Education role and function Flashcards
functionalist education
roll allocation- davis and moore
- inequality is necessary to ensure the most important rolls are done by the most talented people
-not everyone is equally talented more money i given to those with higer talents
-encourages people to compete for them society can pick the most talented
-education shifts and sorts us according to ability mats able get higher qualifications. gives them rntry to the most important and highest rewarded jobs.
functionalist education
Development human capital- Shaltz
-economy works on using “human capital” its workers skills
-a meritocrat education does this by enabling each person to find what best suites there ability.
-Makes the most efficient of there talent maximises there productivity.
functionalist education
Bridge between family & society- Parson
- in family particular rules that only apply to one child A subscribes status fixed by birth.
-In schools universal stander apply to everyone. status in achieved.
functionalist education
socialisation & social solidarity- Durkheim
-transfers society’s culture to next generation like PSHE lessons
-Miniture society helps us learn real world skills like working with people we do not like
-gives people knowledge and skills to play there part in the social division of labour
functionalist education
the role and function of education functionalist-
-education should give a scence of social solidarity
-most talented get rewarded with the most important roles
-meritocracy everyone is given equal opportunity they succeed by putting in effort
-teaches knowledge needed to play there part in the social division of labour
-bridge between family and work miniture society
the basics of marxis education
- education produces an obedient proletarian workforce
-education reproduces class inequalit
-education legitimises class enequality
The role and function of education marxism
-ideological state approach allows ruling class to keep power
-rejection of schools prepares young wc males for manual work
-middles class have an advantage have culture capital
-education is a capitalist enterprise
-makes us exploited workers
Althusser 1971
and criticisms
- education as an idelogical state approach
-marxists see the state as a way the capitilists rulling class maintain there dominant position
-2 appiratissuses- force (police court, army, suppresses), ideological (controlled through thoughts ideas and belifes)
-education role- reproduces inequality across generations by. fauling wc students, legitimises class inequality by producing ideas that descise the true cause
-teaches students necessary skills for employment
-Limited empirical evidence for his ideas
-Post-modernist say education is only one way of expressing ability in contemporary society
-Functionalist agree with Marxist ideas but suggest that they are beneficial for the society
-Deterministic more children from manual labour background going to success further study (however still only 9%)
Bourdieu 1977
the reproduction of class inequalities
-dominate classes power of education system and what it provides
-Culture reproduction- Habits field culture capital(more in upper class) separation between classes
-class capital- those in higher to middle class have more experiences that gives them an in built advantage to succeed even before they go to school.
-makes it easier for higher class to stay where they are born and ligitimises the higher social class position when in adult hood.
Willis and the lads
- 12 nights at a school in Wolverhampton in the 20s Developed an anti-school culture Didn’t care about qualifications wanted to leave the control of education skived disturb lessons
-‘eor oles’ Conforming people - School was pointless boring irrelevant to life wanted to get to the real world stop him drinking smoking getting real jobs cash
-found parallels between working-class men and this subculture e.g. Sexism lack of respect for authority
-Found education doesn’t make a submissive education doesn’t force them out they willing we leave the system
Bowles and gintis 2011 1976
The long shadow of work
and criticisms
-Point of education in a capital society is to create a hard-working submissive force (Minions)
-They do this through hidden curriculum things you’re not talk and shit amazing inequality and class structure, Correspondence principle school mirrors the world of work
- Oppose functionalist views on meritocracy Failure in education isn’t to do with lack of ability or hard work it’s social class and family background
-Functionalist agree with skills for employment but suggests benefit society
-Do students become passive puppet
-Our workers being produced equipped with necessary skills from employment 
Wills (1977)
Learning to labour
- has a Marxist perspective and interactionist perspective
- Will it recognises that schools doesn’t produce willing obedient workforce
-understand why middle-class young people go willing into secure and well-paid jobs. Why do you working-class people go willingly into poor paid jobs
illich 1995 and 1996
schooling repression and hegemonic control
-schools are repressive institutions promotes comforming and encoureges students passive acceptance of exising inequalities.
-do not encourage them to think for them selves or be critical
Go to conform get higher grades and better jobs go to don’t get pushed out of education and end up on the level jobs
-The solution is abolishing school ‘deschooling’ 
The role and function of education new right
-Marketisation of education competition and choice
-government control and fun most education-creates skilled workforce to compete with other country
-education has moved to far created to much equality
-operated education the same principles as the market
the new right opinion of education
-state education take a one size fits all approach this makes then unresponsive and inefficient
-competition between schools and empowering consumers will increase schools ability to meet parent, students and employers needs.