Education And Methods Flashcards
Middle class parents are more child centred which is reflected in greater personal investment in their child
Educational priority areas
Schools cannot compensate for society
No longer get extra money for resources
Mitsos and Browne
Teachers have lower expectations of boys
Disruptive students
Some schools had to go into special measures
Non conforming students
Not entirely successful in teaching consensus and solidarity
Davis and Moore
Social institutes sift and sort
Educational policy
Aimed at improving girls educational opportunities at the expense of boys education
Edward and Davis
Parents believed that certain toys and games are gender stereotyped
Socialisation of children Working class restricted speech code
Conservation government under Margaret
Schools would focus on aiming their offers at the parents and not the students
Criticises the national curriculum for ignoring cultural and ethnic diversity
Sue Sharpe
Girls no longer prioritise traditional pathways of marriage and motherhood, instead they prioritise education, career and less reliance on men
Ethnic minorities
Unemployed or low pay
Children may have to help at home and get a job
What is taught in schools mainly reflects white culture
Gillborn and Youdell
White female teachers have low expectations of black boys
Pierre Bourdieu
Cultural capital that’s commanded by middle class which reinforced social inequality within society
Guy palmer
Nearly half of ethnic minority children live in low income families
Some teachers openly labelled Asian culture as inferior to British culture
Statistics for those who receive free school meals and GCSE results
39% pass who have free school meals
- 5% pass who do not receive free school meals
- 5% gap
Penny and Francis 2010
Social class is the strongest predictor of educational achievement in the UK
The impact of class
When children from the lower working class have been compared to middle class children of the same ability significant differences have been found in performance 90% of failing schools are in deprived areas
Diet and Health
Poor diets and higher level of sickness may means tiredness and difficulty in concentrating at school, particularly if the student has undertaken PT work
Becker 1971
Interactionist theorists
Demonstrated that the source of student attainment lies within the school itself. He showed that teacher perceptions dictated outcome
Interviews with 60 high school teachers discovered that they initially evaluate pupils in relation to their stereotypes of the ‘ideal pupil’ who was intelligent, motivated and well behaved
The 1944 education act
Established three types of secondary school - the tripartite system Grammar - top 15-20% upper middle class Technical - few lower middle/skilled manual working class Secondary modern - most children to be prepared to be the working classes
Statistics for gender and education GCSE
2015 girls outperformed boys: 61.7% girls pass, 51.6% boys pass with a 10% gap
2013 study boys 2.5x more likely to have statements of special educational needs
Can it be generalised
Women in employment statistics
Has risen from 53% in 1971 to 67% in 2013
Ball and Youdell 2007
Identify two main types of privatisation:
Privatisation in education
Privatisation of education
Privatisation in education
Refers to an ethos that institutions have been expected to adopt
Competition between schools for students
Privatisation of education
Aspects of the provision of education formerly run by the state have been passed to private profit making businesses that operate outside of education
E.g. edexcel is run by the multinational company Pearson plc
Durkheim 1903 main functions of education
Creating social solidarity
Teaching specialist skills
Woolf review of vocational education 2011
Claims that high quality apprenticeships are rare and up to a third of 16-19 yrs are on courses that do not lead to higher education or good jobs
Tumin 1953
Criticises Davis and Moore for putting forward a circular argument
Important jobs are highly rewarded because they are important
Louis Althusser 1972 ideology and ideological state apparatus
Representing the political power of ruling class Role is to mystify the way people are encouraged to see and experience the world
Bowles and Gintis
The world of work influences the organisation of education. They suggest this is like work casting a shadow over education with hidden curriculum
Lack detailed research, ignore the influences of formal curriculum
Helps people realise their position in society
Questions whether more government spending on education will automatically lead to economic growth
Mac and Ghaill
Found that those in lower streams react to their perceived inferior status by forming delinquent
Survey that found evidence of a working class subculture that schools were a waste of time and they often came from deprived areas
Middle class parents have more power than working class parents Use their economic, cultural and social capital to ensure their child goes to the best school
Fiona Norman
Most parents socialise boys and girls in different ways girls more gentle and boys more boisterous
Berieter and Englemann
Black children suffer from verbal deprivation from lower class backgrounds Unable to use complex vocabulary
Girls were put off from doing science because of its masculine characteristics found in textbooks and most teachers were male
Anti school subculture
Characterised by hyper masculinity
Leads to self fulfilling prophecy as ethnic minority students may become anti school but pro education