Education Theorists Flashcards
Lacey - Class
Differentiation and Polarisation -
D - Process of teachers categorising students into separate classes. ‘More able’ students labelled as high status and ‘less able’ places in inferior status.
P- Process in which students respond to streaming by moving towards one of two opposite extremes. Streaming caused for a polarisation in boys with a ‘pro-school’ subculture and a ‘anti-school’ subculture.
Archer - Ethnicity
-Muslim boys study
-Positive and strong masculine identity, opposed to stereotype of the asian stereotypes
-Identified with black pupils more than the majority of white pupils, adopted the black ‘gangsta’ masculinity: forming the basis of their identities
Sewell - Ethnicity
-Studied Black-Caribbean boys in a boys only school
-black masculinity - gangs; macho form of masculinity, reinforced by media, gangsta rap and hip-hop fashion
-provides a comfort zone for young black boys to be a part of a community - compensates from rejection of their fathers
-Argues that the growth of laddish subcultures has contributed to boys underachievement
-masculinity is constructed through school :working class boys are more likely to be harassed
-labelled as ‘sissy’s’: subject to homophobic verbal abuse
Mistos + Browne
-girls have improved rapidly in education since the 1980s, perform better than boys at all levels in most subjects
-role models for girls was shown through female teachers (who provide a pro-education attitude)
-having female teachers ‘feminises’ the learning environment and encourages girls to see schools as a part of the female ‘gender domain’ - therefore ‘educational success’ is deemed as feminine.
- girls are more successful at coursework subjects as they spend more time on their work, better organised, better at meeting deadlines. Girls mature earlier and concentrate for longer.