Education Flashcards
Consensus Theories
Positive view on The Education system
Functionalist and New Right
Conflict Theories
Negative view on The Education system
Marxism and Femenism
Macro scale, consensus, and Structural
The education system benefits the individual and society
The system is MERITOCRATIC (the system is fair, giving everyone and equal chance at success)
The system provides the skills necessary for the economy
School is an important part of secondary socialisation
Durkheim and Parsons
Durkheim: Schools are an important part of socialisation, and also make sure individuals are fully integrated into society, to encourage social solidarity
Parsons: school helps people move from particularistic standards (treated as an individual) to universalistic standards (everyone is treated the same)
Davis and Moore
School acts positively as a bridge between home and the workplace
The Ed system also sorts people into their roles (role allocation)
The Ed system provides the skills that the economy needs.
Criticisms of Functionalism
Wrong to claim the Ed system is meritocratic
Ignores inequalities that persist in education eg/ underperformance of working class boys
The theory ignores the negative experiences that some groups and individuals have in education
New Right
Macro scale, Consensus, and Structural
Marketisation, the Ed system should be run like a business
Parental choice is positive and important- this drives high standards
Everyone should be offered the same opportunities
New right ideas are expressed politically by the Conservative Gov- attempted to make state schooling more like private schooling
New Right 1979-97
Emerged with Margret Thatchers Conservative-led Gov
Their addenda was to reduce the role of the state and privatisation
1988 education reform act was passed- a focus on strengthening literacy + numeracy, and introducing Marketisation
Chubb and Moe (1990)
New Right
The introduction of market forces into education is beneficial and it drives up standards and encourages schools to be more economical
The Coalition Government 2010-15
New Right
Under guidance of education minister, Michael Gove
Marketisation and privatisation within schools
Return to Linear A-Levels, fewer subject choice, and increased parental choice through a greater range of types of school
The Conservative Government 2015-
New Right
Parents should have greater choice
Many schools have become academies
Placing a strong emphasis on the promotion of ‘British Values’
Keen to expand grammar schools
Criticisms of New Right
Increase inequalities within the Ed system, widening the gap between working class and middle class
The choice is only really available to those to understand and can afford it
Many working class parents can’t afford to transport to schools that are not their local comprehensive
The quality of education goes down when it becomes about profit and results only, over the welfare of students
Macro scale, Conflict, Structural
The Ed system maintains and perpetuates the capitalist system by making sure there are very many willing and docile workers
The system brainwashes children to conform to and accept their position within the class system
The system encourages the correct values and attitudes to uphold capitalism
Bowles and Gintis (1976)
The myth of meritocracy- the system claims to be fair and appears to offer everyone the same chance of success, this is false, in reality the Ed system reproduces inequalities
The Correspondence Principle- the Ed system mirrors the world of work, and at school students are being prepared for the world of work eg/ you obey your teacher, but also your boss at work
The hidden curriculum- things that are learnt but not taught directly
Althusser (1971)
The Ed system is part of the ideological state apparatus- refers to the way that certain institutions shape people’s ideas so they don’t seek to challenge capitalism, in other words people are taught to love the system
Bourdieu (1977)
The Ed system advantages the middle class because they posses cultural capital (a set of tastes and interests often found among the middle class) which can be converted into material rewards later in life
Criticisms of Marxism
Too deterministic- by arguing that being w/c automatically leads to failure, when this isn’t always the case.
There are other factors that effect education- ethnicity, gender etc
Today’s society is far more complex than the society at the time when Marxist ideas emerged- so to what extent can a Marxist point of view be relevant to today’s society?
Up until the 90s girls were over looked in education- since then girls have improved drastically, with girls now outperforming boys
Despite this feminists argue the Ed system maintains patriarchal ideology ( a set of ideas that reflect male dominance)