EDUS 608 Flashcards
Intro to Stats and SPSS
Variable (Definition)
a characteristic that can vary in value among subjects in a sample or population.
Categorical Variable (Qualitative)
scale for measurement is a set of categories. Examples: Racial-ethnic group (white, black, Hispanic) Political party identification (Dem., Repub., Indep.) Vegetarian? (yes, no) Happiness (very happy, pretty happy, not too happy) Gender Religious affiliation Major
Nominal Scale
A type of Categorical Variable with unordered categories. Examples: Preference for President, Race, Gender, Religious affiliation, Major Opinion items (favor vs. oppose, yes vs. no)
Ordinal Scale
A type of Categorical Variable with ordered categories. Examples: Political ideology (very liberal, liberal, moderate, conservative, very conservative) Anxiety, stress, self esteem (high, medium, low) Mental impairment (none, mild, moderate, severe) Government spending on environment (up, same, down)
Quantitative Variable (Definition)
A set of possible values is called an interval scale (i.e. numerical interval between each possible pair of values) The difference between values are consistent: -Moving from $20,000 to $21,000 is the same magnitude as moving from $50,000 to $51,000 -Moving from 90 degrees F to 95 degrees F is the same as moving from 70 to 75
Skewed Distribution (Describe)
Mean is drawn in direction of longer tail, relative to the median.
The following is an example of: e.g., Grades A,B,C,D,E an ordinal scale, but treated as interval if assign scores 4,3,2,1,0 to construct a GPA)
Note: In practice, ordinal categorical variables often treated as interval by assigning scores
What is Descriptive Statistics?
- Describing data with tables and graphs (quantitative or categorical variables) 2. Numerical descriptions of center (mean/median) and variability (standard deviation/ variance) (quantitative variables)
Frequency distribution
Lists possible values of variable and number of times each occurs. = 60) Ex. Student survey (n “political ideology” measured as ordinal variable with 1 = very liberal, …, 4 = moderate, …, 7 = very conservative
Bar graph of frequencies or percentages.
Bell-shaped Histogram