education sociologists Flashcards
children from families on state benefits A less likely to get 5 9’s in GCSE’s then those from affluent backgrounds
highest 20% of pupils gaining level 2 GCSE English and maths, by family income
lowest 20% of pupils gaining level 2 GCSE English and maths, by family income
who talked about langauge (elaborated and restricted)
what did sugarman talk about
the working class subculture- values are
* fatalism
* collectivism
* immediate gratification
* present time orentation
who talks about the “hidden cost of free schooling”
smith and noble
who had a problem with the idea of “cultral deprivation” saying w/c parents encourage their child to do better acedemically as they know it will lead to a better livelihood
gillian evans
the values, attitudes, and expectations held by particular group
who talks about habitus
the habitus of dominant classes provides them with a advantage to the educational system
who talks about the self-fufilling prophecy
who talks about differentiation and polarisation
what has the labelling theory been accused of
who talks about “nike identities”
Louise Archer
who says that “For a woman, a career represents recognition and economic self-sufficiency”
Beck and Beck-gerisheim
what does tony sewell say
schools dont nurture masculine traits
there is a focus on methodical working and attentiveness
chinease average attainment 8 score
white average attainment 8 score
black average attainment 8 score
who conducted a study on Black-Caribbean boys in a boys only comprehensive and found many boys lack a positive role model and discipline provided by a father figure
what did modood say
ethnic minorities have more cultural capital than is suggested by their social class
what are the 3 pupil identies according to Archer
- ideal pupil- white m/c
- pathologised pupil- asian
- demonised pupil- white w/c + black
what does sewell say the 4 responses to teacher labelling are
- conformists
- rebels
- innovators
- retreatists
who found that women now have different ambitions compared to women in the 1970’s
sue sharp
who found that a change in the way women are percieved in magazines show the rise in femenism
who belived the change in gender gap of education was down to coursework
reasons for boys falling behind in education
- changes in family
- lack of male teachers
- ‘laddish subcultures’
- decline of traditional male jobs
- education has become femenised
who talks about the growth of a laddish subculture
who says that boys are more concerened by peer pressure than girls
who says teachers have radacalised expectations of black students
gillborn and youdell
what did Fuller find
studied black girls and found they ignored the negative reinforcement put on them by racist teachers (they channeled their anger into educational success)
what did becker say teachers thought the ideal pupil was
- conduct
- appearence
- social class