Education Definitions Flashcards
Define A-C economy
Schools focus a disproportionate amount of time and resources to achieve passing grades
Define academisation
The process of local authority schools becoming academies, meaning they are self-governed and can choose their own curriculum and term dates.
Define anti-school subculture
An alternate status hierarchy which is derived from direct opposition of school expectations and ethos (Willis’ Lads)
Define ascribed status
An involuntary status assigned at birth and unchangeable - ethnicity, wealth status
Define achieved status
Mainly earned by merit. Reflects personal skills, talent, ability, effort and hard work - qualifications.
Define compensatory education
Extra funds and resources to tackle cultural and material deprivation and close the gap between w/c and m/c children in education. (EAZs)
Define comprehensive schools
Local schools which do not select based on ability and are run by the local education authority.
Define comprehensivisation
Establishment of comprehensive schools to replace the tripartite system
Define correspondence principle
Marxist idea that school prepares students for future exploitation by mirroring the norms and values of the workplace.
Define cream skimming
Selecting only the highest bility students to gain the best results
Define cream skimming
Selecting only the highest bility students to gain the best results
Define crisis of masculinity
Define cultural capital
The skills. knowledge and attitudes possessed by the m/c - advantageous over w/c because language and values mirror teachers, exams and the school ethos
Define cultural deprivation
Theory that w/c socialisation is inadequate at providing the norms, values and knowledge to succeed
Define deferred gratification
The value of delaying immediate reward in favour of hard work in the present to receive greater reward in the future - explains the m/c tendency to go to university.
Define deprivation/poverty cycle
One aspect of material disadvantage has a knock on effect - poverty is reinforced and carried across generations because being poor means a poor diet and living conditions which causes time off school/work etc
Define deterministic
Assumes that an input like labelling always has the same effect like internalisation, ignoring the agency of individuals to respond in their own way.
Define division of labour
Production is broken down into smaller specialised jobs to improve efficiency.
Define economic capital
Possession of economic and material resources
Define educational triage
Schools sort students into 3 groups and focus attention and resources on middle ‘could pass’ group instead of high and low achiever groups
Define elaborated code
Context-free language consisting of a wide vocabulary, complex sentences allowing the expression of abstract ideas. The speech code of the m/c and institutions.
Define endogenous privatisation
Schools are made to compete like businesses while still under government control - idea behind marketisation.
Define equality of opportunity
The fairness of processes through which individuals from different social groups reach outcomes like GCSEs or uni.
Define ethnocentric curriculum
Curriculum treats white, European history, religion and culture as superior, excluding children from ethnic backgrounds who feel unrepresented
Define ethos
The culture of the school - the expected norms, values and aspirations of students
Define exogenous privatisation
Schools are taken over by private businesses rather than run directly by the government
Define expressive role
The typically female roles and subjects in school and society - essay based or emotionally taxing.
Define fatalism
The attitude of the w/c that believes low paid jobs and failure in education is inevitable - results in low aspirations