EDU 450 Vocabulary Flashcards
Whether the test is measuring what it is intended to measure
Formative Assessment
Brief, administered frequently; intended to assess the effectiveness of instruction on an ongoing basis, and to inform day-to-day instructional decision making.
Interim Assessment
Administered at more than one point during the school year at regular intervals (Fall, Winter, Spring); Intended to measure student growth or progress over time.
Summative Assessment
Administered after some period of instruction is completed (end of unit); intended to provide a measure or gauge of students learning following the completion of a unit of instruction.
Objective Test
Test that includes item response formats that can be scored consistently and objectively; include multiple choice, true false, and matching formats; measure only factual knowledge.
Norm-Referenced Test (NRT)
Standardized tests that enable us to compare the performance of students to a norm group; measure broad educational goals; lengthy
Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT)
may be standardized or teacher made; enable us to compare students to an absolute standard or criterion; determine what a student can and cannot do; shorter in length and narrower in focus.
Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM)
Brief, formative assessment designed to be sensitive to small changes in learning; suitable to monitor daily progress in reading, math, writing, and spelling; norm referenced and may include national, state, and/or local norms.
High Stakes Testing (HST)
The use of summative test or assessment to make decisions that are of prominent educational, financial, or social impact.
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
Law from 2002-2015 for K-12; Held schools accountable for how kids learned and achieved; penalized schools that didn’t show improvement.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
An educational initiative from 2010 that details what K-12 students throughout the US should know in English language arts and Mathematics at the conclusion of each school grade.
Race to the Top (RTT)
Intended to support innovative strategies that would lead to improved achievement for all subgroups of students and to increase the extent to which high school graduates are prepared for colleges and careers, as well as to support a variety of other educational outcomes.
Performance Standards
Appropriate levels of performance for each standard that would indicate the objective, or standard, was met; intended to raise expectations enough to raise achievement.
Computer-Adaptive Testing
Test that adjusts item difficulty levels based on student responses to previous items; if they miss an item, goes lower, if correct, goes higher.
Value-Add Models (VAM)
Adds students’ achievement test scores into teacher evaluation.