Edward 1st vs 2nd Reign Flashcards
Edward wins crown, March 1461
“New Monarchy” Edward is not this
control quote Horrox
“very much the master of his own kingdom”
Ross on Piquigny
“Golden opportunity missed” “he hoped to achieve something more glorious”
Forgein Powers Margaret
500-600 French Mercanaries during invasion of the North in 1462
Tudor French Support
Supported by French mercenaries in his escape from Harlech in 1468
1469-71 Forgein involvement
Charles and Louis determine who will win the throne, engineering the alliance between Margaret and Warwick plus equiping Edward with 1200 men and 36 ships
Contrast with 2nd reign in terms of forgein involvement
No forgein involvement and Edward actually got involved in other peoples affairs!
Mariage to Elizabeth Woodville
“first major blunder of his political career”
embarasses warwick who was due to hold a conference at St Omer
Subsequent elevation of the 9 woodville children scuppering Warwicks mariage plan for Anne and Isabel with thre Duke of Buckingham
Burgundy vs France
Sides with Burgundy, 1467 trade treaty doubles wool trade
Dealings with Scotland
Treaty of York fails (June 1464) compared to Treaty of perpetual peace and supression of border raids by Lord Howard in the firth of forth sinking all but 8 of the scottish fleet
Scottish expedition 1482
Partial success seizes Berwick but fails to put Albany on the throne
French invasion of 1475
culminates in treaty of Picquigny August 1475, french pension of 10,000 per year and 10 year truce
‘national humiliation’
Somersets and Percy rebellions
1463 failure of policy of conciliation Alnwick, Bamburg and Dunstanborough, pitched battles at Hegley Moor and Hexham (1465)
Contrasts with Tudors hidin in Brittany and Earl of Oxfords imprisonment at Hammes
Reflection of support of nobility
every nobel contributes in 1475
instigates rebellions in the North by Robin of Redesdale and Lord FitzHugh “it was the north that brought Edward down” - Carpenter
Contrasts to control of Richard duke of Gloucester who made the North a safe haven through his presidency of the council of the North
Also contrasts with Clarences brief cambridge based uprising and the excecution of John Stacey and Claence himself in 1478
Livery and Maintenance
‘legal retaining’ still allowed in 1468 statute
The ‘new yorkists’
Hastings Lord Chamberlain
Herbert 1st Earl of Pembroke
had limited support and upset warwick
Reigonal Magnates
Richard duke of Gloucester securing the North, Hastings in the Midlands and Thomas Grey in the South West
Royal commisioners double income from Lancaster, ordinary income increased through professionalisation
Extra ordinary income - French Pension and benevolenes (22,000 in 1475)
Local Government
Ross “made use of Talent where he found it, men like Tunsall and Morton
Sheriffs and JP’s
But Acrington Stanley feud continues, not perfect