Education: Topic 3 - Ethnic Differences in Education Flashcards
Key terms and Sociologists from Education: Topic 3 - Ethnic Differences in Education
Define ethnic group
people who share a common history, customs and identity as well as, in most cases, language and religion. They see themselves as a distinct unit.
Who defined Ethic group
Lawson and Garrod
Who said that language spoken by low income black American families is seen as inadequate for educational success
Bertier and Englemann
Who said that Indian Pupils do well despite oftern having English as a second language
Gillborn and Mirza
Why are attitudes and values seen as a major cause of Black children failing
They lack moticatvion and are not socialised into a mainstream culture of ambition and competitiveness, instead falling into Sugarmans theory of Present Time Orientation
Who said black families are headed by a lone mother
Who said that Black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and resistant to racism that leads to low self-esteem and underachievement
What does Sewell say about Fathers, Gangs and Culture
A lack of tough love and lack of father figure means that black boys turn to gangs for a fatherly figure.
What does Gillborn say about Peer Pressure
It is not Peer Presure that leads to failure of young black boys, it is institutional racism
Who discussed the Asian Work Ethic
What did Lupton find about authority in Asian households
Adult authority in Asian families is similar to the model used in schools. This meant parents were more likely to support the school’s behaviour policies.
Who is more likely to go to uni, EM or White British
Ethnic Minorities - according to McCulloch
Who said that Ethnic Minorites saw education as a “way up” socially
Who found that White Working class street culture is brutal and can be replicated in school to cause disruption
What is Multicultural Educatio
Recognizes and values minority cultures and includes them in the curriculum
What is Anti-Racist Education
Education that challenges prejudice and discrimination
Who found that cultural Deprivation theories ignore positives of being an EM, E.g. Black Caribbean girls have strong roll models to look up to
Who said that black pupils don’t underachieve because of low self-esteem, but racism and teacher labelling
Who said EM are not culturally deprived - just culturally different
Who found that EM students were likely to be working class
PALMER - What amount of EM children live in low income houseing
Around 50% (as a pose to 1/4 or around 25% of white children)
Almost half of Bangladeshi and Pankistani workers earn under how much an hour - PALMER
How much more likely are EMs to be homeless - PALMER
How much more likely are EMs to be unemployed compared to white people - PALMER
Name 5 reasons why EMs might be more likely to be materially deprived
- Many live in economically depressed areas, with high unemployment and low wages
- Cultural factors can prevent women from going out to work (e.g. the tradition of Niqab in Muslim households)
- A lack of language skills or foreign qualifications which UK employers don’t recognise.
- Asylum seekers may not be allowed to work
- Racial discrimination in labour market and housing market
Who found that the impacts of income outweighed the impacts of ethnicity.
Who did a study that found white people were more likely to hear back from jobs
Wood et al. study sent out 1000 applications with different “ethnic” and “non-ethic” names and found that 1/16 EM applications heard back vs 1/9 White applicants
What did Gillborn and Mirza find about Black childrens achievement from primary school till GCSE
Coming into primary school they had the best achievement, however, by GCSE they had the worst results of any ethic group
Who found that teachers were quicker to discipline black students
Gillborn and Youdell
Where where black students likely to be streamed
In the educational triage they are likely to be labled and put into the hopeless cases and seen as underachevers
What did Wright find about Asian pupils language
That the teacher assumed that they would have a poor grasp of English, so left them out of class discussions
Who is seen as disruptive in education and who is seen as a problem to ignore
Black students seen as disruptive
Asian students seen as problems to ignore
What are Archers 3 pupil Identites
Ideal, Pathologised, Demonised
Why are Chinese students seen as achieving in the wrong way
They achieve through hard work, not natural ability
Who did Fuller study and what did he find
Year 11 black girls, found they rejected their label and succeeded despite teacher racism
What did Mac an Ghaill find about A level students
Asian and Black students did not always accept negative labelling and racism and sometimes succeeded despite it
What are Sewells 4 responses to school for boys
Rebel - be naughty and act out, join an anti school subculture
Retreat - shy away and disconnect from school and subcultures
Conform - Go with the flow and accept the goals of school
Innovate - Pro-education, but anti-school. They find their own ways to succeed and dont care about teachers approval
Which of Sewells 4 responses did teachers assume black boys fell into
Who described institutional racism and individual racism and what did they say
Troyna and Williams
Individual racism: results from prejudiced views of individual teachers
Institutional racism: discrimination that is built into the way institutions work
What is Critical Race Theory
The idea that racism is an ingrained part of society. Racism is “lokced in inequality”
Why does marketisation allow for EM students to be disadvantaged
Gillborn said that it allows for negative sterotypes to influence schools admissions,
Moore and Davenport said that selection can lead to segrigation as EM students are less likely to get into top schools
What is an Ethocentric Curriculum, with 2 examples
A curriculum that reflects the culture of one ethic group -usually the dominant one.
E.g. Language; David - only teach European language
History; Ball - “Little Englandism” Ignores the history of Asian and Black students
Why would the ethnocentric curriculum lead to underachievement
As it leads to low self-esteem amoung black students
Accoridng to Gillborn, what happens when Black students out perform white students
The assessment is “re-engineered” to allow for black falier as long as white students succeed
Gifted and Talented Programme
Gillborn (2008) whites are over twice as likely as Black Caribbean’s, and five times more likely than Black Africans, to be identified as gifted and talented.
Exam Tiers
Tikley et al (2006) The “Aiming High” initiative was introduced to raise black Caribbean achievement, despite this blacks were more likely to be entered for lower tier GCSE exams (often because they were in lower sets).
What is New IQism
Where teachers make false assumptions about students natural “ability” or “potential” that they believe is fixed to put students in the right set. It disadvantages EM students
Who are Model Minorities
Students who succeed despite their setbacks due to being EMS.
E.g. Asian students succeed as the system is meritocratic, This justifies the failure of other groups, as they fail as they cant be bothered to work hard, and it ignores that these model minorities still suffer racism
What is intersectionality
Looking at Ethnicity in context with Gender and Class
How did Connolly find that black boys and asian boys were seen differently during primary school
Black boys are disruptive underachievers and are more punished, Asian boys are seen as more “feminine” adn need protection from bullying