Eden rock Flashcards
description of the poem
the narrtor imagines that his parents are young again- his mother is 23 and father is 25
mother is prepearing a picnic its an idyllic scene
the narrator is on the opposute bank to his parents, and they encourage him to cross the river to join them
based on a real memory or when hes near death
his parents are waitiing for him in the afterlife
five stanzas mostly four lines long
final line is seperated from the rest of the poem linking to his sepeartion with his parents.
language about memory
the narrator uses childhood memories ro create a vivid scene
the beatiful and peaciful descriptions of his parents reflect how special his childhood is to him
language about light
refences to light and the colour white may suggest a heavenly setting
deep and lasting bond
his parents have been waiting for their son
the narrator isnt scraed of death he will be reunited with his parents so its just like going back to his childhood
as the narrators father dies when he was 7 the narrators affection for the time when he and his parents were together as a family could reflect the poets own desire to see his parents again
he feels peace when he thinks about his parents and imagines being reunited with them