Edas Flashcards
The —— system is a real time interactive automated system which supports the management of enlisted force. Assignment and distribution managers at HRC use the system to create requisitions and process assignments to create invalidate requisitions and to add or modify requisitions.
List than nine character MOS code.
Reclassification for SSGP and above goes to?
The Identifies a grouping of related M0Ss That basically self renewing and managed in terms of both manpower and personnel considerations
Career management field (CMF)
The identifies a group of duty positions that requires closely related skills
The ——- Provides a more specific occupational identity then the MOS it is used in the following way: to classify enlisted soldiers. To classify enlisted positions in requirement and authorization documents.
The —— Is awarded to soldiers upon completion of an MOS producing school
MOS that identifies authorized manning table positions to which a soldier is assigned and for which he or she what is performing duty with the MOS of the duty that the soldier is performing is not assigned to an authorized manning table position
Situation at a given time present our projected in which oversees MTOENTDA authorizations or requirements for any given MOS exceed those documented for conus installations. The condition exists win at least 55% of the authorizations for a particular MOS are Oconus.
SIMOS Space imbalanced MOS
The —— Is identified by one character code and is used with the MOS to form the basic five characters MOS code identifies both positions and authorization document and personal qualifications the fifth character of the MOSC will be the letter O when SM is not qualified
SQI Skill qualification identifier
The —- Is a two digit alphanumeric or a numeric alpha code that identify specialized skills qualifications and requirements that are closely related to in our in addition to those in an MOS it is the sixth and seventh character of the MOSC and contains the numbers 00 if a soldier is not qualified.
ASI Additional skill identifier
The —- Is a two character code that identifies a soldiers qualification and a foreign language A.R. 11 Dash six. It is the eighth and ninth character of MOSC and will contain a YY if the soldier is not qualified
LIC Language identifier code
Compassionate actions are request from individual soldiers when personal problems exist. The two types of compassionate request or when personal problems are:
Temporary (resolvable within a year) and Not expected to be resolved within a year.
Two types of stabilization
Stabilization for soldiers with high school seniors and exceptional family member program
Soldiers with family members in high school may request stabilization from PCS movement during the Child senior year. The provisions of the section apply to are a soldiers only. What’s the stabilization
Stabilization for soldiers with high school seniors.