education key terms Flashcards
symbolic capital
a term to describe how the working class hide their culture because they see it as inferior to the middle class school culture
present-time orientation
living for the moment, without having any long term plans
elaborate speech code
middle class speech which contains a wide raging vocabulary and abstract thinking
deferred gratification
where middle class students delay their pleasure rather than having rewards immediately
privileged skilled chooser
middle class parents who use their educational and cultural capital to chose the best schools
when working class students prefer to fail as a group rather than succeed as a individual
restricted speech code
working class speech which uses a limited vocabulary and is not rewarded at school
where working class students tend to give up trying to succeed at school
anti school subculture
a group of students in school who share attitudes which go against the values of the school
the culture (way of thinking) shared by a social class
compensatory educational policies
Government policies aimed at helping students from poorer backgrounds
cultural capital
middle class culture which is rewarded at school
when someone is judged in a particular way
self fulfilling prophecy
internalising and then acting out the label that has been given
dividing students on their supposed ability
A-C economy
a system whereby schools concentrate on those students who are likely to get A-C grades, often ignoring those who won’t
cultural deprivation
working class students who are locking the right culture at home, in order to be successful at school
material deprivation
where the working class lack money and wealth which can lower their educational achievement
the creation of two opposite extremes of students due to streaming and setting
idealised pupil identity
a white, middle class masculine identity, who achieve through natural ability
demonised pupil identity
a black or white working class, hyper sexualised identity who are seen as an unintelligent culturally deprived underachiever
model minorities
the way in which some groups, such as chin ease and indian pupils are seen as high achieving students which masks the fact that the education system is insitutionally racist
male gaze
the way that makes judge females as sex objects
symbolic capital
the status that can be gained through peers
bedroom culture
where females spend most of their times inside the home communicating with friends
feminism of education
the way in which the education system is dominated by females
gender domains
tasks and activities which are specific to either makes or females
disciplinarian discourse
when the teachers authority is explicit and visible and where order is maintained through shouting and sarcasm
pathologised pupil identity
an asian, deserving poor, feminised identity who over a hive through hard work rather then natural ability
liberal chauvinists
teachers who believe that black pupils are culturally deprived and have low expectations of them
critical race theory
a belief that racism is an ingrained feature of society
multi culturalism
the way in which the education system attempts to promote the cultures of different ethnic groups
new IQism
the way in which teachers make false assumptions of the potential of ethnic minority students using old style IQ tests
policies aimed at trying to get ethnic minorities to fit in with mainstream british culture
overt racist teachers
teachers who believe that some ethnic groups are inferior and delivery discriminate against them
colour blind teachers
teachers who believe that all pupils are equal but allow racism to go unchallenged
liberal discourse
where a teachers authority is implicit and invisible and where the teachers expects the child to be sensible and respectful
racialised expectations
how teachers expect poorer behaviour from some ethnic minority students and misinterpreted their behaviour as threatening
institutional racism
the way in which the education system is racist rather than focusing on the actions of individuals
ethnocentric curriculum
the way in which the curriculum is focused on the dominant culture
gender stereotyping
generalisations of make and female behaviour
a policy to encourage girls to study and pursue careers in science and engineering
hyper sexual feminine identity
working class girls who focus their attention and effort on looking glamorous
privileged skilled choosers- middle class parents who understand education
disconnected local choosers- working class with less ambition and don’t understand education, kids stay local
semi skilled choosers- working class who rely on friends to help chose the right school
off loading pupils who are expensive and are likely to get poor results
where the private sector has accessed parts of the education system
educational triage
where students are divided into three groups; those who will pass anyway, those who will definitely fail and those where the school can make a difference to their groups
neo liberalism
a political/social/ economic theory which believes in reducing the role of the state and giving more economic freedom to individuals
cream skimming
selecting higher ability students who are likely to gain the best results and cost less to teach
where power is given to parents in the way education is provided- often by giving them consumer power
formula funding
a policy which base school funding on the number of students a school can attract
fragmented centralism
where schools are more independent from local authorities but where there is greater control from central government