similar to wha tyou have when the patient is awake with open eyes
During sleep, what is the general progression of sleep stages?
awake, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4 (deep, restorative sleep), then back up..
stage 3, stage 2, REM (briefest)
then back down to stage 2, REM (slightly longer)
back down to 2, then 3, then 2, then REM
then back down to 2, then REM
overal, the periods of time you spend in REM get increasingly long as you spend more time asleep
What happens to sleep in sleep apnea?
the soft palate collapses over the airway in stage 2 sleep, so the body wakes itself up so the patient can breath
this means they never get down to stage 4 sleep or REM sleep - don’t get quality sleep ever
What system is really what promotes wakefulness?
the Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS)
What makes up the ARAS? WHat NTs?
Monoaminergic nuclei:
Substantia nigra/VTA (DA), locus ceruleus (NE), Raphe (5HT), and Tuberomammillary nucleus (HA)
Choinergic Nuclei: laterodorsal tegmental nucleus and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus