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EDU 671 Week 1 Assignment Trends in Educational Action Research
EDU 671 Week 1 DQ 1 Understanding Action Research
EDU 671 Week 1 DQ 2 Early Action Research Ideas
EDU 671 Week 2 Assignment Action Research Project
EDU 671 Week 2 Assignment Literature Review Matrix
EDU 671 Week 2 DQ 1 The Literature Review Debate
EDU 671 Week 3 Assignment Action Research Plan
EDU 671 Week 3 Assignment Leadership Conference Poster
EDU 671 Week 3 DQ 1 Triangulation
EDU 671 Week 3 DQ 2 Ethics in Research
EDU 671 Week 4 Assignment Intervention Innovation Method
EDU 671 Week 4 DQ 1 Data Analysis Practice
EDU 671 Week 4 DQ 2 Your Intended Intervention/Innovation
EDU 671 Week 5 Assignment Sample Action Research Report Evaluation
EDU 671 Week 5 DQ 2 Writing Rituals and the Value of Writing About Action Research
EDU 671 Week 6 Assignment Action Research Proposal
EDU 671 Week 6 DQ 1 Action Planning for Education Change

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ASH EDU 671 Week 1 Assignment Trends in Educational Action Research NEW

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Instructions: For this assignment, you will create a document that includes both the Early Action Research Plan and criteria for your area of focus. The plan you share is the same one posted in the Early Action Research Ideas discussion from this week. Please be sure to consider the feedback you received from peers and your instructor and make necessary changes before including this plan in your assignment submission. For the criteria part of the assignment, consider what you read in “Themes in Education: Action Research” and “Current Trends in Education.” What topics did you see and read about that lead you toward clarifying a general idea and establishing an area of focus for research? Please refer to the “Research in Action Checklist Three – One” (Mills, 2014, p. 44) to establish criteria for your area of focus. Note that writing in the first-person voice during the criteria section of this assignment is acceptable.
The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.

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ASH EDU 671 Week 1 DQ 2 Early Action Research Ideas NEW

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Familiarize yourself with the nine steps that Mills (2014) presents in Chapter 3, pp. 69-70, in order to complete the first three steps of your Final Project, Action Research Plan. Follow the directions below as they differ from the steps on page 69. As well, review Mills (2014) Informed Consent and Protection from Harm in Chapter 2, pp. 32-36, in order to discuss the need for completion of informed consent as it relates to your action research proposal.
At this point, you are presenting early ideas that are not concrete, as you have not conducted a review of literature yet. Therefore, your responses should be in outline form only. (You will make these three steps more concrete and formal in structure in Week Three). For now, you will briefly explain the problem or situation.
1. Current Work Setting
o Describe your current professional setting, if applicable, whether you are working in a school setting, other educational setting, or organization not related to education.
2. Potential Population Effected
o Keeping the focus relatively small, describe whether the potential population of interest includes a group of students and what their grade or age level includes. If you currently work with adults in a non-educational setting, include who in your workplace is impacted. If you are currently unemployed, include who may benefit from a potential change or intervention (i.e. your child, a related child, an adult in the family, etc.). Avoid the use of specific names, rather describe the group or individuals who would be influenced or involved in the action research project.
o Based on what you learned by reading the selection in Mills, discuss the importance of and need to communicate and acquire informed consent. When contemplating where your study may occur and who it may involve, who (person’s professional role) do you anticipate will need to sign an informed consent form for your study? If no signatures are needed, clearly state why not.
3. Area of Focus
o Identify your early idea of what the purpose of your study may be.
4. Explanation of Problem
o Statement of problem or si

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ASH EDU 671 Week 2 Assignment Literature Review Matrix NEW

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Instructions: You will conduct a web search on your area of focus using Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other major search engine. Be sure to take the time to inform yourself on sound research sources including use of peer reviews as listed in the recommended and required resources for the week. To get you started, view What is a Scholarly Journal Article?. Next, you will analyze the first five results that appear from your search in a table format using Microsoft Word. Then, using the same keywords you used to search the Web, you will conduct a search in the Ashford University Library using one of the academic databases (ERIC, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, and so forth) and create a table using Microsoft Word. Finally, you will select two sources from either table that you feel are the best overall based on currency, credibility, authority, and academic integrity and construct a summary. For each article in your tables, use the following format:
APA Citation
Source Type (e.g., journal article, magazine article, book, and so forth)
Annotation (e.g., two to three sentences summarizing the contents of the source)
The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.
• Web Search (2 points): Construct a table that includes an APA citation, source type, and a two- to three-sentence annotation for five scholarly sources gathered from an open Web search.
• Library Search (2 points): Construct a table that inclides an APA citation, source type, and a two- to three-sentence annotation for five scholarly sources gathered from a library search.
• Summary – Source Selection (1 point): State the two sources you have selected and in one paragraph evaluate what factors influenced your decision to select these articles over the others from your search results.
• Summary – Learning (5 points): In a paragraph, explain what you learned through this process of selecting articles and what was most informative for you about this experience.
• Summary – Adaptations (.5 points): In a paragraph, explain the adaptations you will make in your search and evaluation process as a result of what you located during this assignment.
• Summary – Application (.5 points): In a paragraph, explain how you will use the information you found to help inform your ideas about your action research proposal.
Written Communication
The assignment needs to adhere to the following areas for written communication.
• Page Requirement (.5 points): Your assignment must be three to four pages, not including title and references pages.
• APA Formatting (.5 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
• Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.
Review and Submit the Assignment
Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit the assignment to the course room for evaluation no later than day 7 of the week.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 2 DQ 1 The Literature Review Debate NEW

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In Chapter 3 of Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, the debate over the role of the literature process is discussed. Mills (2014) remarks,
Some researchers have argued that reviewing the literature curtails inductive analysis—using induction to determine the direction of the research—and should be avoided at the early stages of the research process. Others suggest that the review of related literature is important early in the action research process because it helps action researchers identify underlying assumptions behind their research questions and helps the researcher refine research questions and embed them in guiding hypotheses that provide possible direction to follow (p.74).
At this early stage of action research as you prepare to search for credible sources of information to help you build an action research proposal, discuss which viewpoint on these two perspectives you lean toward and why. How do you intend to use what you learned concerning best practices for research from the chapter and the web-based resources to help you search effectively and efficiently?
Guided Response: When reading your peers’ responses to the question, identify a peer who has responded with a perspective that is different from your own. Now, instead of countering their analysis, attempt to support it. Then, find someone who agrees with your point of view and challenge his/her perspective. *It is expected you follow up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 3 Assignment Action Research Plan NEW
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Instructions: You will construct the draft of your action research plan using the headings provided in the Content section below. Remember to write clearly and succinctly using active and not passive language and to write in a professional tone.
The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.
• Area of Focus Statement (1 point): In two to three sentences, describe the purpose of your study. Begin by writing a statement that starts with, “The purpose of this study is to…”
• Problem - Interest (.5 points): In half of a page, describe the observations that led to your interest in this action research project (e.g. student interactions, review of data, etc.).
• Problem – Background (1 point): In one page, explain the background or history of the situation in your classroom/school context or work place.
• Problem – Prior Interventions (1 point): In half of a page, explain what you have tried or what others have tried in relation to the problem and what has worked or not worked.
• Participant Description (1 point): In no more than one page, describe each participant selected for this study.
• Participant Justification (1 point): In no more than one page, justify why you are working with these participants in this study.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 3 Assignment Leadership Conference Poster NEW

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EDU 671 Week 3 Assignment Leadership Conference Poster.
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EDU 671 Week 3 Assignment Leadership Conference Poster.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 3 DQ 1 Triangulation NEW

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In Chapter 4 of Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, Mills (2014) shares that “ the strength of educational research lies in its triangulation, collecting information in many ways rather than relying solely on one” (p. 104).

Complete the Data collection worksheet to include the following:
1. Area of focus statement
2. Brief description of proposed intervention
3. Table
The following table provides a completed sample of:
1. Up to three research questions (you will have between one and three questions for your study).
2. An appropriately aligned data collection tool.
3. An explanation as to how the tool will help you answer your research question.
Will the incorporation of project-based learning improve students’ state assessment scores as it relates to the Common Core State Standards in comprehending non-fiction text?
Will the inclusion of project-based learning improve student application of comprehending non-fiction text at a high depth of knowledge level?
How does project-based learning integrate clear expectations and essential criteria and remain successful?
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ASH EDU 671 Week 3 DQ 2 Ethics in Research NEW

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Briefly describe the population from which data will be collected from during future implementation of the action research study. View the Belmont Report, Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. Then watch the following videos*:
*WARNING: The following videos contain strong or potentially offensive language.
a. Obedience to Authority_Stanley Milgram Experiment
b. Feature Film – The Stanford Prison Experiment (Documentary)
c. Apology to survivors of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment
According to Mills (2014), “all research studies involve ethical considerations. Therefore, all researchers must be aware of and attend to the ethical considerations related to their studies” (p. 27). Therefore, identify the potential ethical concerns associated with the topic you selected in Week One in collecting the type of data you plan to collect from this particular population. How will you address those ethical concerns when designing your action research project around this topic? Be sure to keep in mind the big three ethical principles: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice, as well as informed consent, assessment of risk, and selection of subjects as discussed in the Belmont Report and to refer to them in your response. Having no ethical considerations is not an option.
Guided Response: Take on the role of fellow teacher, building or district/regional administrator, parent, IRB, or other role. Respond to at least two of your classmates, and imagine you are listening to your co-worker explain via their initial post the ethical issues they need to be aware of and/or address when framing their action research study. What insight can you provide based on what you learned from your study of ethical rules and procedures in research involving human subjects? What did they miss? How might they handle a potentially sticky ethical concern? *It is expected you follow up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 4 Assignment Intervention Innovation MethodNEW

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Instructions: For this assignment, you will write a method paper than contains the items listed in the content below.

The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.
• Intervention - Overview (.5 points): In no more than one page, explain your proposed intervention.
• Intervention – Literature Review (1 point): In no more than one page, discuss your literature review and how it informs your proposed intervention.
• Intervention – Benefits (.5 points): In no more than one page, explain why you think your population will benefit from the intervention. Ensure your explanation draws on the literature you are using to support this choice of intervention.
• Intervention Plan (2 points): In one- to two-pages, describe in chronological order how you will implement your intervention and provide a hypothetical yet practical timeframe for these steps.
• Ethics – Philosophy (.5 points): In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how this intervention fits within your philosophy of teaching. You may have written a philosophy in EDU623 or another prior course.
• Ethics – Social Principles (.5 points): In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how this intervention relates to your social principles as an educator.
• Ethics – Harm (1 point): In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention.
• Ethics – Protection (.5 points): In one- to two-paragraphs, explain your planned measures to ensure you are protecting the study participants and doing no harm.
• Ethics – Bias (.5 points): In one- to two-paragraphs, explain your planned measures to ensure the study yields unbiased results.
• Data Collection Procedures (1 point): In one page, revise your triangulation matrix from the Week Three Triangulation discussion adding a column that includes how and when you will collect your data. This timeline will be hypothetical and approximate. The Data Collection Procedures section can follow this example:
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ASH EDU 671 Week 4 DQ 1 Data Analysis Practice NEW

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Mills (2014) shares in Chapter 6, “the interpretation of qualitative data is the researcher’s attempt to find meaning, to answer the ‘So what?’ in terms of the implications of the study’s findings” (p. 133). He adds that data analysis and interpretation is “. . . a process of digesting the contents of your qualitative data and finding related threads in it” (133).
Analyze the middle school scenario, Flipped Math Class. Explain your process for coding and categorizing the qualitative data. What patterns and/or themes did you discover? Answer the “So What” for your team of teacher-researchers based on your findings. What steps does your team need to take to address these issues before implementing the innovation of a flipped classroom?
Pages 138-139 in Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher provide an example of coding from a transcript.
Guided Response: Consider the analysis and interpretation of at least two of your classmates. Did you find similar themes or patterns? Examine their interpretation of the data. Did they discover something you didn’t? Is there something you think is lacking in their interpretation? Provide specific feedback by asking a probing question and/or providing your interpretation of their analysis and next steps. *It is expected you follow-up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 5 Assignment Sample Action Research Report Evaluation NEW

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The purpose of this assignment is for you to review a FINISHED action research report showing the entire planning process and allowing you to put together visibly, what a finished action research proposal consists of including the planning stage you are responsible for in this course as well as the results portion of the report for which you will be responsible for in EDU675 (MAED students). Having this exposure to a finished report should help you make connections with what you’ve been planning as well as what you will be actually implementing through your proposed intervention/innovation once you begin EDU675.
According to Mills (2014), “To evaluate a research study competently, you must have knowledge of each component of the research process” (p. 215). For this assignment, you will consider all that you have learned and practiced up to this point in our course and apply criteria for evaluating action research to the following: Sample Action Research Report 1: Effect of Technology in Enthusiasm for Learning Science. Finally, you will include a self-reflection. Note that it is acceptable to write in the first-person voice in the reflection.
The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.
• Area of Focus (1 point): Describe the area of focus and whether it involves teaching and learning. Include support from the literature where appropriate.
• Research Questions (0.5 points): List the research questions and discuss whether the researcher states questions that were answerable given the researcher’s expertise, time, and resources.
• Locus of Control (1 point): Discuss the locus of control and whether the area of focus was within the researcher’s locus of control.
• Data Collection (1 point): Describe the data collection techniques and whether the researcher used appropriate data collection techniques to answer the study’s research questions (e.g., qualitative and/or quantitative). Include support from the literature in your description.
• Ethics (1 point): Describe the ethical challenges the researcher faced and how they were resolved.
• Reflective Stance (1.5 point): Explain the ways the action research effort contributed to the researcher’s reflective stance on the ways teaching and learning are viewed.
• Action (0.5 points): Describe the actions that resulted from the study.
• Action-Data Connection (1.5 points): Describe how the proposed action connects to the study’s data analysis and interpretation.
• Reflection - Learning (0.5 points): Describe what you learned from this study and the process of evaluating it, considering what insight this researcher gave you indirectly regarding the process of action research.
• Reflection – Application (0.5 points): Describe what you have taken away from this experience for use in your Final Project in this course.
Written Communication
The assignment needs to adhere to the following areas for written communication.
• Page Requirement (0.25 points): The assignment must be three to five pages, not including title and references pages.
• APA Formatting (0.25 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 5 DQ 2 Writing Rituals and the Value of Writing About Action Research NEW

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Consider the image/quote below.
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Consider the image/quote below.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 6 Assignment Action Research Proposal NEW

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Action Research Proposal The final project for this course is an Action Research Proposal, which will be created and shared in the form of a formal presentation in PowerPoint, including detailed speaker notes for each content slide. The purpose of the final project is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by demonstrating the ability to effectively present an Action Research Proposal.
As you create the presentation, imagine that you are given approximately ten minutes to present this information to your fellow teachers in your school during a staff development day, to your school board to solicit support for their ideas, or to your managers as part of your organization’s continuous improvement program. Your goals are to gain approval to conduct this study and implement your proposed innovation or intervention in your place of work.
To create your presentation, use your current, updated action research plan outline that was originally submitted during Week Four. Additionally, you may want to use your mock presentation from Week Five as well as the feedback acquired from your classmates in the discussion forum to build an improved, more complete presentation for a wider, more important audience. Content The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.
Presentation – Design (6.5 points): Create a presentation that is professionally designed in 15 to 20 slides, including title and references slides, and has no more than seven bullet points per slide and no more than seven words per point. You must use images to add value to the slide content and high-contrast colors for readability and include detailed speaker notes for each content slide.
Presentation – Content (12 points): In addition to a title and references slide, the presentation must include the following twelve areas:
Area of Focus, Explanation of Problem, Variables, including defined factors, contexts, including recognition of diverse learners, and variables of the proposed study,
Research Questions, which are answerable given your expertise, time, and resources,
Locus of Control,
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ASH EDU 671 Week 6 DQ 2 Final Self Reflection NEW

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Describe some of your take-aways from this course. Consider all of the topics including use of digital tools when responding. Do not respond in list form. These are merely prompts to get you thinking:
a. What concepts or principles have you learned from this course that you might use in your work setting?
b. How do you feel about conducting action research now, compared to before you started this course?
c. Describe how you perceive the value of qualitative and quantitative data when considering improvements.
d. How do you plan to use the knowledge you gained in this course to be a positive change agent in your own work setting? In other words, what are your next steps?
e. Include a new, different quote than you did in you r week one introduction. Why does this quote inspire you?
Guided Response: Respond to a minimum of two classmates. *It is expected you follow-up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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ASH EDU 671 Week 1 DQ 1 Understanding Action Research NEW

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Part One: According Eileen Ferrance (2000) in Themes in education: Action research, action research “involves people working to improve their skills, techniques, and strategies. Action research is not about learning why we do certain things, but rather how we can do things better. It is about how we can change our instruction to impact students” (p. 9). Considering this perspective as well as the information in Chapter 1 of Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, what factors bring value to action research, differentiating it from traditional educational research? Include at least three factors that are beneficial or lend credibility.
Part Two: Ferrance (2000) adds, “One of the drawbacks of individual research is that it may not be shared with others unless the teacher chooses to present findings at a faculty meeting, make a formal presentation at a conference, or submit written material to a listserv, journal, or newsletter” (p. 9). Considering that your Final project will be an action research proposal presentation, how will this lead you to improve your practice and make changes to instruction to positively impact students?
Part Three: Visit the Ashford University Library. Locate a full-text article that addresses Part One, providing additional comparisons between action and traditional research, or find an article that discusses Part Two, sharing research findings. Share at least one point from your article that adds to what you learned from our assigned readings. Be sure to cite your article according to APA standards.

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ASH EDU 671 Week 4 DQ 2 Your Intended Intervention/Innovation NEW

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Consider first, the written assignment for this week. Following the same outline, but with less detail at this point, share your intervention plan with the class including:
a. Your research question(s)
o What do you want to answer in the study?
b. A brief overview of your intervention and how students will benefit
o This reinforces your identified problem.
c. How you propose to implement it
o How much time will it take and in what sequence?
d. The ethical considerations you will address
o “None” is not an option. There are always ethical considerations, some smaller/larger than others.
e. How you plan on collecting data
o Both quantitative and qualitative?
Guided Response: Read and respond to at least two classmates and provide specific, constructive feedback that may help guide them in their process and present their formal assignment with clarity, accuracy, and depth. What questions are you left with as you read their plan? What suggestions can you make to perhaps, give a different perspective? *It is expected you follow-up by the last day of the week to provide a secondary response to any comments or questions your instructor may have provided. This is part of the grading criteria as a demonstration of critical thinking.
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