education Flashcards
Mass education
-Education was viewed as essential to economic development
-Provided education to a large pop. through publicly funded schools (organized by the government)
Credential Inflation
- Increase in higher qualifications for certain jobs - shuts out people with lower-income who can’t afford higher education/training
Structural Functionalist perspective on Education
-Schools help maintain equilibrium of social system
-Clings to the idea of meritocracy - people are rewarded for their own achievements
-Act as a sorting mechanism for future roles in society (through allocation of grades)
“Schools need to both serve and reflect the values and interests of the society in which they operate”
Talcott Parsons
Conflict Theory
Schooling serves the capitalist aims of profit and compliant workers
Bowles and Gintis (1976)
Students from privileged class backgrounds more likely to continue to higher levels of schooling
Hidden Curriculum
Subtle presentations of political or cultural ideas in the classroom - norms, attitudes and behaviors
Standardized testing
controversy surrounds such tests as it reflects the dominant culture, placing minorities at a disadvantage
Assigning students to different types of programs
- Students from wealthy families are put into university-bound streams
Critical Pedagogy
- Goal is to unmask sources of oppression
- Encourage students to question and challenge power structures, social injustices, and inequalities in society.
Symbolic interactionalism
Examines meanings attached to school practices
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Teacher-imposed labels can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy - children will start behaving in such ways (lazy, troublemaker)