Educationl Achievement Flashcards
Define cultural deprivation
When a person has inferior norms, values, skills and knowledge.
Define material deprivation
The inability to afford basic resources, which can impact a pupil’s educational achievement.
Define the labelling theory
Howard Becker suggested that teachers subconsciously label their pupils. Some of them are labelled as clever, well-behaved, etc. and others are labelled as trouble, naughty or stupid. The teacher will interact with the pupils differently, depending on how they label them and the student will in turn react to that labelling and one way they can react is to internalise it, accept it and live up to it. Teachers might be more likely to label working-class pupils (especially working-class boys) negatively and therefore could create low achievement by expecting it.
What are speech codes?
Bernstein - the idea that teachers, textbooks and external examiners use a particular language code (the elaborate code) which middle-class pupils are also able to use, while working-class pupils tend to use the restricted code.
What did Douglas study?
Douglas (1964) found that by the age of 11, the attainment gap had already widened between working-class and middle-class pupils, and that parental attitudes had the most influence on attainment.
What did Sugarman argue?
Sugarman (1970) argues w/c students are fatalistic; ‘whatever will be, will be. ‘ And there is nothing you can do to change your status.
What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Self-fulfilling prophecy is an expectation or belief that can influence your behaviors, thus causing the belief to come true.
What did Ball’s study about marketisation of education say?
Ball concluded that streaming had a negative effect on working-class pupils; marketisation benefited middle-class children, whose parents took advantage of the system to reinforce their advantages.
What did Gilborn and Youdell’s study conclude?
Gilborn and Youdell argue that schools perform a triage, categorising pupils into those who will achieve anyway (and therefore don’t require too much input), hopeless cases (who would be a waste of effort) and borderline cases who require attention and input to get their 5 Cs at GCSE.
Define marketisation of education
Schools are encouraged to compete against each other and act more like private businesses rather than institutions under the control of local government.
What is the link between ethnicity and parental influence?
Strand’s (2007) found that Indian students are most likely to complete homework five evenings a week and the group where parents are most likely to say they always know where their child is when they are out.
Francis and Archer (2007) found that a high value is placed on education by Chinese parents, coupled with a strong cultural tradition of respect for one’s elders. High educational aspiration transmits from parents to children, and students derive positive self-esteem from constructing themselves as good students.
What is the link between single-parent households and ethnicity?
The New Right argues that the high proportion of lone parents fail to ‘provide a home environment conducive to learning’. There have also been concerns about the development of ‘gangsta’ culture with the absence of positive Black male role models at home as well as in schools (Abbott, 2002).
What is the link between ethnicity and subcultures?
Sewell (1997) observes that Black Caribbean boys may experience considerable pressure by their peers to adopt the norms of an ‘urban’ or ‘street’ subculture. More importance is given to unruly behaviour with teachers and antagonistic behaviour with other students than to high achievement or effort to succeed.
What did Mitsos and Browne’s study conclude?
They conclude that girls are more successful in coursework because they are better organised than boys. For example, girls spend more time on their work, take more care with the way it is presented and are better at meeting deadlines.
What did Mac an Ghaill say about education?
He argued that there has been a crisis of masculinity, because of the decline in traditional manual jobs.This has led to an identity crisis, and made it easier for some males to question the need for qualifications when the jobs they would have traditionally gone into no longer exist.