Education Flashcards
Functionalism - 3 functions of Education - help society?
- Teaches skills needed in work & by economy2. Sifts & Sorts people for appr. jobs = allocation function3. Secondary socialisation, passing on core values
Funcationalists? (3)
DurkheimDavis & MooreParsons
Durkheim - education? (2)
Passes on norms & values - to integrate individuals into society = Helps to create social order based on cohesion & value consensus
Parsons? (2)
Schools pass on a universal value of achievement Ed. selects children into appr. roles - meritocratic + agree with Durkheim & n/vs
Davis & Moore? (3)
Ev. society sorts its members into diff. positions There’s rules for how ed. does this - “principles of satisfaction”= Has to be system of unequal rewards to motv. people to train for top pos’tions
Functionalist perspective? (2)
Meritocratic - when social rewards allc’d by talent/effort than pos. born intoTal+Motv+Equ Opp - quals & high pos. in society
Marxists believe:How? (3)
Ed. legitimises inequality through ideology1. Prepares child for world of work by giving skills & values they’ll need2. Justifies inequality3. Passes on ruling ideology that supports capitalism
Marxists? (4)
AlthusserBowles & GintisWillis Bourdieu
Althusser: (2)
Sees ed as part of “ideological state apparatus” - Tool of capitalism - used to pass on belief that society is fair=> docile & obedient workforce
Bowles & Gintis: (3)(2)
Correspondence between pupil experiences of school & adult work:Hierarchy in bothMotivated by grades to do boring w - work rewards with paySchool/work reward subservience/following rulesHidden curriculum - hw/punctuality = prepares people for work + meritocracy = myth used to blame indv. for not succeeding
Ed doesn’t turn out an obedient workforce - some kids form an anti-school subculture & cope with school/work by mucking
Middle class get to top because of cultural capital - lang/skills/knwledge/attitudes
Criticisms of functionalism (3)
Evd. of differential achievement in terms of class/gender/ethn = suggests ed’s not meritocraticEd. doesn’t prepare people for work e.g. lack of eng. grads = ed. failing to prod what employers/eco needsDoesn’t explain conflict
Criticisms of Marxists (2)
Assumes people are passive victims - exg how much w.c studs are socialised into obedience (Willis)Most people, aware of inequality
Similarities between functionalist & marxist views (2)Difference:
Ignore social interactionBoth say ed. has huge impact on indv & close link with eco & workInequality:Marxists -> ed. helps to maintain/make people accept inequalityFuncts -> ed passes on value of meritocracy/lets people better themselves
Feminists: (3)Diff types: (2)
Hidden curriculum -> reinforces gender diffsStill gender diffs in subject choicesMen dominate top positions in schools e.g. headLib -> want equal access to de for both sexesRad -> men, bad infl, = want female-centrd ed for girls
Social class -> Education?(3)
Affects ed achievementsPupils from prof. bckgrnds = sigf. m. likely to enter HE than unskilledM-class m likely -> A Levels & W-class -> vocationalDisadvg’ed bckgds, more likely to leave school at 16 + less likely to start school able to read
Internal factors:Why?Can lead to?Which leads to…=>Responses? (2)4 names
Negative labelling = can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy of failureBecker & Keddie = teachers tend to evaluate pupils in terms of an ideal student by looking at apps/ pers’lities/ speech/class Neg. lab. => can put some in lower setsBall -> studs in top sets = higher class. Teachers = higher expcts & taught in diff ways - top sets/h class = higher levs of knowledge =>anti-school subculturesHargreaves = bottom sets = m likely to be non-conformists Woods = lots of diff reactions to neg labelling but non-conf m likely to be from w-c
But* Internal factors…probs? (2)
External factors e.g. poverty, cultural deprvLab. theory = too deterministic - those stds don’t alws fail
External Factors: (2)
Material & Cultural deprivation
Material Deprivation:Theories (2)?Probs caused? (2)
Eco poverty -> low achievementsHalsey = most imp. factor preventing w-class students staying on at sch. = lack of financial classDouglas = children in unsatisfactory living conds (poor housing/lack of nut. food/overcrding) didn’t do v well in ability comp’d to kids from comf bckgdsUnemployment/low income = less money for books/trips. Can’t afford nurseries/priv. schools/aff. to support at uniPov/unsatsf. living stands => health probs/absense
Cultural deprivation: (3)Theory? *?
W-class culture & parenting = aren’t aimed at educ. successDouglas:Level of parental interest = most imp. factor in affecting achvment e.g m-c parents m likely -> p. evenings (but* w-class = working…)W-class = don’t have knowledge & values that help achv. - museum vis/books/parental knowledge of edc)Some parenting styles emph. imp. of edc more than others
Some sociologists say class affects:Theories? (2)But*? (3)
Attitudes to ed.Sugarman: Manual bckgrounds = immediate gratification Non-manual bckgrounds = ambitious & deffer their gratf. (invest time in studying/plan for future)Hyman:Values of w-class = a self-imposed barrier to improving their position. W-class tend to place low value on ed CD & MD theories don’t expl internal factorsCD theory generalises a lot about diffs between m & w-class lifeIgnores w-class who do place high value on ed & tends to assume that wc = no cluture at all/ or that wc culture cant be relevant to school = ETHNOCENTRIC (superior culture..)
2 sociologists that investigated differences in achievements?
Bernestein & Bourdieu
Bernstein: (3)Prob:
W-c pupils used a restricted odeM-c studs - knew how to use same elaborate code as tees= W-C at disadvantage in terms of lang.Variations within m-c & w-c = vary in how they use elaborate code
Bourdieu: (3)Probs (2)
M-c at adv’tage - have “cultural capital” - right language, skills, knowledge, attitudes+ More cultural capital - more suc’ful & w-c don’t have cultural capitalM-c fams pass on cultural cap. & expectations to children = cultural reproductionHalsey: material factors, more imp. because lack of money => uni..?Not all w-class studs fail even if they don’t have cult. capital
Ethnicity & Differential Achievement in EducationTrends:
Higher levels of achvment:Chinese/Indian more qual’d than whites + blacks m likely to have a levels than white wEthnic mins born in UK = higher quals than those that movementLower levels of achv’ment:Bngls/Paks = least qual’d
Ethnicity & Differential Achievement in EducationTrends:
Higher levels of achvment:Chinese/Indian more qual’d than whites + blacks m likely to have a levels than white wEthnic mins born in UK = higher quals than those that movementLower levels of achv’ment:Bngls/Paks = least qual’dAfro-Carbs, m likely to be excluded/lower streams/vocational
Ethnicity & Differential Achievement in EducationTrends:
Higher levels of achvment:Chinese/Indian more qual’d than whites + blacks m likely to have a levels than white wEthnic mins born in UK = higher quals than those that movementLower levels of achv’ment:Bngls/Paks = least qual’dAfro-Carbs, m likely to be excluded/lower streams