ASH EDU 644 Entire Course
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EDU 644 Week 1 DQ 1 What It Means to Be At - Risk and Why It Matters
EDU 644 Week 1 DQ 2 Evaluating the Impact of Poverty A Review of Quality Online Resources
EDU 644 Week 2 Assignment Supporting Families At Risk - Website Construction
EDU 644 Week 2 DQ 1 Child Protection Agencies Infographics
EDU 644 Week 2 DQ 2 Role-Play! Which Programs Will We Keep
EDU 644 Week 3 Assignment Child Maltreatment Policies Brochure
EDU 644 Week 3 DQ 1 Website Sharing and Feedback
EDU 644 Week 3 DQ 2 Tale of Two Cities and Homelessness
EDU 644 Week 4 Assignment School-Based Efforts A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth
EDU 644 Week 4 DQ 1 Making a Difference - Biotech Academy
EDU 644 Week 4 DQ 2 School District and School Building Supports
EDU 644 Week 5 Assignment Group At-Risk Specialization Mind Map
EDU 644 Week 5 DQ 1 More Website Sharing and Feedback
EDU 644 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection
EDU 644 Week 6 Final Creating a Web-Based Resource for a Population At Risk
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ASH EDU 644 Week 1 DQ 1 What It Means to Be At - Risk and Why It Matters
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It is likely that you have at least heard the term at-risk used in a variety of contexts, but you may not know exactly what is meant by this commonly used term. When working in a community or educational environment, one must be aware of the scope of at-risk groups so as to implement or guide them toward appropriate and effective supports or services. In this discussion, you will analyze a variety of descriptions of at-risk groups and behaviors associated with them for the purpose of acquiring your own working definition. You will include this definition in your website that is created throughout the course and finalized during the Week Six Final Project and make adjustments to your working definition during Week Six when you reflect upon how your definition has expanded.
Prepare for this discussion by reading the Week One Instructor Guidance and reviewing the following resources that provide descriptions of at-risk groups and the behaviors associated with them:
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: At-Risk Individuals
• A website defining at-risk individuals.
U.S Department of Health & Human Services: Factors That Contribute to Child Abuse and Neglect
• A website about child abuse and neglect.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
• An article describing violent behavior in children and adolescents.
• A website defining the concept of being at-risk.
National Center for School Engagement
• A website offering descriptions for youth at risk.
Initial Post: Considering the descriptions in the websites provided above, create an initial post that addresses the following:
a. Discuss which of the websites most effectively described the term at-risk as it relates to establishing and enhancing your understanding of the phrase.
b. Write a working definition of the term at-risk in your own words. Review the Week One Instructor Guidance for what constitutes a working definition.
c. Explain what the personal value is in having knowledge of groups at risk in relation to your current or anticipated future work with children and/or families.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 1 DQ 2 Evaluating the Impact of Poverty A Review of Quality Online Resources
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Post Due by Day 3.An important part of assisting at-risk children and families is having knowledge of the resources and programs available as sources of support. As such, a significant part of your course work in EDU644 involves discovering, analyzing, and creating resources! In your analysis of various descriptions of at-risk this week in Discussion 1, you discovered that those living in poverty are at-risk, with significant factors impacting their well-being and ability to thrive. In this discussion, you will examine online resources with information and supports for individuals and groups in poverty. Using what you discover, start developing your ideas for the website you will begin to create in Week Two.. Therefore, during your investigation, it is important that you take note of how the websites are organized and the way content is presented. Considering what makes a resource effective will help you design comparable organization and content structures in your own website. To prepare for this discussion, examine the Poverty USA website. Additionally, review the Week One Instructor Guidance, making sure to review the intellectual elaboration and the section dedicated to guidance for the assessments.
Initial Post: Create an initial post addressing the following:
they might emulate, considering whether you might also emulate those design features in your website. Though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning you are encouraged to respond to any comments or questions others have provided to you.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 2 Assignment Supporting Families At Risk - Website Construction
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This assignment provides you the opportunity to begin early construction of your website by building a foundation from which to continue development during the remaining weeks of this course and finalize in the Week Six Final Project. To prepare for this assignment, review the website creation options listed in the Recommended Resources for Week Two and the Week Two Instructor Guidance. Next, begin creation of your website using the content and written communication instructions below.
Note that for the two topics learned thus far; poverty and child protection, only pages with placeholders are created. Summarized information and artifacts pertaining to these topics will only be evaluated in the Week Six Final Project. However, at any point during the course, you may consult the Final Project requirements and add things at your own pace. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, please contact the instructor using the Ask Your Instructor discussion.
In a single-page Word document, include a link to your website and the title of your website. Also include your definition of at risk. Submit your assignment to the course for evaluation.
Content Instructions
• Website Title – Homepage (1 point): A descriptive title for the website located on the homepage of the website.
• Definition of At Risk - Homepage (2 points): Your working definition of the term “at-risk” located on the homepage of the website crafted during Week One.
• Poverty Page (1 point): Create a page including section headings for an Overview of Poverty, Support, and Resources. Be sure to link the page to the homepage.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 2 DQ 1 Child Protection Agencies Infographics
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In this discussion, the focus is on examining agencies responsible for child protection. You will sharpen your technology skills by creating an infographic about a specific agency. Infographics are a way to visualize data and information using text and graphics and can be powerful instructional tools, as noted in the Teaching With Infographics presentation and further explained in the Week Two Instructor Guidance. Prepare for this discussion by reading Rubin (2012) Chapter 1, the Principles and Philosophy resource, and the Week Two Instructor Guidance. Then, using the software of your choosing, be sure to attach or link to your infographic in your initial post. Your infographic will be included in the Week Six Final Project.
Initial Post: Create an infographic using the software of your choice that includes the following:
a. An engaging title for the infographic.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 2 DQ 2 Role-Play! Which Programs Will We Keep
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In this discussion, you will continue examining child protection services by evaluating the effectiveness of child protection resources from organizations that provide information and support for at-risk families. Specifically, we assess the outcomes of parenting programs for at-risk families using role-play. To prepare for this discussion, review any of the various chapters from Rubin (2012) listed in the Recommended Resources for Week Two, as well as the Week Two Instructor Guidance. When responding to this discussion, depending on the first letter of your last name, you will select either the California Department of Health Care Services website or the Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services website and speak from a specific role about whether to keep or terminate a specific program that supports at-risk children and families.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 3 Assignment Child Maltreatment Policies Brochure
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This assignment focuses on analyzing policies about child maltreatment in the United States where, as noted in the Week Three Instructor Guidance and the Rubin (2012) recommended readings for Week Three, it is a growing national issue. This assignment is another opportunity to further apply 21st century technology skills as you create an informational brochure meant to inform the public in a variety of potential environments about child maltreatment in the United States and in a specific state of your choosing. Your finished brochure will be included in your website as part of the Week Six Final Project. Beyond reading the Week Three Instructor Guidance and the recommended chapters from Rubin (2012), review the State of California (2014) website resources for services related to children’s and youth health, the CDCP (2014) website about preventing child maltreatment, the Child Help (2014) website programs page, and the CAPA (2014) webpage about their programs and services to learn about child maltreatment and policies related thereto. Create your assignment using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications using the Ask Your Instructor discussion. Additionally, add the flyer as a link or attachment to the page on your website titled Child Protection Services & Child Maltreatment.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 3 DQ 1 Website Sharing and Feedback
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EDU 644 Week 3 DQ 1 Website Sharing and Feedback
This discussion provides an opportunity for you to participate in reciprocal feedback regarding the website created in the Week Two Assignment. The feedback you give and receive will support enhancements to your website as you continue to develop it throughout the course leading up to the final evaluation in Week Six. Review the Week Three Instructor Guidance for further details about participating in this discussion.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 3 DQ 2 Tale of Two Cities and Homelessness
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EDU 644 Week 3 DQ 2 Tale of Two Cities and Homelessness
This discussion is an opportunity to compare and contrast policies and resources that support homeless children and families from two different cities, New York and Chicago. The information you analyze will either support a recommendation you make to either city or an idea for potential application of supports elsewhere. Additionally, the graphic will be included as part of your Week Six Final Project Prepare for this discussion by reviewing the required resources listed below for each city and by reviewing the Week Three Instructor Guidance.
• Chicago Resources: Review the All Chicago website, the Chicago Coalition for the Homelesswebsite, and the newspaper articles from Hirst (2013) and Steinberg (2012) about homelessness in Chicago.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 4 Assignment School-Based Efforts A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth
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EDU 644 Week 4 Assignment School-Based Efforts A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth
This assignment is an opportunity for you to apply what you learned from this week’s discussions in a relevant way based on your own preferred area of focus. In this assignment, you will look through the lens of a particular professional role that you either have related experience in or intend to take in an anticipated professional practice. The roles to select from relate to one or more professions that are integral to assisting children and families at risk. Assuming the role of the professional you have identified, your task in this assignment is to prepare a professional presentation for a diverse group of professionals, such as school principals or district administrators, social service providers or community outreach providers, medical professionals, and other related service providers.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 4 DQ 1 Making a Difference - Biotech Academy
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EDU 644 Week 4 DQ 1 Making a Difference - Biotech Academy
At-riskchildren benefit from access to specific programs that support their success in a school environment. By providing opportunities that students can connect with, the probability of them staying in school and matriculating to a two- or four-year college or university will increase. Biotech Academy in San Jose, California is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on bioscience. The program and its faculty, however, provide supports for at-risk students that go far beyond academics. To prepare for this discussion, watch the nearly 10-minute video Biotech Academy: A catalyst for change. Note that this video can also inform your completion of the Week Four Assignment.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 4 DQ 2 School District and School Building Supports
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EDU 644 Week 4 DQ 2 School District and School Building Supports
There are many risk indicators impacting not only a student’s ability to succeed in a school environment, but also the ability for a school and/or district to make progress and meet the achievement expectations at state or federal levels. To prepare for this discussion, beyond reviewing the Week Four Instructor Guidance, you will investigate general at-risk groups and behaviors, as well as information pertaining to students with disabilities.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 5 Assignment Group At-Risk Specialization Mind Map
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EDU 644 Week 5 Assignment Group At-Risk Specialization Mind Map
This assignment provides the opportunity for you to specifically plan the Final Project in Week Six by brainstorming and outlining each required component of your website using a mind map. For this assignment you will select a specific group at risk as a specialization. There are additional groups identified this week and listed as recommended resources to select from. These groups include child immigrants of Central America, homeless veterans, and sub-groups relating to poverty. You may also elect to focus on one of the groups or a sub-group of those already researched during Weeks One thru Five, which comprise the sections of your website.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 5 DQ 1 More Website Sharing and Feedback
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EDU 644 Week 5 DQ 1 More Website Sharing and Feedback
This discussion provides a second opportunity to share your website. Again, sharing your website for feedback provides you with perspectives on your design and content to consider for enhancing your website before you finalize it during Week Six. To prepare for this discussion, construct a mission statement and add it to the homepage of your website. To construct your mission statement, consider the models you reviewed during the Week Four assessments and the tips for writing an effective mission statement from Education World. Next, update your working definition of at-risk. Then, be sure you have created pages for and linked to your Week Three Child Maltreatment Brochure and the Week Four School-Based Efforts: A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth assignment. Finally, if you have not already, adjust your website’s design using the feedback from peers and the instructor received during Week Three.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection
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EDU 644 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection
In this final discussion, reflect upon your overall learning experience and relate it to your earned specialization and/or advanced degree as well as your current or future practice serving at-risk children and families. Your reflection must include the learning you have gained about the topics of this course and learning from the creation of your website. Review the Week Six Instructor Guidance to further support your response to this discussion. You may respond to this discussion in written form, or through a video and/or audio recording of yourself using the digital technology of your choosing.
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ASH EDU 644 Week 6 Final Creating a Web-Based Resource for a Population At Risk
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EDU 644 Week 6 Final Creating a Web-Based Resource for a Population At Risk
Throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to examine various populations at risk and learn about strategies and resources to support these groups. You have reviewed many websites that offer services for a variety of populations at risk as well, which have hopefully served as models for your website that is finalized for this Final Project. In the Final Project, you will demonstrate mastery of the five course learning outcomes by completing the website resource you have been designing throughout the course that describes what you learned about children and families at risk as well as a specific population you selected as a focus during Week Five. Additionally, the website you create here may be an effective artifact to include in your MAED program eportfolio during your enrollment in the Capstone, EDU695, and will likely be useful to you as a resource for future professional work with your chosen population at risk from this project.
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