Edges - Lines - Segmentation Flashcards
Gradient and phase + equations.
Simple edge detector algorithm.
- Low-pass filter for noise removal
- Gradient calculation (all 3 directions)
- Gradient thresholding
Describe Canny’s edge detector.
- Smoothing with a Gaussian filter
- Gradient computation (magnitude and phase)
- Quantize the gradient angles
- Non-maxima suppression (reduce edge thickness)
- Hysteresis thresholding (improves edge connection)
Describe the Hough transform + equations.
Parameter spaces:
- ab-plane
- sinusoidal curve (vertical lines)
Accumulation cells:
- few cells
- many cells
Counter for each cell:
- an high counter means high number of pixels associated to a line in the image
Definitions of the morphological operators.
Erosion and Dilation.
- Opening: erosion + dilation
- Closing: dilation + erosion
Definition of image segmentation.
Otsu’s method for image segmentation.
A global thresholding method based on the histogram.
Finds the optimal threshold: – Maximizes inter-class variance – Minimize intra-class variance
see the algortihm on OneNote
Describe the Region Growing algorithm.
- Initialization: threshold the image to select the bright areas
- Erode each component until 1 point is left (seed points)
- Specify a predicate to grow the seeds
Describe the Watershed algorithm.
A grayscale image can be seen as a topographic surface.
Three types of points:
– Local minima
– Steps: points at which a drop of water would fall to a given minima
– Watershed lines: points at which a drop of water
could fall into two (or more) different minima
GOAL: find watershed lines
Describe segmentation by clustering.
- We represent each pixel with a feature vector
- Distance function to compare vectors
Describe the k-means for clustering segmentation.
- k clusters and their centers
- minimize the objective function
Describe a similar method to the k-means.
- Create a density function
2. Look for the modes of the density function
How to create a density function?
- Starting point: set of samples
- Desired output: density function (PDF)
- Simple approach: kernel density estimation (AKA Parzen window technique)
Define the kernel used for creating the density function and how to derive the density function.
What is mean shift?
Tool for finding peaks in high-dimensional data distribution without computing the density function explicitly; estimate its gradient instead!
Mean shift is a steepest-ascend method.