Education Flashcards
What view do Functionalists have on society and the education system as a part of it?
Functionalists hold a consensus view where every part of society helps to maintain society as a whole. Parsons Organic Analogy.
What are the 4 roles of the education system according to functionalists?
*Social solidarity – individuals should feel like they are part of a single body within society and education transmits the culture (shared beliefs and values) necessary for creating social solidarity.
*Skills teaching – Education teaches individuals the specialist knowledge that they need to play their part in the social division of labour. Multiple unique skills are required for the production of a single item
*Meritocracy – Status in education is achieved based on equal opportunities.
*Selection and role allocation – schools asses individuals aptitudes and abilities and matches them to the job they are most suited to.
Which sociologist talks about social solidarity and describes school as a ‘society in miniature’?
Durkheim - ‘society in miniature’ teaches people life lessons
Which sociologist describes the education system as a FSA and what does it mean?
Parsons - school is a “focal socialising agency” which teaches the universalistic standards of wider society.
Which sociologists talk about selection and role allocation?
Davis and Moore
Describe in detail Davis and Moore’s view on role allocation.
Inequality is necessary to ensure that the most important roles in society are filled by the most talented people, otherwise it would be inefficient.
What do the new right believe about the marketisation of education?
The new right favour the marketisation of education because they believe that the state cannot meet the needs of its members while the free-market can.
How do the new right believe that the education system has failed?
Not created equal opportunities and therefore fails disadvantaged groups, it also fails to produce individuals with skills that are needed by the economy
What do Chubb and Moe say about consumer choice?
Leads to competition between schools and therefore an increase in standard of education.
How is Chubb and Moe’s view on consumer choice criticised.
Emphasis gets placed on an universal set of shared beliefs with focus on British, not multicultural, history and culture and Christianity. Institutional RACISM
Which sociologist describes the education system as an ISA and what does it mean.
Althusser - school is an ideological state apparatus. Maintains the rule of the bourgeoisie by controlling people’s ideas, values and beliefs. These include religion, the media and the education system. Education reproduces and legitimates (Justifies) class inequality.
Instils False Class consciousness
Which sociologists talk about the lessons that schools teach pupils that subconsciously prepare them for working and being part of the system of oppression later in life? What is it called? Examples?
Bowles and Gintis speak of the hidden curriculum and an example of it is waking up early for school and set start and finish times which translates to working.
Who conducted a study on “the lads” and the “ear’oles”?
Willis found a counter culture where the lads believed that pursuing educational prowess was effeminate and so they identified with male manual labour. This meant they ended up in inferior skilled and lower paying jobs but capitalism still needs these jobs completed by somebody.
Who talks about cultural capital and what does it mean.
Bourdieu describes cultural capital as the knowledge that helps someone navigate a culture. It helps affect the opportunities that are available
What 3 things contribute to explaining cultural deprivation and its impacts on working class children’s success in education? (External factors)
Speech codes, Parents attitudes to education and Working class subcultures
How do speech codes affect working class children’s success in education?
Working class families = restricted code (short, context bound words and gestures). Middle class = elaborated code (grammatically complex and longer sentences that are context free).
elaborated is used in schools and questions.
Which sociologist wrote about the effect of speech codes?
How do parental attitudes affect working class children’s success in education?
W/c parents are typically less encouraging about school and putting in the work. M/c parents are more likely to read to children and help with homework etc.
M/c parents support education with trips and resource books because they have money to do so.
what does Douglas highlight about how parental attitudes effected children’s achievement?
Working class parents take less interest in school and education and therefore push their children to achieve less. They encourage focus on extracurricular activities.
Which sociologist looked at how working class subculture affected children’s success in education?
(4 factors)
What are the 4 key features of working class subcultures, identified by Sugarman, that bar educational achievement?
Fatalism, Collectivism (Valuing group more than personal success), Immediate gratification (spending not saving) and Present time orientation (Not reflecting on the past or hoping for the future)
How does material deprivation affect levels of difference in educational achievement?
Overcrowding in house may mean no quiet spaces to work. Rundown housing may be unsafe for working and living.
Wealthy parents = nutritious food - helps in mental/physical development. Cost of free schooling (textbooks/trips) too much for low income parents.
Cost of uni may cause students to not go to uni at all or go to a local one reducing opportunities.
Which sociologist spoke of three types of capital and what are they?
Bourdieu spoke of Cultural, Economic and Educational capital.