ED 2 Flashcards
The study of abnormal changes in body functions that are the causes, consequences, or concomitants of disease processes
Associated Symptoms
Specific symptoms that raise the physician’s suspicion for a particular DDx
Pertinent Negatives
Specific symptoms that are not present which lower physicians suspicion for a particular DDx
Diabetic Retinopathy
Damages small vessels of the eyes and can cause hemorrhaging leading to blurred vision, nearsightedness, or vision loss.
Renal Failure
Damage to glomeruli of the kidneys.
Peripheral nervous system damage causes distal paresthesias and extremity pain.
Cerebrovascular Accident
Overtime high glucose levels can damage the body’s blood vessels, increasing chance of stroke.
Cardiac Disease
Damages blood vessels therefore increasing the risk factor for CAD, CHF, and diabetic cardiomyopathy.
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Damages blood vessels and decreases blood flow to extremities results in infections, ulcers, and potential amputations.
Effects of Chronically High Blood Pressure
Cardiac Disease
Renal Failure
Damages and narrows arterial vessels and limits blood flow and increases risk of artery rupture.
Effects of Chronically High Blood Glucose
Diabetic Retinopathy
Cardiovascular Accident
Cardiac Disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Renal Failure
Effects of Chronically High Cholesterol
Cardiac Disease
Coronary Artery Disease
Narrowing of the coronary arteries causing reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.
CAD Risk Factors
HTN, HLD, DM, Smoking, Family history of CAD/MI <55y/o
CAD Chief Complaint
Modifying factors
CAD Associated Sx
Shortness of breath
CAD Medications
NItroglycerin to manage angina, Acetysalacylic Acid to decrease the chance of blockage
CAD Diagnosed by
Cardiac catheterization
*cannot be diagnosed in ED
CAD Scribe Alert
A patient has CAD if they have a PMHx of Angina, MI, CABG, Cardiac stents, or Angioplasty.
Myocardial Infraction
Acute blockage the coronary arteries causing ischemia or infaction to the heart muscle.
MI Risk Factors
CAD, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Diabetes Melitus, Smoker, FHx of CAD < 55 yo
MI Assoc. Sx
Diaphoresis, Nausea/Vomiting, and Shortness of breath
MI Chief Complaints
Chest pain or chest pressure.
Modifying Factors: Worse with exertion, improved with rest and/or nitroglycerin
MI Medications
Acetylsalicylic Acid, Nitroglycerin, Thrombolytic
MI Diagnosed by
MI Scribe Alert
Document ED arrival time, EKG time, ASA time, cath lab departure time. STEMI patients must get to Cath-lab within 90 minutes of arrival
Congestive Heart Failure
The heart becomes enlarged, inefficient, anc congested with excess fluid.
CHF Risk Factors
History of CHF, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Kidney Disease, SMoking
CHF Chief Complaint
Shortness of Breath
MOdifying Factors: Orthopnea, Dyspnea on Exertion, and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea
CHF Assoc Sx
Bilateral lower extremity swelling, fatigue, cough
CHF Medications
Diuretics -> urinate ectra fluid
CHF Physical Exam
Rales in lungs, Jugular Vein Distention, Pedal Edema
CHF Diagnosed by
CXR and elevated BNP
CHF Scribe Alert
If the patient has a CHF history, document their current dosage of Lasix. Search echocardiograms and document the cardiac output and cardiac valve function.
Atrial Fibrillation
Electrical abnormalities in the wiring of the heart causeing the atria to quiver abnormally
A Fib Risk Factors
Paroxysma A FIB, Chronic A Fib, Alcaholism
A Fib Cheif Complaint
Palpitations (Fast, Pounding, Irregular)
A Fib Assoc. Sx
Global Weakness, Fatigue, Lightheadedness
A Fib Medications
Coumadin/Warfarin and Digoxin
A Fib Physical Exam
Iregularly irregular rhythm
A Fib Diagnosed by
A Fib Scribe Alert
ED concern is Rapid Ventricular Response, which is Afib with a greater than 100 bpm. Patients who have AFib are at an increased risk for developing blood clots and often take a blood thinner.
Pulmonary Embolism
A blood clot becomes lodged in the pulmonary artery and blocks blood flow to the lungs
RE Risk Factors
Known DVT, PMHx of DVT or PE, FHx, Recent surgery, Cancer, A Fib, Immobility, Preganancy, BCP, Smoking
PE Cheif Complaint
Chest Pain
Modifying Factor: Worse with deep breaths
PE Assoc. Sx
Shortness of breath.
Patients often are hypoxic, techycardic
PE Diagnosed by
Screening tool: D-Dimer
Diagnostic tool: CTA Chest
PE Scribe Alert
A deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot in an extremity. Symptoms include extremity pain and swelling and have the same risk factors as a PE. A DVT is diagnosed by an ultrasound of that extremity.
Infection and inflammation inside the lung
PNA Risk Factors
Elderly, Bedridden, Immunocompromised, Recent chest injury, Recent surgery
PNA Chief Complaint
Productive Cough
PNA Assoc. Sx
Shortness of breath, fever, chest pain
PNA Medications
Rocephin and Zithromax
PNA Physical Exam
PNA Diagnosed by
Chest X-Ray
PNA Scribe Alert
Community-Acquired Pneumonia protocol requires documenting Abx, Vital Signs, SaO2, Mental Status, and Blood Cultures
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Long-term damage to the lungs alveoli along with inflammation and musuc production
COPD Risk Factors
Single greatest risk factor is Smoking (80-90% of all cases)
COPD Chief Complaint
Shortness of breath
COPD Assoc. Sx
Wheezing, cough, chest tightness
COPD Treatment
Bronchodilators, Supplemental oxygen, Corticosteroids, Ventilatory support
COPD Physical Exam
Decreased breath sounds, wheezes
COPD Diagnosed by
Acute infections are a very common cause for a COPD Exacerbation. For this reason, a CXR may be ordered to rule out PNA. Othersise COPD is not diagnosed in the ED.