Edith Hamilton Part one Flashcards
Name the three judges of the Underworld.
Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus.
Who were the sisters of the gorgons who shared one eye and one tooth between them?
the Graiae
Which child of Iapetus had Pandora for a wife?
What creature sent by Hera drove Io mad?
a gadfly
Who kidnapped Persephone to make her his wife?
Who predicted to Prometheus that he would be released from his chains by one of ther descendants?
What were the Sileni?
creatures part man, part horse, that walked on two legs, had horses hooves and tails and sometimes horsesʼ ears.
Name the three gorgons.
Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa
What does “Dis” mean?
How many Cyclopes were there origially?
Who killed Medusa?
What was unusual about Argus?
He had 100 eyes and never closed all of them at once.
Into what flower was Hyacinthus changed?
the hyacinth
Castor and Pollux also became deities. Whom did they protect?
shipwrecked sailors
What Greek hero, returning from the Trojan War, encountered a Cyclops?
Who was the son of Io and Zeus?
Name the 4 mountains of the Muses.
Helicon, Pierus, Olympus and Parnassus.
Who killed Argus and took Io?
Which of the Fates spun the thread of human life?
What were the Lemures?
spirits of the wicked dead
What were the Manes?
the spirits of the god dead in Hades
Who killed Acis?
Who was the King of the Winds?
Which river in the underworld is known as the river of forgetfulness?
Who was the first woman in Greek mythology?
Who is the Muse of history?
In another version of the story, a jealous wind god kills Hyacinthus. Which one?
What king of Thebes was torn apart by his own mother when she was infected with the madness of Dionysus?
What game were Apollo and Hyacinthus playing when Hyacinthus was killed?
What does Axine mean?
What does Bosphorus mean?
Cow Ford
Who was the wife of Oceanus?
With whom did Narcissus fall in love?
his reflection
To what island did Rhea smuggle Zeus to prevent his being swallowed by his father?
What sea deity was known as the “Old Man of the Sea”?
What were centaurs?
creatures half man, half horse.
On what mountain did the gods live?
Mt. Olympus
What comes out of the gate of ivory?
false dreams
Who is the Muse of dance?
What youth spent half a year in the underworld with Persephone and half a year with Aphrodite?
Which of Zeusʼs sisters is sometimes not considered to be one of the twelve Olympians?
Who was the husband of Metaneira and the father of Demophon?
Aphrodite is usually listed as the wife of Hephaestus. When she is not, which of the Graces is his wife?
Name the ferryman who carries souls across the river Styx (Cocytus in some versions).
Who is the Grace known for “splendor”?
What was the aegis?
the breastplate of Zeus (often worn by Athena) on which she placed the Gorgonʼs head
Which two goddesses loved Adonis?
Aphrodite and Persephone
What Titan was condemned to hold up the heavens on his shoulders?
Of what was Saturn the god?
Sowers and Seed
What bird ate at Prometheusʼ liver each day?
an eagle
What Titan avenged the hecatoncheires by castrating his father?
What is the reign of Saturn in Italy called?
The Golden Age
Who is the Muse of tragedy?
What kind of nymphs were the Meliae?
ash tree nymphs
What kind of nymphs are nereids?
sea nymphs
Where did Zeus take Europa (a land, not a continent)?
What kind of nymphs were naiads?
fresh water nymphs (springs and grottos)
How was Dionysus saved from his burning mother?
Zeus sewed him up in his thigh
Name the 3 Fates.
Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos
Which of the Fates twisted and measured the thread of human life?
Which child of Iapetus stole fire for mankind?
What does Epimetheus mean?
What were the hecatoncheires?
giants with a hundred hands and 50 heads, children of Uranus and Gaea
Io was returned to human form when she reached what body of water?
the Nile
Who is the Muse of astronomy?
Who was Quirinus?
the deified Romulus
Who killed the eagle and set Prometheus free?
Which river in the underworld is known as the river of woe?
There are two gates in the Underworld. Name them.
the gate of ivory and the gate of horn.
Into what flower was Narcissus changed?
the narcissus
What was the name of the Cyclops encountered by Odysseus?
Which Roman god was considered a strengthener of callte?
Who was the king of the Titans who was overthrown by Zeus?
What hero helped the gods when the Giants later rebelled against the Olympians?
What youth did Galatea prefer to Polyphemus?
How were Deucalion and Pyrrha instructed to restore the human race?
To throw their motherʼs bones behind their backs. The bones were the stones and they were changed into men and women.
Who is the Muse of lyric poetry?
What comes out of the gate of horn?
true dreams
Who was the Roman goddess of childbirth?
What deities were known as the Dioscuri and the Tyndaridae?
Castor and Pollux
What does Prometheus mean?
Who was Demophonʼs mother who snatched him from the flames?
According to Hesiod, what are the five ages of man?
The golden age, silver age, bronze age, age of heroes, iron age
For how many months does Persephone remain in the Underworld?
4 months
What does “Cyclops” mean?
Which river in the underworld is known as the river of fire?
What does “Erinyes” mean?
the “Appeased”.
What monsters sprang from the blood of the wounded Uranus?
the Giants and the Furies
What Titan was the father of the sun, moon, and dawn?
What Titan was the father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Atlas?
What does Pandora mean?
“gift of all”
Name the four major winds in Greek.
Zephyr—West Wind, Notus—South Wind, Boreas—North Wind, Eurus—East Wind
What nymphs of springs were the Roman equivalent to the Muses?
Which river in the underworld is known as the river of lamentation?
Which child of Iapetus was condemned to hold up the heavens on his shoulders?
What were the 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris called?
Who was the child of Erebus and Night?
Love (Eros)
Name the four major winds in Latin.
Favonius—West Wind, Auster—South Wind, Aquilo—North Wind, Eurus—East Wind
What gift had Polyphemus promised Odysseus?
to eat him last
Into what was Syrinx changed?
Who were the godesses in the Underworld who punished unnatural crimes?
the Furies
Name the Muses.
Melpomene, Thalia, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Clio, Urania, Erato, Calliope, and Euterpe.
Who were the two children of Chaos?
Erebus and Night
Which god is sometimes called “Dis”?
What story did Hermes tell Argus to lull him to sleep?
The love story of Pan and Syrinx
Which Titan gave fire to mankind?
Which Roman god was the helper of plowmen and woodcutters?
Who is the Muse of epic poetry?
Which Titan who presided over memory is, in some versions of the story, the mother of Athena?
Who was the Roman god of boundaries?
Which of the Fates cut the thread of human life?
What was Cronusʼ Latin name?
Who changed Io back to human form?
To whom had Hera given Io for save-keeping?
What were the followers of Bacchus called?
Maenads or Bacchantes
What does Euxine mean?
What nymphs cared for the infant Dionysus?
the Hyades or the nymphs of Nysa
Who were the parents of the Titans?
Uranus and Gaea
Into what did Dionysus change the pirates who tried to capture him?
Who is the Muse of love poetry?
What is the Greek form of Polluxʼs name?
Although Apollo is often listed as god of the sun, what child of the Titan Hyperion is more accurately the sun god?
Which of his children did Uranus bury in the earth?
the hecatoncheires
Whom did Zeus seduce in the guise of a bull?
Who was the mother of Persephone?
What Theban princess killed her son under the influence of Dionysus?
What did Odysseus originally tell Polyphemus his name was?
“No Man”
Which of the gorgons was mortal?
For what crimes was Prometheus chained to the Caucasus?
for refusing to reveal to Zeus the name of the mother of the child that would dethrone him and for stealing fire.
Who was the father of Deucalion?
What youn child did Demeter attempt to make immortal by annointing him with ambrosia and placing him in a hot fire?
Who/what were the Sirens?
creatures with beautiful voices who lured sailors to their death
What Titan presided over justice?
What kind of nymphs are Oceanids?
Nymphs of the river Ocean
What is Opsʼ name in Greek?
What two creatures arose from Love?
Light and Day
What body of water is named for the fact that Io crossed it?
the Bosphorus.
Who is the Grace known for “good cheer”?
What kind of nymphs were oreads?
mountain nymphs
Europa was a princess of what city?
What was the name of the Titan that encircled the earth?
Besides Bacchus, what Latin name was given to Dionysus?
With what youth did Echo fall in love?
What three deities were worshipped at Eleusis?
Demeter, Persephone, and Dionysus
Name the 5 rivers of the underworld.
Acheron, Cocytus, Styx, Phlegethon, and Lethe.
What flower grew from the blood of Adonis?
the red anemone (windflower)
Who was Father Heaven?
Ouranos (Uranus)
What sea was called both the Axine and the Euxine Sea by the Greeks?
the Black Sea
Into what had Zeus changed Io?
a cow or heifer
Who was the wife of Saturn and the “harvest helper”?
What monsters, released from their prison by Zeus, helped Zeus defeat the Titans?
When the human race was destroyed by the Great Flood, who were the only two humans to survive?
Deucalion and Pyrrha
Who were Europaʼs sons by Zeus who became judges of the dead?
Minos and Rhadamanthys
Who was the youngest child of Cronus and Rhea?
Who is the Grace known for “mirth”?
Who was the goddess of witchcraft and the dark side of the moon?
Who is the Muse of comedy?
Who were the parents of Dionysus?
Zeus and Semele
Why was Juno angry with Echo?
Because Echoʼs chattering kept her from noticing the affairs of Jupiter
With what nymph did Polyphemus fall in love?
When offered any gift she named, what did Semele ask of Zeus?
To see him as lord of the sky
What monster was the last created by Gaea?
What god of wine is sometimes not considered to be one of the twelve Olympians?
How did Odysseus and his men escape from Polyphemus?
they blinded him and then tied themselves to the undersides of his sheep. The sheep carried them fr om the cave.
What monsters, the children of Uranus and Gaea, were giants with only one eye in the middle of their foreheads?
the Cyclopes
Which river in the underworld is known as the river of unbreakbale oaths?
What is another name for the Furies?
the Erinyes
What is a satyr?
half man, half goat
Into what was Acis changed?
a river god
Who is the Muse of songs to the gods?
What god presided over underground rivers?
What sea is named after Io?
Ionian Sea
Jacksonvilleʼ s original name was Cow Ford. What would that be in Greek?
What kind of nymphs were dryads (hamadryads)?
tree nymphs
Who was Mother Earth?
Ge (Gaea)
What goddess punished Echo by taking away her voice?
Dioscuri and Tyndaridae are patronymics, that is, they are words that name someoneʼs father. When Castor and Polydeuces are called the Dioscuri, who is the father named?
Name the 3 Furies.
Tisiphone, Allecto, and Megaera
How did Adonis die?
He was gored by a boar
After he was overthrown, what became of Cronus?
He fled to Italy
Which Titan created man?
Epimetheus (Prometheus finished the job)
What god accidentally killed the youth Hyacinthus?
Who were the parents of Pyrrha?
Epimetheus and Pandora
Which monsters did Zeus not banish from the earth after he conquered them?
the Cyclops
Name the three Graces.
Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne.
What sea deityʼs name means “Deep Sea”?
When Castor and Polydeuces are called the Tyndaridae, who is the father named?