EE Lecture 30: Predation 2 Flashcards
what predator has high lethality but low intimacy
true predators
describe parasitoids in terms of lethality and intimacy
high lethality high intimacy
what predator has high intimacy, low lethality
describe grazers in terms of lethality and intimacy
low intimacy
low lethality
what predator has high intimacy high lethality
describe true predators in terms of lethality and intimacy
high lethality
low intimacy
what predator has low intimacy low lethality
describe parasites in terms of lethality and intimacy
low lethality high intimacy
what is partial refugia
when aggregation creates a safer space for the pop as it excludes interspec comp and keeps condns more constant
what do mummy parasitoids do
eat hyperparasitoids
what is a hyperparasitoid
a parasite whose host is a parasite
what is the LV -prey eqtn
dN/dt = rN - aPN
in LV predator prey model, what is a and P
a = search efficiency/attack rate P = number predators
what is the basic predator model, with no prey = decline through starvation
dP/dt = -qP
what is LV predator eqt
dP/dt = caPN - qP
in LV predatpr eqtn what is q and c
q = starvation rate c= conversion rate
what is the overall rate at which predators remove individuals from the prey pop
what is the LV predator prey model
dN/dt = rN - aPN dP/dt = caNP - qP
in LV predator prey model, what is osocline
aa line for which P is constant
using the LV pred prey model, when does the prey pop decrease
the prey pop decreases if the number of predators P is greater than r/a
using the LV pred prey model, when does the prey pop increase
the prey pop increases if the number of P predators is fewer than r/a
what is eqtn for adding functional response to exponential pop growth rate
dN/dt = rN - aPN (a = attack rate)
using LV pred-prey model, at zero isoclines when no change in prey, what is P
P = r/a
at zero isoclines, when no change in predators
N = q / ca
what suggests that predator prey cycles have an inherant tendency to cycleq
combining results of the isoclines suggesting that prey pops dont change when P = r/a and predator pops dont change when N = q / ca
what is eqtn for dP/dt and dN/dt in LV pred-prey model
dP/dt = caPN - qP dN/dt = rN - aPN a=attack rate q=starvation rate c = conversion rate
how can you show graphically that predator prey relationships cycle
plot the abundance preds vs. abundance prey
AND plot abundance of both pred and prey vs. time
what is the outcome of LV predator prey cycles
coupled oscillations which are neutrally stable and each disturbance initiates a new set of cycles
in lynx hare cycle, how far behind is the predator
quarter of a cycle
give some examples of apparently coupled oscillations
indian meal moth and the parasitoid
snowshoe hare and canadian lync
give example of pops that cycle by themselves
the indian meal moth cycles by itself
what does the amplitude of the pred prey LV cycle depend on
depend son the initial numbers of predators and prey = if the initial numbers shift even slightly, the amplitude of the cycle with change -this is UNREALISTIC
what influences the popn cycling of snowshoe hares+canadian lynx
predation AND food
which dynamics are most complicated - hare or lynx?
hare dynamics more complicated, theyre affected by lynx but also by available high quality food plants
why are type 2 FRs theoretically destabilizing
due to the fact they are inversely density dependent
what dampens LV oscillations - how?
competition/interference dampens oscillations due to non linear isoclines
how can popn dynamics be stabilized
spatial structure
spatial strcture