Edit Tools Flashcards
Identify Edit Tools and function.
What are the variants of the Zoomer tool?
Normal Zoom and Single Zoom tools
What are the variants of the Trim tool?
Standard, TCE (Time Compression/Expansion), and Loop trim tools
What are the variants of the Grabber tool?
Time, Separation, and Object Grabber tools
What are the variants of the Pencil tool?
Free Hand, Line, Triangle, Square, Random, Parabolic, S-Curve
What is the function of the Separation Grabber tool?
The Separation Grabber will separate an edit selection from the middle of a region when grabbed and dragged elsewhere.
What is the function of the Object Grabber tool?
The Object Grabber will allow selecting and moving noncontiguous regions simultaneously.
What is the function of the Smart tool?
The Smart tool switches between Trimmer, Selector, and Grabber tools, based on where the mouse pointer is located in the region.
What are all the Smart tools evoked in the different areas of a region?
The Smart tool changes to a Selector tool in the upper half of a region.
The Smart tool changes to a Grabber tool in the lower half of a region.
The Smart tool changes to a Trim tool in the center of each end of a region.
The Smart tool changes to a fade tool at the upper corners of an audio region (fade in on left and fade out on right).
The Smart tool changes to a crossfade tool at lower corner intersection of audio regions.