Education And Training Flashcards
A certificate of completion awarded to a person after completing a program of study in a particular area, usually lasting two years
Associate degree
A certificate of completion awarded to a person after successfully completing the required set of college courses in both general and specific areas usually taking four years.
Bachelors degree
Unit of measurement that schools used to determine whether students are progressing towards graduation.
A course that is not required that can be chosen by students according to their interest.
Methods of paying for education/training such as grants, scholarships, etc.
financial aid
A document stating that a person has passed a five – part test in the areas of writing, social studies, science, reading and math.
GED certificate
A program of study beyond a bachelors degree.
graduate school
A temporary paid or unpaid position that involves direct work experience in a career field.
Learning on job
on – The – job training.
Any education or training following high school.
post secondary education.
A course that is required before another course can be taken.
The fee that colleges charge to take their classes.
A course were program that teaches job skills.
Most college classes are worth ________hours, unless it has a lab with it then worth _______ hours. PE class worth _____Hours.
Full – time must carry at least_____hours.